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Aspiring game developer. I really like character action games. Pico-8 is my dream console - a system (and community!) that encourages fun games that you can customize and tweak.

Cart #puncher100_02-0 | 2025-01-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

WIP for a precision platformer. I am trying to make a 100 level game! Feedback is welcome.


Cart #smash_the_scorpions-2 | 2024-10-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Smash The Scorpions!

A silly game for Ludum Dare 56, the theme of which is "Tiny Creatures."

Directions to move. Any action button to swing your hammer. See how long you can last!


  • 2024-10-11 - fixed walk speed bug. added some extra graphical effects. increased the blood!

Cart #cobbsadventure-5 | 2024-09-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Cobb's Adventure

Help Cobb on his adventure to eat as much food as possible!

This is HEAVILY inspired by Adventure Island, a wonderful game series from the mid-80s, although I am most familiar with the Gameboy adaptations in the early 90s.


  • 8 different environments
  • Never play the same game twice! Levels are randomly generated every playthrough
  • Easy to learn, hard to master - once you can beat the game, go for 3 stars on your score or times!

I strongly recommend a gamepad for this game. If you are committed to keyboarding, consider pressing "Enter" to open the menu, and set "AutoRun" to "ON" so that you dont need to hold a key to run.

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Cart #adventure_island_wip-2 | 2024-07-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A little Adventure Island (or Wonder Boy for some of you) -like that I have been working on. I want to test it easily on my Rg353, and its just easier to grab it from SPLORE than to do the whole song and dance with an sd card.

It might be buggy! And no sound yet! Lemme know what you think.

July 20, 2024: So, life has been quite busy! New job! Baby coming in two months! My new job has been very intellectually fulfilling, so, sadly, I have not been doing a lot of gamedev. But I really want to finish this game! Uploading a new version:

  • soundtrack!
  • tons of sound effects!
  • new name! Cobb's Adventure!
  • lots of little tweaks here and there.

At this point, all i really want to to is spiff up the boss and maybe add some scoreboards. I think it's pretty fun.


Cart #bitty_dig-1 | 2023-08-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Bitty Dig

A small digging game made for Low Rez Jam 2023.

Use your arrow keys to dig. You will need to collect stars to get air. Try to find an efficient path through the blocks.

Tip: You can jump by pressing up, and you can move side to side a bit while jumping.

I really want to make a slower-paced drilling game. I might continue to poke at this for balance.


Cart #meterstoshade-0 | 2022-10-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

100 Meters to Shade

Ludum Dare link: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/51/1000-meters-to-shade

My entry to LD51, where the theme is "Every 10 Seconds." Use the arrow keys to navigate 1000 meters to the right, towards shade. When a solar flare is coming, hide in the shade of a cactus.

Thanks for playing!


Cart #hot_diggin-0 | 2022-09-27 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hot Diggin'

A game in less than 1kb for PICO-1K jam 2022

Help Digson get away from the falling lava! Dig as fast as you can! Why is the lava falling? Who knows!


  • arrow keys (or gamepad DPAD) - move left and right
  • action button (Z,C, or N on keyboard, "A" on XBOX gamepad) - dig!
    • you can dig left and right by holding that direction while digging. Otherwise, you will try to dig down. You can only dig when your feet are on hard ground.
  • Your only goal is to outrun the falling lava. Touching red blocks will make the lava run faster. You can dig through red blocks, but doing so will GREATLY speed up the lava, so try to avoid this.

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Only gamepads 0-3 are recognized by pico-8

Hi folks,

I can't seem to get pico8 to recognize gamepads beyond 4. Granted, my testing mechanism is a little haphazard, but I am confident it is working correctly.

Test procedure

Since I don't actually own enough gamepads to test this, I am using a python script to create "virtual" gamepads on my machine. Script for this is here: https://github.com/paloblanco/bros_mansion/blob/master/gamepad_test.py . This script registers 8 controllers, then just presses the a button once a second (which ought to get a response from my game).

