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Hi I like audio synthesis and making games, Trying to learn and get better one cart at a time.


Cart #holly_chasm-0 | 2024-11-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

On the way back home from the market, Where the snow is extra dense a hole that you'd never seen before lies. Inching forwards to take a closer look you slip in!
Can you escape back home? And where did this chasm come from?
Made for advent 2024.


Cart #juicio-1 | 2024-11-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Juicio (Juice-e-Oh) is a local startup situated in the middle of No-where Dry Dry Basin.
Sasa needs help making smoothies for hungry bird clientele, Fit falling fruit into 5x5 squares to clear!
Zone out to either minty or spicy mode and share your highscores!


Left/Right to move (Fruit can wrap across the screen.)
Down to advance by one
Up to quick drop
🅾️ to advance/select dialog option


Star blocks give score when you fill the star birds on the sides of the screen. If you fill them out with stars to spare you'll get bonus score.
If fruit goes over the blender line it's game over, But if you would've cleared your all good to keep going!

[ Continue Reading.. ]


white space

You've lived here as long as you can remember.
Little tribute I suppose to Omori. Omori is something that personally means a lot to me,
And one day I just wanted to try to demake white space as tiny as it is.
Maybe even boot it within your own white space and have a white space-ception like I do.

Cart #mori_white_space-0 | 2024-10-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Wave catalog

* wave catalog link *

I was inspired by the Fill Pattern Catalog, And the annoyance of programming and trying to figure out the best way to input wavetable data for my Toot project. So I realized I wanted to just have preset waves I could download instead.

There's wavetables in both a list of 64 values and formatted pico8 wavetables. (A utility cart is provided if you want to exchange between the two yourself.)
I had 32, And 1kb downloads before but I thought maybe it was overkill/didn't know if it'd be useful and didn't want to compile them. (Let me know if and where they would be.)

Hope this is useful, And if you have any wavetables that you think are distinct enough or any flavors I missed please comment it below Thanks!

(Also thanks to luchak for creating the Wave Designer. excellent for creating waveforms too.)


Quick test I made.
こんにちは Picotron!

Cart #worm_scoot_test-0 | 2024-03-16 | Embed ▽ | No License


Cart #waterflakes-7 | 2023-12-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Mysterious plankton have gathered into formation, Click and stir them to produce sound.
You can also just sit back and listen to them if you want too.
If you encounter audio problems please try running it in Splore or by console. Thanks.
Made for advent 2023.

Demake of Electroplankton: Marine-Crystals.



Cart #redash-7 | 2023-10-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


After Marsho lent his game to a friend awhile back, Mo won't give it back now!
It's up to you find the Warp Stars and take it back even if force is needed.


Press Left & Right to walk.
Press Z to do a jump.
You can pickup and throw Items with X.

Coins are used as lives, The more you die the more you'll lose.
Kitakits around the world will sell you items for coins as well.

Down is used for dropping through semisolids, as well as dropping items.
Up to interact.


Thanks for playing my game!
I've been working on it for years at this point and finally feel relieved to publish it.
I'm aware that there's some jank and odd ends but I feel like I learned a lot making it.

[ Continue Reading.. ]


I had been using poke(0x5f00, 128 ..etc) to set transparency and setting it to 128 works for spr,
Then I tried the same thing for tline and it wouldn't work unless I set it to 16 or had bit5 flipped.

This test code alternates between the 2 values, 16 works for both 128 only works for spr.

t,f = 0
function _draw()

 -- palette
 if t%20==0 then
  poke(0x5f00,f and 16 or 128)
  f = not f

 -- tline
 for i = 31,95 do

 -- spr


Is this intentional? A bug? What's the difference between those higher-bits? I was confused when I stumbled into this.

1 comment

Hey @zep I was working on my game and found that my pokes were failing to update the .p8d.txt?
here I tried doing:


I found it replicable by doing


local v = @0x5e00
if v<8 then


I understand if it's meant to take time to update the file but my game depends on this writing to memory for handling state and I wish I could rely on it.. is there some way to make sure the file has time to be written to that'd be token cheap? like giving it extra flip time or something?
I'm on v0.2.5e not sure if this exists on newer versions.


I'm not sure how much it makes sense but sometimes when I'm sploring or even just working on my own projects I take gif captures and screenshots and I want them saved to my desktop, But I don't want them to stay there for forever I want to decide if I move them to my folder or not where I store them but a problem that comes up is since it's like cartName_0, cartName_1 if that already exists then my OS prompts me to replace or not and if not then it renames it to .." copy" which is annoying... (I know I can move the directory but I want to view them first.)
Is there anyway you could add a config.txt option to instead of naming it in sequence give it a random character ID at the end or something? (cartName_021a4, cartName_5v30o maybe? ...) it doesn't have to be too long just would be nice for my really niche gif capturing and stuff ;p
Thanks for reading


Cart #kern_snippet-1 | 2023-01-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I was making a tool to help me make the font for my game and I decided to share it.
I think this is pretty much finalized... you put your font in the sprite sheet as normal like @zep's #font_snippet I took some code from,
X to save Z to swap to the adjusting view where you can nudge around each character by selecting with X.
Then when you save it exports it to clipboard as a binary string with characters 0..15 escapecoded out. It also saves it to memory in the top of the sheet so if you do it locally it'll save your progress for later.

