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Cart #pico8adventcalendar2020-21 | 2020-12-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Huh.. now what could this be..?

Göf - @egordorichev

Sprint'a'Gift - @Eiyeron

Dr Santa - timswast

Jigsaw Puzzle Pack pro (Xmas Edition) - kittenm4ster

Gift Blox - szczm_

Tetrismas - markgamed7794

Coal - TheTomster

E<3rth - @Eiyeron

Elf Mountain Rescue - @Brintown

X(mas)treeeeeme Grid Challenge - @enargy

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It's that time of year -- Halloween!

And that means... it's time for a spooky jam, pico-8 style!
No color limitations this time -- just monsters!

Monsters Are Cute Jam

What: a pico-8 Halloween jam for 2020

When: NOW through October 29th

How: I uh.. just make a game or pico8 toy?
Ohhh and add monster(s)! Cute or.. not so cute -- just gotta have a monster somewhere, somehow, some...when!

Please use the #macojam tag on twitter to share progress gifs, ideas, requests for collaboration, etc
Or you can post in this thread here on the lexaloffle forums!


Cart #pico8adventcalendar2019-25 | 2020-01-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

UPDATE 2019-12-16: For those wondering about the recent stall in new carts, we have managed to determine the issue with the recent delay in shipping -- please see this exclusive footage from our supposedly 'expert and professional' cart delivery service:

Ugh, that's gotta hurt! But with Unreliable Santa Pico Service, I guess you do get what you pay for..

Future shipping shall be covered by holiday delivery juggernaut, Shamazon. Their CEO, Jeff "Polar" Bearzos, has assured us they will not only take on the remaining orders, but fully intend to catch up to the projected release dates!

It's the Pico-8 Advent Calendar for 2019!

This is the main menu for a collaboration organized by a secret cabal of pico-8 merry makers.

Come back on each day from the 1st to the 25th of December for twenty-five different surprises, each made by a different developer! This menu cartridge will link to all of the games as they are released, though the individual cartridges will also have their own threads.


Cart #spookyseptemberjamannouncement-0 | 2019-08-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

EDIT: A few people expressed that they could use some more time for the jam. So I extended the dates on itch to through the 18th; that should still allow a nice 13 Days of Halloween to play entries, right?

I've been working on a spooky 4 color thing with friend Pako. Watch this space for updates on that soon. And... beware!

Spooky September Jam!

It's time for the annual Halloween jam! This time a bit early -- the idea is that if we make spooky (or spoopy) games from now until September... we'll get to actually play them in October! :D

If you remember URL the 3 Color Jam from a couple years ago, this is going to be a 'sequel' to that -- the limitation this time is 4 colors -- whoooooo!!

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Just wanted to cross-post this here -- Voxajam is happening all through February, and to announce it @Eiyeron and I put together over a dozen little demos to help pico-8 devs wade into the waters of Voxatron.

These all ignore Voxatron's built-in actor/physics systems, and work by overriding _init, _update, and _draw to create games in a fashion that isn't all that different from making a pico-8 title.

If you already have Voxatron (or are a pico-8 owner looking to take advantage of the $5 'upgrade' to it -- https://www.lexaloffle.com/purchase.php?product=add_voxatron ), I think this could definitely help bridge the gap and let you hit the ground running.

Announcement cart is here:


1 comment

Cart #voxajam2019-2 | 2019-01-18 | Embed ▽ | No License

Voxajam 2019 is LIVE!! Al February long!!

Details are in the cart, along with some demos and helper functions of varying type/depth made by myself and @Eiyeron -- feel free to take a look and use any of them to help get you started! They should be organized so that you can just:

  1. copy an asset directory
  2. change the names of the name_i, name_u, and name_d functions to _init, _update60, and _draw, respectively

Here are the details again for convenience:

"welcome to voxajam 2019!

  • what: a voxatron jam
    theme: "so much more
    than 'voxatron'"
    there are no official
    ..but why not make something
    outside the default
    'robotron' style?
    (a neat effect, a toy, a tool
    a tweetcart, a full game--

    • when: all february 2019
    • where: voxatron forums!
      and itch.io/jam/voxajam
      use '#voxajam' on twitter
      press ❎ to view some demos
      and examples!"

If you have questions or suggestions, please post here in the thread or hit me up on twitter ( @enargy)
(helping spread the word by RTing this tweet would be appreciated also -- https://twitter.com/Enargy/status/1086287474127720449 )

Oh yeah if you have any questions let me know -- there's also an easter egg (or two) hidden in the announcement cart if anyone cares to look :p


Cart #holipachiphoto2018-1 | 2018-12-15 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

The Holiday Advent Calendar fun continues!

Story: It's close to the holiday break, and a bored young student scribbles seasonal pictures. As he begins to drift off to sleep, they start to come to life..

