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I'm not sure if I should post this here or in the "Tutorials"-Section, but I think it better fits here:

Cart #pimegutezu-0 | 2022-01-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I wanted to show a way on how to do Map-Collision, using the Flag-System in PICO8. This Function also takes care if your Sprite is wider or taller than 8 Pixels.

Basically you give a Function a few Parameters (like Position, Width & Height from the Player) and this Function checks the Flags from the Tile-Map on certain Pixels, depending on the Player-Position and it's Width/Height. You can use the Return-Value from this Function to allow or deny Player-Movement.

Before I show the "How-To use the essential Function", there's some preparation that you need to do.

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Hey there,

A Feature Request for the PICO8-Users out there which use a Handheld (like Anbernic RG351P/M/V) to play PICO8-Games:

Normally, you can start every Cartridge directly using "-run" in the Command Line:

pico8 -run some_cartridge.p8

On Handheld-Devices, that's great, because you can Pause and Shutdown PICO8 with the given Controls.

HOWEVER: I was able to run a Cartridge that "crashed" PICO8 (means it shows some Lua-Errors and the Program stops running). But after that Crash, PICO8 doesn't quit, instead it throws me into the Command line, like:
(example crash)

But that's not good if that happens on a Handheld, because you have no opportunity now to close PICO8 without a Keyboard (or something hacky like SSH etc.). After that, I have no other choice than Poweroff that Handheld and hoping that the Filesystem on the SD-Card don't get corrupted.

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Hello there,

Krystman made an excellent Game called Porklike, you can find it here: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=94445

I made a mod to this game which adds a german translation to it. Right after the Game starts, you'll be asked on which language you want to play.

I would've liked to add some more Functionality (like, a menuitem), but there wasn't enough tokens left to do so^^.

Here's the Mod:

Cart #porklike_de-4 | 2021-08-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



  • Oops, the last Patch didn't fix anything ("save @clip" seems to work a little different...). Now THIS Patch does what the previous Patch describes^^.


  • "Slap" ("Ohrfeige") was mistakenly described as a Weapon that doesn't deal Damage. Fixed.


  • Forgot ":" after "Wurstchain"/"Wurstkette", which looks odd after finishing the Game ("Wurstchain1"). Fixed.


  • Somehow I didn't realised that the "Push"-Attack ("Stoß") is actually a ranged attack (though even the Original Text says that. Oops!). The German Description in the first Version doesn't tell you that, this Version does^^.


  • First release.


What and how did I changed on the code?

  • I have to make spaces for more Tokens, because the Original-Game has only 22 tokens left. Luckily, zep released a PICO8-Version that includes the "split"-command. Krystman used two Functions called "explode" and "explodeval" who does the same, so I replaced every "explode" with "split" and deleted these two Functions. After that, ~100 Tokens were here to use.
  • After that, there still wasn't enough tokens left for me, so I removed every "()" that weren't needed (like, split("XYZ") --> split"XYZ".
  • I want to use "german umlauts" (äöüß) on the Game, so I used the new ability to change the Fonts in PICO8. zep made a Cart for it: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=41544
  • I also slightly modified the UI on the Game to have spaces for the translated words. German translations need more place^^.
  • There's a place in the Code where I used a "mid"-command, to prevent showed text Off-Screen.
  • An obvious one: Every word was put in a table, and every "print"-command uses the table. Easy^^.
  • There are a few Codes that are written like this in the Original Game:
    add (x, y)
    return y

    I had to change it on one or two places in the code ("return add..."), to squeeze a few more tokens out of the File.

I really hope that I didn't write a few bugs on accident. I played this changed Cartridge a few times and never found a bug. (But I never reached the end, because I'm too bad in this Game^^).


Hey there,

In the 0.2.2 release, zep made a small tool for creating custom fonts:

I'd like to just slightly modify the Original-Font that provides PICO-8 by itself. I thought I could find an easy way to implement the Original-Font into the Spritesheet... But it seems there's no easy way to do so? And nobody did this before? So I decided to modify the Spritesheet, include the Original-Chars with it.

It SHOULD be the Original-Chars; if you find an error (misplaced Pixel or something like that), feel free to tell me so I can fix this :) .


While running PICO-8, type

import #font_orig

to load the newest Version of the Cartridge.

Cart #font_orig-2 | 2021-07-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

EDIT: Of course, feel free to use it as you like^^.

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Hi @ all,

I like those old "Oddworld"-Games ("Abe's Oddyssey" and "Abe's Exoddus"). Just experimenting with a "Gamespeak"-like Control:

Cart #picodokon-0 | 2021-04-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Absolutely nothing is finished, just the Gamespeak, Collision and the Animation works. No Gameplay so far.

For Gamespeak, hold Z and
UP: "Hello"
RIGHT: "Follow Me"
DOWN: "Wait"
LEFT: "Everyone"

I really want to make an Oddworld-like Demake, but I can't promise anything^^. I'll try to work on that Project^^...


Cart #shadowrepeatsyou-0 | 2021-01-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Entry for the One Hour Game Jam 297th, Theme: Follow.


A Shadow is following you, and you need to reach the Goal. Your Shadow(s) also need to reach a Goal.