Here's a screenshot of the whole setup. Note that windows recognizes 8 gamepads being plugged in.

desktop while running gamepad test script

I wait 3 seconds in between "plugging in" controllers so that I can watch them get registered in pico8. Only the first 4 get registered. I can't catch a gif of the joystick prompt appearing, so you will have to take my word for it.

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Big Mapper

Click here for Github Repo for BigMapper

This is a utility for pico8, designed for editing map data. It will eventually be expanded upon, allowing you to edit and save to the pico8 extended memory. Its current major feature is allowing you to edit maps at 256x256 pixels, giving you a lot of breathing room.

I have chosen not to upload this to the bbs, for two reasons:

  1. It doesn't run properly on the web, due to the inability to pass commandline arguments to pico8 at startup.
  2. This is very much a "dev" tool, and not having it on your local PC doesn't make sense for its intended use case.

That being said, I encourage you to check it out, if for no other reason than to see how nice it is to have high-res utilities, and to see how easy it is to make them!


This cannot be run standalone - it must be run from the pico8 desktop client.

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Cart #mansion_bros-10 | 2022-07-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Mansion Bros

A fan game of a certain green fellow's exploits in trying to clean a mansion that is full of ghosts. Suck up ghosts, unlock doors, and find the trophy to conquer the mansion. Up to 8 players!

Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of the characters appearing in this game. This is a work of fanart, and I have no intention to profit from this work.

How to play

Arrows to move, any action button to use your vacuum. Suck up ghosts and find the trophy.
Other players can join in by pressing their action buttons. Game ends if all players run out of health. See if you can find every single diamond!


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I am working on a 3D raycaster game. It's largely working; see the gif below:

I am basically using zep's cast demo as a starter - if you look through my code you will see his draw_3d() function, albeit pretty heavily hacked at this point. I use tline() to draw my walls, and i apply a fillp() based on distance from the camera to get a (currently ugly) dithered lighting effect.

I would like to do the same thing for my floors! Except, I am drawing my floors vertically. See the next gif:

I only draw a floor (vertical line() downward) if my casted ray hits a wall OR a new tile type (thats how i get different floor colors).

Anyone have a cpu-conservative tip for how I could get a gradient similar to my walls on the floor? I COULD draw the floors first as a flood-fill, but this would ignore different colors and elevations. I can't think of any way to apply a smart horizontal-fill strategy, which would allow me to apply fillp() based on distance from the camera.

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Cart #sallyneptune-3 | 2022-10-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

My entry for Toy Box Jam 3, 2022. Help Sally Neptune escape from the evil Monocronies!

  • Move: arrow keys
  • Shoot and strafe: X. This will strafe if you are not targeting something, and will let you circle-strafe a target.
  • Jump: Z or C
  • Tips:
    • You will need keys to open doors.
    • Look for the giant Neptune coin to escape!
    • There are gun powerups around that will let your rainbow gun shoot faster. Try to find them all!

I've always wanted to make a game based on the cast.p8 demo, and this is it! I am very happy with how sprite occlusion turned out.

I wrote this game in multiple files, so it may be tough to read in the pico8 editor. When I get a repo up on github, I'll update this in case anyone wants to see how I made this. Enjoy!

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Cart #greatestthing-8 | 2021-04-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

WARNING - sudden flashing lights and sounds.

The Greatest Thing

by PBG

My entry for the ludum dare 48 jam. Go on a pitfall-esque adventure in search of the greatest thing ever.

Arrow keys to move, Z/C jump, X/V carry things.

hotfix1 - fixed softlock in climbing room
hotfix2 - decided not to be a jerk and gave back key repeating by holding a button


Cart #class_inherit_example-1 | 2021-01-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Classing Example

While I like lua, it drives me crazy that it does not contain a simple class constructor like python, or newer version of javascript. I find the metatable concept to be very awkward and difficult to adjust to, coming from other scripting languages.

Here, I am demonstrating how I typically handle my actor objects when making games using an object-oriented approach. I like all of my game entities (like the player and NPC characters) to be their own objects with methods that are common to them (update and draw being the main needed items).

The snippet here is my starting templet for most of my games. The "Actor" table is my default object. The method "New" can be used for two things:

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Cart #myrtlecity-0 | 2020-01-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Myrtle Takes The City

My submission for Toy Box Jam 2019. Thanks to the organizers and content creators for putting together an awesome event!

