I'm not sure how much it makes sense but sometimes when I'm sploring or even just working on my own projects I take gif captures and screenshots and I want them saved to my desktop, But I don't want them to stay there for forever I want to decide if I move them to my folder or not where I store them but a problem that comes up is since it's like cartName_0, cartName_1 if that already exists then my OS prompts me to replace or not and if not then it renames it to .." copy" which is annoying... (I know I can move the directory but I want to view them first.)
Is there anyway you could add a config.txt option to instead of naming it in sequence give it a random character ID at the end or something? (cartName_021a4, cartName_5v30o maybe? ...) it doesn't have to be too long just would be nice for my really niche gif capturing and stuff ;p
Thanks for reading

Another solution would be to point the images saving folder to that folder where you save them, and then delete ones you don't want to keep as you make them. (Or never delete them? Since they're not that big.) Then PICO-8 will automatically see the ones you want to keep and not write over them.

Ya I know I could move the save directory but I also like having them be clearly visable cause I take a lot by accident and everything. I guess like if I'm going to remove and add like this having them have a ordering # doesn't really make more sense than a random id

This would be nice! sometimes I take screenshots/gifs, then move some of them, and then when I take more later they backfill in the moved numbers, which is confusing
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