While we know Celeste Golden Ridge is kind of breezy,
what if there're also some breezes in the WHOLE Celeste Mountain?
⬅️➡️: move
⬇️: crouch (prevent from blowing away!!)
🅾️: jump
❎ + Arrows: dash
- Apply slightly mild breezes!!!
- Adjusted map layout
- A few tricky berries
- Tabbed codes
Celeste Breeze is the first Celeste Mod I've made, within 1.5 hour's time in total.
Feel free climbing away!
And, beware of the wind!
Warm Tips
❎ hold to release particles
🅾️ toggle/untoggle auto-release
⬅️➡️ toggle particle types
⬆️⬇️ enable/disable full view mode
A small yet splendid particle generator based on NerdyTeachers' spawn system.
- multiple sets of changeable colors
- multiple drawing types: circle, line, string, sprites
- responsive HUD
- gently-commented codes for read assistance
The cart is modable within easy read.
Feel free to have a shot, explore the cart a bit, post some suggestions, and make your own mod on your own splendid particles!
Recently I am learning how to combine my collision system with advanced movement into my top-down "walking simulator" cart, when I often found my character "stuck" on the walls.
Note: only applied advanced movement in X axis, while you can go through walls in Y direction in case of stuck.
Collision codes:
function collid(x,y,con) local x1,x2,y1,y2=0,0,0,0 local cflag=0 if con==⬅️ then x1,x2,y1,y2=x,x-1,y,y+7 end if con==➡️ then x1,x2,y1,y2=x+7,x+8,y,y+7 end if con==⬆️ then x1,x2,y1,y2=x,x+7,y,y-1 end if con==⬇️ then x1,x2,y1,y2=x,x+7,y+7,y+8 end if fm(x1,y1,1) or fm(x2,y1,1) or fm(x1,y2,1) or fm(x2,y2,1) then cflag=1 end return cflag end |
function fm(x,y,flag) return fget(mget(z\8,y\8),flag) --assuming solid flag = 1 end |
X-axis movement codes:
function upd_pmove() p.x,p.y=mid(0,p.x,120),mid(0,p.y,120) --x:acc movement if collid(p.x,p.y,➡️)+collid(p.x,p.y,⬅️)==0 then if btn(➡️) then p.dx+=p.acc end if btn(⬅️) then p.dx-=p.acc end else p.dx=-p.dx end p.x+=p.dx p.dx*=friction p.dx=mid(p.dx,p.max_dx,-p.max_dx) ... end |
So, have you got any more adaptative collision to cope with that sticky situation? Or is there any improvement for the movement system? Post here if any!
Act as Jimmy the slime and get to the finish line in the fence maze!
How fast can you get?
Arrows: move
Z or 🅾️: change tab
X or ❎: restart in game (upon win)
- Camera and a larger map
- Fences!
- Winning
- A Minute-Second time system
- Upper tab hides when Jimmy is at the top row
Expected Updates
- Apply acceleration in movement system
- Dashing
- Randomized layout(?)
- Animated background