It took me four Hours instead of only one to make this Cart. It would be dishonest to other Jammers if I would hide that fact^^.

I like the Idea, maybe I'll work on some more Levels and a better presentation, but I really don't know atm^^.

Have Fun!


Cart #meas_castle-15 | 2022-03-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Mea's Castle

Mea's Castle is a Metroidvania-like Game: You're a little Adventurer and your Goal is to find the "Cup of Hope". You can run and jump, and soon you will find some Artifacts that'll give you more Abilities.

🠔🠖 - Move
🠗 + 🠔🠖 - Crouch
(Z) - Jump
(X) + 🠗 - Use the last Powerup

This Game is difficult. If you're not a Fan of Jump'n Run-like Games, I think it will be too frustrating^^. There are still Checkpoints basically everywhere, but it's still not easy to beat that Game. Expect to die a lot while playing this^^.


Thanks to

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I doubt that's an intended behaviour: After running a Cart that's using the "FILLP"-Command, every Draw in the Sprite-Editor that includes Pencil or Shape (the last one; not shown in the GIF) also uses this pattern:

On 0.2.1B, it's possible to use "fillp(â–ˆ)" (or simply reboot) to solve that Problem...

(I was working on a Game and tried to change a Sprite, and I wondered that I suddenly couldn't overwrite some Pixels in the Sprite anymore. I was like "what the Hell is going on there?" until I discovered that^^)


Cart #juhatozuto-0 | 2020-08-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Entry for the One Hour Game Jam, Theme: Leave.

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Cart #wajapayesu-0 | 2020-05-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Entry for OHGJ 262th. Theme: Time Travel.

I really run out of time^^.


Hey there,

according from the Wiki-Page about Memory, it is unclear what a Poke to address 0x5f5e does, right?

 0x5f5e-0x5f7f / 24414-24447

 The remaining registers up to 0x5f7f are undocumented.

I was playing around a bit and found something out: It seems to "reduce" the Colors that can be used. For example, poking a "1" reduce the Palette to only 2 Colors, Black and Dark-Blue.

A simple Description: It seems that poking around 0x5f5e is some sort of "pal" all over the Color-Palette, but also prevents you to "pal" another Color. For Example: If you poke a "1", "pal" is limited to set a Color to blue or black only.

I just uploaded a Cartridge where you could play around with that:

Cart #poke0x5f5edemo-1 | 2020-05-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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Entry for the One Hour Game Jam, Theme: 4 Colors only.

Swap colors to avoid Enemies.

Very short, because I run out of time^^.


Cart #endlessrunner-0 | 2020-03-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Just experiencing with an "Impossible Game"- or "Geometry Dash"-like Prototype. Basic Gameplay works, but every other Thing is unfinished at this point^^.


Hello there,

(English isn't my first Language, I hope it doesn't sound too bad, Sorry^^)

I was looking for a easy Solution to "modify" the Linux in my GPi Case to boot directly into PICO8. I don't want to use something like Retropie/Recalbox/Lakka, just a PICO8-Machine.

There was already a Project called PICOPI, which already assembled that. But it seems this Project doesn't exist anymore (Homepage is down; the Files I could find on archive.org doesn't seem to work anymore).

So I thought I write my own Script for this, which builds upon Raspbian, the Default-Linux-Distribution for Raspberry Pi (which builds upon GPi Case). I thought it could be useful for others, so I uploaded the Script^^.

While using this Script, you will be able to put your .p8-Files directly on the "boot"-Partition on the SD Card.

Script can be found on Github, including a Manual for using it:


EDIT: I also uploaded a Video on Youtube to show the Process:


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Cart #fewosijoha-0 | 2019-08-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


just testing some Slopes in a Jump'n Run-like Prototype.

Nothing's really finished yet, I'm just testing around^^.


Hey everybody! Just sharing a little Minesweeper-Clone that I've programmed^^.

New Version:

Cart #minesweeper-1 | 2020-03-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Mouse is not required anymore, but you can use the Cartridge below if you wanna use the Mouse.

Controls for "Non-Mouse-Version":
- Arrow-Keys to move Cursor.
- Press and release X to open a Tile.
- Press and release O to mark a Tile (red or blue Flag).
- Hold X or O + Arrow-Keys to scroll.

And here the "Mouse-Version" of the Game:

IMPORTANT: Keep in mind that the "Mouse-Version" can be quite unplayable on Browsers. This Version of the Game runs best directly on PC, started by PICO8.

Cart #minesweepermouse-1 | 2020-03-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

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One Hour Game Jam - Theme: Island (2018-09-15)

There is not much you can do here^^. Just walking around, cut trees, craft a wooden Sword and kill Monsters with it. Description reads alot better^^.


Cart #53991 | 2018-07-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A little bit easier with less enemies:

Cart #53992 | 2018-07-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Submit for the One Hour Game Jam 167,

Theme: That's not supposed to be a weapon.


Cart #53741 | 2018-06-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Game of the One-Hour-Game-Jam.

Theme: 1 Object.


Cart #53614 | 2018-06-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Submit for the One Hour Game Jam

Theme: your favorite game but the most simplest possible

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