I got rid of the extra encoding stuff cause it wasn't really helpful. now ecodes it properly and stuff.
Just paste the string copied to clipboard in your cart and your good to go. (Of course in puny mode)

1 comment

I was just messing around and misnamed the directory name and when I went to go hit tab to autocomplete it instead of seeing there's no directory named that it spewed this random garbage at me. It seems to be the same data everytime except it's randomly initialized when I open the .app.
I'm on mac 2.0.5e

1 comment

DJ Deci

Cart #decigobloopbloop-6 | 2022-12-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Something is awry at December Village.. Everyone is unhappy; Record time blues!
It's up to Deci to run around and use her boombox to cheer everyone up!
Talk to villagers and find songs to play, Or just take a nap that's fine too.

Kinda a mess and experimental but hope it's chill. Happy holidays!

Made for advent calendar 2022
Soundtrack listenable at: https://youtu.be/hrpIz5LfEbw

Made by SmellyFishstiks
Sound help from TheTomster and bikibird
Snowbert physics help from Chewy

1 comment

Hey so I was just doing some map work and I was using the cmd+x to move tiles around and I think when I was cutting and pasting somewhere else in the mapview tiles in the shared space it would move the sprites but not the map tiles which was . . . not good and took a while to make sure everything was ok.
It feels like this isn't intentional but I'm not 100%? I'm on 0.2.5c, thanks in advance!
(Like I said maybe this is on purpose since I'm moving the data it's self around in the shared space but in my game I was making I'm using the shared space for sprites and map and it makes it more difficult.)


I wanted to throw some sfx instruments I liked into the mix and I wanted to add the instrument I used in my world4 cover (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=41981)
I think it sounds like a flute? I have no idea.

also here's it by it's self too.

Cart #flute_toot_sounds-0 | 2022-09-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Hope this is a good.

1 comment

(Im doing this on my phone cause my wifi got blasted)

I have my game "Kikëo" Im working on and while I cant use the SAVE command to save the file cmd+s still works fine, but like I tried to do
"export kikeア👀o.wav" (thats what it shows up as.) and it just silently failed.
I checked with ls -a and it didn't save a wav but ya didnt spit a error, I have no idea or say how pico should handle names like this but like ya weird export inconsistancy?
thanks for reading this!

PS: Oh! should add it says "wrote 1 file" too but I havent been able to find it so I assume its lying.
on mac v0.2.4c


Hey @zep! So I'm on latest of writing this (0.2.4c) and twice now I've gotten segfaults when I try to save? (I think? my memory is fuzzy..)

I'm not entirely sure what parts of the reports I should send over but both say:

Notes:                 Translocated Process

Crashed Thread:        0  Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread

Exception Type:        EXC_BAD_ACCESS (SIGSEGV)
Exception Codes:       KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000000
Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Termination Signal:    Segmentation fault: 11
Termination Reason:    Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0xb
Terminating Process:   exc handler [780]

VM Regions Near 0:
    __TEXT                      102b54000-102c94000    [ 1280K] r-x/r-x SM=COW  /var/folders/*/PICO-8.app/Contents/MacOS/pico8

Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
0   com.lexaloffle.pico8          	0x0000000102c435d8 codo_save_pico8_cart_to_file + 3800
1   com.lexaloffle.pico8          	0x0000000102c436b7 codo_save_pico8_cart + 55

[ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=113739#p)

I really like this song so I tried transcribing it into pico8,
Pretty happy with how it came out. left a empty slot in case I wanted to do other variations.
(some stuff like the viola part or whatever that is might be a bit off but eh. remix!)


I was doing some table comparing logic like so:

local a,b = {},{}
local t = a

if not t==b then

And using the not operator can trip you up cause it's not testing against the whole bool==bool (I think..?)
but instead (not bool)==bool!
Anyways I was stuck on this problem for hours and I wanted to let other's be aware if they're not.
Thanks to @pancelor for figuring it out and helping me.
(it turns out I just wanted to do

if t~=b then
 -- ...



I was exporting a sound for testing and I just did

export .wav

And this made the file ".wav" which is great and all.. But on mac files starting with . are hidden..
So I'm not sure if this is a issue or not but I had to check if it existed with a ls -a
And I guess I'll go delete .wav and .png that are just sitting around...
(Oh! and also forgot to mention since pico takes this . hidden stuff for .DS_Store and such into account I couldn't find it with ls either.)


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