Color Conquest
Who will conquer the world!? Set up a procedurally generated map with countries that are battling for total domination!
Based on popular imperialism videos on YouTube, the idea to implement in PICO-8 was provided by my 7 year old son. We had a lot of fun working on it together!
when I woke up we were half way there
// 2021 tweetcart (278 chars)
q,r,s,m=0,rectfill,64,rnd::_::q+=1/s?"\^1\^c1" for i=1,99do pset(i*4-s,i*i%142,6)end for j=-3,5do line(0)for i=-2,2,1/64do t=i+q%1z,x,y=3+t*4,2-t*8+j\3,sin((i%1)/2)+.5+j%3w,u,v=9/z,s+x*s/z,s-y*s/z if(i+j\3==i\1and z>0)r(u-w,v,u+w,127)r(u-w*9,v,u+w*9,v+w) line(u,v)end end goto _ |
"Good day to you! I am a tapestry weaver, specializing in the embroidery of emblems of noble houses, which they often request on banners and such to hang on their castle walls. However, I'm not so good at the design side of things, and with many adventurers finding their fortunes and elevating themselves to noble rank, they come to me asking for new emblems for their families.
So I'd love to have many many banners on display in my shop walls for them to choose from. I have made 3 blank banners already for you to design house emblems on. Emblems can be anything. Some people prefer minimalism, while others are looking for familiar recognizable items such as weaponry, the sun, moon, flowers or animals.
"I'm an enchantress, focusing on spells of arcane geometry. I believe each of us possess a natural understanding of magic and it's only a matter of focusing on it and allowing the creative spirit of the natural world to guide your hand.
To test my theory of everyone's inner arcane knowledge, I'm collecting sigils, magical symbols, drawn from natural born creativity, not the white tower wizards with all their years of study, but raw potential ability that I sense in you.
Here's a blank page from my collection, draw whatever comes to mind in the square here, and let that guide your decisions of naming and describing what you think it does.
Enjoy the process and I so look forward to adding yours to my collection."
"I'm a cartographer, a map maker that is. And I've heard you're quite the adventurer. I'm collecting maps of dungeons from all over the kingdom to help other adventurer's survive. I have all the supplies, scrolls, pens, and ink. I just need you to draw what you remember from any dungeons you've explored.
All I need is an outline of rooms and corridors. Oh and it would be extra helpful if you could label the map either with words or symbols. Here's an example.
Please make it as detailed as your memory allows. I'll accept any map by the way, even if it's not a dungeon! Maybe you've explored a magical forest, or a dragon's den.
I love maps so much, I can't wait to see what you draw for me. Thank you!"
"Hi, I am the local alchemist, and I've had a stall in the market, but I'm upgrading to a full shop in town and I need shelves to display all 16 of my potions! I've got my shop sign already and all the potions are ready to go, I just need you to help decorate the shop and display them nicely.
This is how the shop is prepared for you, and I've cast a levitation spell on the potions you see. You can move them around yourself, or just leave them be and build something like a bookshelf like this for me to place them on.
You can change the floor design, the wall color, and make the display as fancy as you'd like. Just make sure I still have my sign and all 16 potions on display.
Steal pies. Feed the hungry.
In this sequel/demake of my first game jam game, play to beat your high score!
- I know the one-way tile collision is buggy. If anyone knows an easy fix, please let me know!!
- My original game (which used art assets, credited on my Itch page) is here.
- Have fun!!
- Music by Gruber :D
"Leaves" (2022-11-07)
Wind is getting colder. You think about the elderly downstairs neighbor who passed away. You didn't know her well but she always assured you she doesn't mind the stomping.
(277 chars)
?"\^!5f10✽░4웃9:" s=sin::_::cls()for i=0,799,8do y=$(i+4)x=$i if(x>147)x=0y=76+rnd(20) p=x+1+3*cos(y/99)q=y+s(x/99-s(t()/8)/2)a=atan2(x-p,y-q)u=cos(a)v=s(a) for j=4,9,.5do b=s(a+t()/8-i/99)^2circ(x,y,s(j/9)*3*b,1-s(b/4-.1)*5)pset(x,y,2)x+=u y+=v end poke4(i,p,q)end flip()goto _ |
The plasma globe at the flea market hums quietly. Beams dance under your fingertips. It looks just like the one you had years ago-until your brother smashed it. And laughed. Now, you hate this lamp.