Myrtle is visiting the big city, and wants to climb city hall! To get in, she needs to collect 7 gems. Maybe there are people in the city who can help?

How to play:
Arrows - walk
action key 1 (x, v) - run
action key 2 (z, c) - jump

There are not fatal hazards in this game, so don't be afraid to walk up to everything.

Feel free to post your best times, for both any % and 100%.


Notes for launcher:
cart name: myrtlecity-0
alias on itchio: Myrtle Takes The City
itchio link: https://paloblancogames.itch.io/myrtle-takes-the-city

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Running PICOPi on the Retroflag GPi case

I just got a Retroflag GPi case, which is a cool little enclosure for a Raspberry Pi 0(W) that has the form factor of a GameBoy. This gadget is intended primarily for emulation, but I REALLY wanted to use it as a portable pico-8.

Spoiler alert - I did.

Most tutorials for the GPi case focus on getting RetroPie running, and there are also resources out there for getting pico-8 running in conjunction with RetroPie. This is fine, but I really wanted a gadget that quickly boots into pico-8, no questions asked. Luckily, a software engineer going by Gamaral developed an image for all raspberry pi models that fast-boots into pico-8. This is, to my knowledge, the closest we can get today to dedicated pico-8 hardware.

Goal of this tutorial

This tutorial will focus on getting PICOPi running properly on a raspberry pi 0(W) in conjunction with the GPi case. You can find all of these materials for purchase on most online retailers. There are plenty of tutorials showing how to build the thing once you get all the materials (non-trivial!). I will not cover this.

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Cart #wunuwenohi-1 | 2019-04-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I made this in about an hour for ld44's jam! Not much to see here, just really wanted to see if I could throw something together that fast.

Arrows to move. Collect booty from the shipwreck. Find a good ship and sale away to paradise.

My best time is 28 seconds (100% completion). Can you beat it?

Ludum Dare entry for this: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/44/risk-it-all-for-booty


Cart #dubayubeno-3 | 2018-12-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hungry Harry is back! Help Harry as he travels around the world putting a stop to the mushroom gang!


Walk - arrow keys

Jump - Z or C

Lick things - X

High Jump - jump while licking

Long Jump - jump while licking AND holding a direction.

GOAL: Find the portal at the end of each level. Harry will get hungry over time, so make sure to eat enemy mushrooms as well as berries you find sitting around the levels.


Blue mushrooms are tough and can't be licked normally. If you eat a spicy pepper, Harry will turn red-hot for a few seconds. Use this time to eat the blue mushrooms.
If you lick while in the air, Harry can get a little extra boost. By licking on the ground and then jumping soon after, Harry can jump extra high or extra far, depending on whether or not you are holding a direction key down.

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Cart #45729 | 2017-11-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Wow! I finally made a finished version of my LD39 game. Overall, I am fairly satisfied with this game, if not super enthused. I had to make many concessions to fit it into the token count. However, it is a surprisingly fully-featured procedural platformer, and it is something I am proud of.

Help Harry escape the procedurally generated caves!

How to play:

​Walk and climb - arrow keys
Burp (attack) - X
Jump - Z or C
Dig - down arrow


  • Harry will starve if you don't eat mushrooms along the way. Make sure to grab them!
  • ​the caves are randomly generated every game. If you get a tough set of caves, don't be afraid to try again!
  • If you get enough mushrooms, a powerup will appear above harry. GRAB THESE! they are they key to running faster, jumping higher, and burping harder!

​PRO tips:

  • ​when harry digs on flat ground, he will pile up the ground behind him. Use this to build platforms to help you climb higher.
  • the escape for each level is at the top, in the middle. If you find a way to break the ceiling, however, you can use that too!
  • Your hunger will occur at a faster rate each level. Mushrooms are almost always worth a detour.
  • You can jump for quite a while after walking off a ledge. Use this to your advantage!

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Anyone try this? I've tried on the old 3DS and it silently fails to load the canvas. Can someone give this a go? this would sell a new 3DS for me.


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