I wanted to try making a program that would display Conway's Game of Life as a background. Unfortunately it causes a few mouse trails, but I don't think they're too noticeable. If they're too bothersome, try changing the "S" scaling variable to 6 or higher. Higher numbers give better speed (and thus less mouse trails), but also lower the resolution and the average time until equilibrium. I almost certainly could have implemented this better so feel free to do what you want with it!

Welp, here's my first "big" project! I knew immediately after bikibird released Speako-8 that I would have to make something with it, and so I decided to make it a tribute to a certain departed musical legend and fellow speech synthesis nerd. (Also THANKS SO MUCH to bikibird for helping out with playtesting and debugging a LOT of it)
That said, I'm not sure how well it will run online or on other people's machines, so if anything's buggy or could be improved, feel free to let me know!

So since I can't get the idea of a Software Automatic Mouth port for Pico-8 out of my head, I experimented with trying to generate similar sounds in bytebeat, and I ended up with something that aaalmostkindasorta makes vowels?
Most research courtesy of H2Obsession: https://sites.google.com/site/h2obsession/CBM/C128/SAM-128/technical
PICO-8 PCM COLAB: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1HyiciemxfCDS9DxE98UCtNXas5TrM-5e?usp=sharing
So after reading carlc27843 and czarlo's explanations of how to digitize audio for Pico-8, I wanted to see if I could make things a little bit easier on myself by making a Colab to automate the process. Hope this is useful to someone!

Hey, I'm not sure if this is the right category to post this in, but as an Audio Guy I'm intrigued by the possibility of direct control of Pico-8's DAC? (Then again, I'm not entirely certain whether Pico-8 HAS a DAC, or just a sample playback routine that goes directly to the host machine's DAC.) Either way, I have found the possibility of "user waveform" slots (a la the Namco Custom30) in Pico-8 to be pretty intriguing. Many old microcomputer systems have had some form of exploit or another to directly control the DAC (this is famously how sampled sound and digitized speech could be played back on the C64). Theoretically, would this be possible in Pico-8, or will its architecture not allow it?