(280 chars)
r=rnd::_::?"\^!5f11▒1😐<7" b=r()<cos(r())u=0v=0g=r()for d=0,1,.0004do a=r()x=64+d*33*sin(a)y=64+d*33*cos(a)c=d^8*(2+r(2))+.2\d e=pget(x,y)if(e>c)c=e-1 pset(x,y,c)d=(u*u+v*v)>>10if(b and d<1)u+=sin(g)/3v+=cos(g)/3g+=r(-1)>>(20.5-d)pset(u+64,v+64,(pget(u+64,v+64)+1+d)&7)end goto _ |
One of the games I used to play the most was populous.
While some of my friends could play it with beautiful graphics on their amiga or atari ST :
I was playing on a slow TO-16 PC compatible with CGA graphics and a monochrome green screen. You can't even find an online picture of a setting that bad for this game, the closest I could find online was color CGA that is actually almost as bad looking as the green version.
Despite the visuals, I was hooked and somehow managed to finish the game (level 400 something), using every possible trick available. (save scumming so the "random" swamps would always spawn under the enemy's knights feet, abusing the bad AI when possible (enemy flood that insta-kill every single enemy unit was the most memorable), using a bug that allowed to raise the terrain to level 1 on levels where it was disabled...).
Despite all that, after level 400, the building speed of the computer was just insane : he would add a block every frame (around 4 times per second on my crappy PC), making enemy progressing absolutely overwhelming.
Lost Planet - 2021
(279 chars)
w=128s=sin pal({131,12,131,9,10,14,136,137},1) ::_:: x=rnd(w) y=rnd(w) e=t() a=0 c=x r=y if sqrt((x-64)^2+(y-64)^2)<40 then a=2 e/=3 c=w-x r=w-y end p=3+(s(x/160+e/2)+cos(y/220+s(e/8))+s(x/w)/2+s(e*cos(y/72-e))/5+cos(x/70+y/40+e)/5)*2 if(p<1)p=7 pset(c,r,p+a) goto _ --#tweetcart |
Gems - 2021
(278 chars)
pal({10,9,137,142,8,7,12,140,1,2},1) ::💎:: o=20*(t()%1) cls(1) for d=5,1,-1do for c=-1,8do for r=-1,8do x=c*20 y=r*20 s=((d/5)^1.6)*(15+sin((x+y+o*2)*.005+t())*7) rectfill(x-s+o,y-s+o,x+s+o,y+s+o,d+((c+r)%2)*5) end end end flip()goto 💎 --#tweetcart #pico8 #generative #pixelart |
Another 2020 tweetcart
(278 chars)
pal({7,11,138,13,141},1)t=0r=rnd::👻:: t+=.01for i=0,199 do circ(r(128),r(128),3,0)end for z=5,1,-1 do for k=1,2.7,.3 do x,y=64+sin(t*.9+k)*50,64+cos(t*k+k)*50 for i=0,z*20 do a=r(1)p=(z/5)^2d=p*25+r(p*10)circfill(x+sin(a)*d,y+cos(a)*d,5-z,z)end end end flip()goto 👻 --#tweetcart |
One of my first ever tweetcarts, back in 2020
(279 chars)
t=0g=16s=pset ::_:: t+=.01for c=0,7 do for r=7,0,-1 do x=c*g y=r*g z=max(0,sin(t+(c*.7+r*3)*.2)*40-20) for d=0,z do k=abs(d-z)<1 and 13 or 1+(c+r*7)%12a=x-d b=y+d rectfill(a,b,a+g,b+g,k)s(a,b,0)s(a+g,b)s(a+g,b+g) end rect(a,b,a+g,b+g,0) end end print(👻) flip()goto _ --#tweetcart |