Left/Right - move cursor
X - drop ball

Try to clear all boards in under 35 balls to unlock a new mode (Mouse required):
Up/Down - adjust ball size
Left click - (Ball) drop ball / (Line) click & drag to draw line / (Clear balls) delete balls
Right click - toggle modes

Credits -

@Gruber - Provided the awesome music track! (on twitter as www.twitter.com/gruber_music)
@2darray & @Felice - Helped learn me some vector math! Thank both of you for all your help and feedback

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Cart #58355 | 2018-10-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

10/24/2018 - Just a humble #MMAMJam gallery cart with absolutely no hidden thingies. Cough.

Special thanks to:

@matthias//@mtths_flk - Red//Black
@mccolgst - BGHOULED
@grumpydev - eMonstery
@dollarone - Wizard Duels
@robuttley & @weareroad - 3d Picoh Mummy

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Cart #gotya-14 | 2020-01-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

UPDATE 10/24 - Up to 56 cards, along with new secrets:
[NOTE: 34 and 55 are /only/ obtainable by finding secrets in other 'games'..]

Also, streaks should no longer reset at midnight so yay.

UPDATE 10/09 - 2 more monster-iffic cards!

UPDATE 10/08 - Another day, another 2 cards :) These feature The Conductor - Electric Ghost. It also brings the total card count up to 50!

UPDATE 10/07 - 2 MORE cards, this time featuring Della Muerte - Undead Mahou Shoujo!

UPDATE 10/06 - 2 more cards, this time of the lupine persuasion. Try to uncover Felicia - Furred But Fashionable

UPDATE: 10/05 - Some graphics tweaks to make portraits look nicer! And yet more cards -- These 2 feature Cecilia - Weird Detective!

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10/24/2018 - This update just makes it so that /anyone/ that finds the easter egg (using this version of the cart) will be able to reap a 'prize' from Got-Ya, another game I made here: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=31955

I really should have done it this way from the start but oh well.

So.. if you already know where to look, look again. :)

== Whoever finds the easter egg in the announcement cart first (you'll know it when you see it) gets a prize ==

Start now or whenever you like; it's supposed to be pretty casual, but there is a deadline of Sunday, October 14th.

Only theme is that you 'pick at least one' from:

  • monsters
  • masquerade
  • mystery
  • candy
  • curses
  • collection

By popular demand, the deadline is officially extended to Sunday, October 14th

And you can now also join the jam using itch here:


(Or just use the lexaloffle thread -- whatever you want)


Cart #55966 | 2018-08-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Use "connect 55941" to connect to this test cart.

It shows a method to provide a menu, return to the client cart, accept some input, and return to the cart to parse the input.


Cart #55648 | 2018-08-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is a test BBS location. It runs some diagnostics.


Cart #55992 | 2018-09-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Update: text background color support

Update: some debug features..
Update: 'help' function and basic error handling

If you enter "Connect 123456" where 123456 is a THREAD ID, it will try to connect to that cart.

Please only use valid BBS locations.

To test your pico-8 BBS terminal emulator, try going to 55648

And to test a simple cart 'bbs' that accepts input, try out 55941

Next up is going to be a CNS -- Cart Name Server -- to store registered BBS cart locations you can connect to.

NOTE: From my testing, this should work in the desktop version of pico8. But it's pretty buggy on the forum so far. I'm thinking it has to do with how the web player in the forum handles some of the keyboard input differently vs in the desktop version of pico8.



Itty bitty baby update! I want to keep this weekly to make sure it gets finished before the new year:
*A small bit more structure. And ... secret object 'C' has been added.

Cart #55261 | 2018-08-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I said I'd upload something to do with this within the week
so here you go:

Z - Jump
X - Shoot
S - Toggle palette

A little of the framework is set. I'm going to clean things up a bit and add more features next week.

You can use the code/art here for whatever you want. The goal is to make something people can use/learn from. Fair warning that the codebase isn't great atm; expect improvements next update. The lil robot suit thing is a character I use in stuff, but you can have her cameo in a game or whatever. It's not a big deal.

Feel free to request features or leave feedback here.


Cart #52300 | 2018-05-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

[edit: slight animation improvement, bugfix]

Press X to jump over the hazards. And try to catch the birds for extra points.

High score is saved using cartdata.

This is a late birthday present for a good friend (Matt). The little fluff is a character we used to doodle a lot when we were supposed to be paying attention in class. It was fun to make it come to life for a cart.

Happy Birthday, Matt! Now you are old. Ha! Soooo sooo old, you old guy.



UPDATE: This version adds support for up to 8 AI or human players and a variety of stage sizes. Players (humans and AI) can be on any combination of up to 8 teams.


UPDATE: This version adds support for AI opponents. You can have up to 7 of them. And up to 2 human players. Not fully tested, so please leave feedback about any bugs/crash issues.


Player 1 starts on Offense with Player 2 on Defense.

Offense players can grab and then toss the ball towards the goal. While the ball is held, the Defense can not swat it away, BUT the ball can only be held for ~1.5 seconds at a time.

Defense players can only swat the ball. Their goal is to move the ball away from the Offense players -- if the ball hits the goal, it only 'counts' if the Offense player was the last person to toss it.

As the ball moves, the yarn unravels and the ball becomes smaller. This is used instead of a timer or score limit -- when the yarn runs out completely, the teams switch sides and Player 2 has a chance to play Offense. After Player 2's yarn has expired, the winner is the player with the higher score.

Player 1 -

Cursor keys (up/down/left/right) - Move Up/Down/Left/Right

Z/X/C/V - (Defense) Swat / (Offense) Grab/ Toss yarn

Player 2 -

E/D/S/F - Move Up/Down/Left/Right

Q/W - (Defense) Swat / (Offense) Grab/ Toss yarn


'Pong' game made for the #Femijam 4 "Cute Pong" game jam -- this is a late entry; I'm uploading on 3/20, and subs were due on 3/19 at ~1 am. Don't forget to check out the other femijam entires! :)

Right now it supports 2 players and a single screen map.. If anyone can help playtest, I'd like to add support for up to 8 players, split across up to 8 teams. And larger maps. Anyway, if you want to help test, please shout at me on twitter ( @enargy) or leave a comment here.

Based on a game described in the Upside Down Magic series by Emily Jenkins, Lauren Myracle, and Sarah Mlynowski. There, it's played by polymorphed magic students (Fluxers) and there's some verticality at play with the goals. Here, the rules and gameplay are modified to be more like Pong (the theme of the jam).

About the series, my daughter (6) and I have read the first two so far, and the books are really neat.

1 comment

-- 12/1/17 --
Version 1.666 !
A new item and a new #3CJam cart have been added!

Sorry it's not much of a puzzle to unlock this one :/ If I'd had space, I would have done something neater, BUT.. there are also now TWO Spiritboard-inspired masks to find :)

(also button prompts have been fixed)

-- 11/29/17 --
EDIT: Bugfix release has replaced the original version:
-Corrects some issues with cart loading
-Music is less random (now only cycles when using a door)
-tweaked a few puzzles
-note: Do NOT mess with haunted hardware -- who KNOWS what could happen?
-note: Also do NOT mess with controller 2. I mean, who KNOWS what could happen??
-note: Do NOT experiment with items -- who KNOWS what could happen?
-note: Do NOT, I repeat do NOT look for odd-numbered houses. They probably don't even exist anywhere. It isn't healthy to imagine such things. Try to stay grounded instead.

The #3CJam 2017 hub cart is finally complete!
This isn't the witch game that castpixel and I started on as a 3cjam entry. It's.. something else.
"What is it, then?" you ask??
Well.. You'll have to explore and find out for yourself. :)

If you get stuck, feel free to post here in the thread or twitter.


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-- 11/13/17 --

Soon. :)

-- 10/27/2017 ---
REMINDER! You've got one weekend left :)

To be specific, you need to finish your games at some point on 10/30 and upload them by/on 10/31. Don't worry about getting it uploaded exactly before the stroke of midnight or anything; this is a chill jam...

Buuuuutttt.... if you get your games in before mid-day on 10/31 and post the cartridge ID (that '[ # 02156489# ]' thing you use to display it in a forum post) in this thread (or send it to me on twitter, I guess -- @enargy)... you'll be happily surprised.
For reasons. :)
Trust me.
[evil, secret laughter]

As for our project, I still have a ways to go before making use of all of this amazing art by @castpixel but here's an update gif:

Good luck and happy jamming! Have a spoooooky weekend! I can't wait to check out all the things I've been seeing previewed!

--- 10/13/2017 ---
Reminder that the #3CJam -- the 3 Color Jam -- is running all month. Feel free to take a week. Or a day. Or even just an hour -- it's all up to you. Just make sure you only use 3 unique colors on-screen (at a time).

Here's some progress on the entry @castpixel and I are working on --

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Cart #44438 | 2017-09-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

For @morningtoast

EDIT: This is a quick example of how to pack data (here, tables) inside of cart memory instead of the code editor, and then load it from there during runtime. To that you can reduce the compressed code size of your cart.

It's not really proper compression, though. If you want to see that, check out this instead: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=3930


This is the same as the player below, except it's illustrating a way to link multiple animations using cutaways. Normally you would need to account for each shape in a previous frame in the new frame as they are intended to 'animate'. That can be used for interesting effects, like the cat gif below that has words transition from Japanese to Meownese. But using this structure allows you to more traditionally link completely unrelated scenes so they will be played in a sequence, before returning to the main program state.

Cart #43246 | 2017-08-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

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