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I develop software using Python, JavaScript, and many others. See my home page or find me on Twitter, itch.io, or GitHub.


Games, code, linguistics, Cascadia.

Find me on itch, twitter, and twitch @nextlevelbanana. I (sometimes do) pico-8 dev/play streams, come hang with me!


I'm a game developer and tweetjammer

@2darray on twitter


I make things and make things do things




You can find me @ ellugar.co


Hi, I'm Craig.

I make stuff, usually games.



yes hello, i was wondering if you could play that song again


I have a website: cheesemug :)
I am a young person with a lot of interest in game development.
I can make good art, code and halfways good music.
If I am not working on a game then I am
Currently inhaling air.
also just btw:

  • making games isnt easy 🎮
  • why cant you see views in lexaloffe?
  • don't smoke
  • Nintendo is great
  • climate chage is getting worse 🌍
  • pico 8 is awesome
  • the actualy year is 12023
  • according to the Holocene calendar 📅
  • would you vote Mr Beast as president?

Hi! I make colorful stuff and video games for a living!
I love Pico-8!!

Find more of my stuff on these cool other platforms:
!! Twitter !!
!! Itch.io !!
!! WordPress !! (DevLog)
!! Twitch !!
!! Patreon !!


Hello pico8 fellow! This is Jose Guerra! Making pico8 games, experiments and tweetcarts since 2016. Play some of my games! Let me know what you think!

Follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/guerragames


Just a blue awkward fluff dragon that talks too much and doesn't really have a control on his ambitions. I normally go by Azure. If I said something stupid, I'm sorry, and if it was a while ago, I'm probably less stupid now.


I like pixeled graphics and chiptune sound game.
I just released a pico-8 game on Steam!

And More Tools!
[3D modeling tool] [ NEW ]
[Animation tool]
[Music scales and Play the Piano]



I'm a prematurely-retired professional video game programmer. I have some health problems that ruin my concentration and keep me from doing the kind of programming people will pay you for. PICO-8 is really nice for me, because the limited scope of the platform tends to keep the scope of problems and solutions limited enough for my limited concentration to cope with. I don't think I'll ever manage to produce a game for PICO-8, but it sure is fun just to play with.

(If I've just handed you some ideas or advice, probably for the fifth time this week, and you're getting sick of my doing that, then I have a couple of things I should say: first of all, you should let me know, because I know unwelcome advice is annoying and I don't want to be annoying; but also, second, try not to be too irritated with me, because giving advice is the only way I still feel like I can be a productive member of the video game developer community. I mean well, I swear.)

Oh, and about the avatar... once upon a time, I chose a nice little image of Miku in glasses for my avatar, purely because it struck me as adorable. However, I kept it because I discovered it helped to identify and keep away those useless people who would judge a book by its cover. This is that avatar, but hand-pixeled into low-res, pico-8 palette format.

# name:        Matt McFarland
# occupation:  Software Engineer
# hobbies:     Coding, Games, Writing, Composing
# interests:   Scifi, Astronomy, History, Math, Etymology

Indie game developer. Stubbornly solo, doomed to eventual success. Making Spooky Pooky.

Follow @joeyspacerocks on Twitter for pixelly GIFs and suchlike.


Hi, I'm Torsten (he/him) aka Donswelt and I'm an indie game developer from Germany.


I make games and pixel art and love PICO-8!


Long time hobby game developer, Hot Wheels racer and wrestling smark


I make games and zines on pico-8 That's all.


Pixel artist and illustrator. Currently working on a retro platformer called #Unburied (http://unburiedgame.tumblr.com). First project on Pico-8 is GET OUT of this dungeon https://twitter.com/LupusInsanus/status/957648452816719873. Freaking slow. Love making low-res sprite and font.
Check my FontStruct account : https://fontstruct.com/fontstructors/1367865/jaycobs


Hi I like audio synthesis and making games, Trying to learn and get better one cart at a time.


iOS developer/graphic artist living and working in Tokyo.
Come and go into Pico-8 as inspiration strikes.
For "relaxing with programming as a hobby" it's proven to be my favorite tool so far.


Hi, I make games.


Amateur game designer with passion for simplicity and style


Made Picowars and BBYS for the PICO-8


I exist. I make stuff that others, who probably exist too, can experience.


Author of Downstream Dream, Star Trek: Killer Q'egh, and TMNT: Shredder's PREvenge OST. Sound designer/programmer for Demi Daggers. Currently making poppy little dance tunes.


Game Designer. Co-founded id, ION Storm, Monkeystone. Did Keen, Wolfenstein 3D, DOOM, Rise of the Triad, Anachronox, DASH games. VR/AR/Photography/puns/Switch!




Hobby game designer/programmer.


A guy passionate about computers and making games.


Making fantasy consoles (Voxatron, PICO-8 and Picotron) and trying to make my way back to userland.


Hi! I'm cubee.

Self-taught game dev, amateur artist, and low-poly 3D modeller.

If you would like to support me, many of my games are available over on itch.io: https://pixelshock.itch.io/

Or, my website: https://cubee.games/


Hi there,
I make stuff!

Check out my twitter (@johanpeitz) to see the latest!

Don't be afraid to say hi,
<3 Johan


Idiot-in-chief at extarscube.com


Game Developer @ Snoozy Kazoo

I also make a lot of solo projects you can find on itch, newgrounds, and various other places :)


Coder, diver and a maritime junkie.


Author of Oust, a cave-flying mash-up of my favourite games of the genre; PICO Space, a 2D space sim featuring small animals in space; Halloween Horrors; P8C-BUN; The Pico Mermaid and Demystifying the Christmas Tree.
WIP Dungeon Apprentice (a pico version of FTL's Dungeon Master which is proving a bit tricky...).
I toot, tweet and itch. Maybe one day I'll even steam.


Dad; developer; tiny game creator.
The games are tiny. I'm an average-sized person.


hi! here is some text for you to read.
some selected carts that I've uploaded here:

the tower

for more, see my itch page or my website


I'm a graphic designer by trade, and a former music tracker. Aspiring game dev with collaborations under my belt, and using Pico8 to learn game programming so I can put these skills together myself.

Happy to collaborate on anything. You can follow me at @designinvan


I like making retro games.


Web developer and hobbyist game dev from Montreal!


Just getting started with Pico-8! He/Him


.NET Dev by day | IndieDev by night (#Pico8) | Made: UnDUNE IILow Mem SkySCUMM-8 | Avatar by KenneyNL | He/Him


Old enough to have known the golden age of Amstrad and Amiga ;)
Still own a few Tilt and Joystick magazine (yeah, I am french).
Professional software architect, hobbyist gamedev.

Game & experiments repo: https://github.com/freds72

Twitter account: https://twitter.com/FSouchu


Just another mad coder.

We're all mad. I'm mad. You're mad, you must be - or you wouldn't have come here.

Find my books and biographical works HERE: