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Hobby game designer/programmer.

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Very much an early work in progress. Wanted to make a super small arcade game, something you might see with vector graphics and a roller ball for controls.

I haven't made games in awhile, been trying to work on larger projects, and that has been pretty daunting. But then I went to Can Can Wonderland, a very cool arcade in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. I played a bunch of super retro arcade games there, stuff like Atari Football and Anti-Aircraft. I was inspired to try to make a game like that, something with very simple controls and concepts.

up/down/left/right - Move cursor
Z - switch cursor direction between left and right
X - turn closest plane in the direction of the cursor

This is very much a proof of concept. If I go further with this, I imagine that each color plane would have to be directed to a certain edge of the circle, and later levels would have storm areas you have to avoid, and UFOs that are worth bonus points.

Cart #aircontrollerdemo-0 | 2024-03-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

P#145193 2024-03-31 00:53

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I made this game for Mech Jam, and have since fixed a few bugs. It is a turn based tactics game where you play as a team of mechs that fight wildfires.
One mech can shoot a cone of water that puts out fire.
Another mech digs trenches that stop the spread of fire.
The helicopter can do three things: load up on water while it is over the sea, reload the cannon mech when it is next to it, or drop water to put out fire.

Fire spreads across forest tiles in one turn, and across grassland in two turns. A level is cleared when all fire is put out. If you lose all of the cities in one level, it's game over.

Update: Revamped tutorial, added UI hints to make it a little clearer how to reload the cannon mech using the helicopter

Cart #mechforceinferno-1 | 2022-05-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

P#99496 2021-11-02 01:54 ( Edited 2022-05-08 22:27)

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Cart #sesatereke-0 | 2021-10-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Someone on Twitter asked for this, and this seemed like the easiest place to share the code.

function preplace_in_circle(centerx,centery,radius,checkcol,newcol)
    local topleft={x=centerx-radius,y=centery-radius}
    local bottomright={x=centerx+radius,y=centery+radius}
    for x=topleft["x"],bottomright["x"] do
        for y=topleft["y"],bottomright["y"] do
            if (x-centerx)^2+(y-centery)^2<radius^2 then
                if (pget(x,y)==checkcol) pset(x,y,newcol)
function psetin_circle(centerx,centery,radius,checkcol,col)
    local topleft={x=centerx-radius,y=centery-radius}
    local bottomright={x=centerx+radius,y=centery+radius}
    for x=topleft["x"],bottomright["x"] do
        for y=topleft["y"],bottomright["y"] do
            if (x-centerx)^2+(y-centery)^2<radius^2 then
P#98594 2021-10-13 19:01

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Amika's Quest is a roguelite Zelda-like!


X (X, V or M on a keyboard): Sword

O (Z, C or N): Item

Pause (P): Open menu

Once items are purchased, you can switch between items in the pause menu

Cart #amikasquest-0 | 2021-09-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Design and coding: Tyler Davis
Character design: Te'shon Farr
Music: Cory Shane Davis

P#97116 2021-09-09 21:47 ( Edited 2021-09-09 21:50)

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I made a name generator for about 40 tokens. The nice thing about it is that no matter how many names you have in your name list, it is still just three tokens to store it, since the names are all kept in one long string.
The tradeoff is that the names generated will always be the same number of characters.
Name lists included are the most popular names in the U.S., pared down to 5 letter names. You can make and use your own name lists though, you just need a big string with all the names, no spaces or commas between names, and all the names need to be the same number of characters.

Cart #namegen-1 | 2021-01-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

P#86564 2021-01-18 17:52 ( Edited 2021-01-18 18:00)

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Cart #alpine11-0 | 2021-12-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

If you'd like to support my work, feel free to make a small contribution to my ko-fi page.
Made a little chill climbing platformer. Let me know what you think!
x- Jump
o- use stamina coin
When your stamina bar runs out, you can't jump or cling to walls. You can replenish stamina by landing on the ground, or spending a green coin. Gold coins will increase your max stamina.

Patch notes:
-Onscreen timer during gameplay
-Win messages for not using green coins
-Minor changes to climbing intended to address no clip bugs and weird interactions when dismounting the bottom of a wall

P#85376 2020-12-14 04:25 ( Edited 2021-12-09 21:31)