Vector math for PICO-8!
Have you ever been looking at your code and been like:
"Hmm, i sure do add two numbers to another set of two numbers a lot," then do i have the solution for you!
At the low low price of like 400 tokens, PICO-8 vector math can be yours!
I originally made this to streamline a platformer I may or may not ever finish, but I realized that other people might want this, flagrant waste of tokens or not.
The code
There are two versions of the whole program. One handles errors more gracefully, while the other has a smaller token footprint
Required functions:
The metatable depends heavily on these two functions

look its karel the robot
wow karel is an intro-duction to programming that ueses phive whole instructions.
karel can move(), which makes it go forewarde
karel can turnleft() whchic should be obvious
karel may dropchip() thath puts a chip on the ground?
karel can takechip() and that picks up any chips that are on the same tile as it
karel is capable of checkchip() whitch returns the chipcode of the chip its on
okay if you want human redable instruction go to this link