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-- 11/13/17 --

Soon. :)

-- 10/27/2017 ---
REMINDER! You've got one weekend left :)

To be specific, you need to finish your games at some point on 10/30 and upload them by/on 10/31. Don't worry about getting it uploaded exactly before the stroke of midnight or anything; this is a chill jam...

Buuuuutttt.... if you get your games in before mid-day on 10/31 and post the cartridge ID (that '[ # 02156489# ]' thing you use to display it in a forum post) in this thread (or send it to me on twitter, I guess -- @enargy)... you'll be happily surprised.
For reasons. :)
Trust me.
[evil, secret laughter]

As for our project, I still have a ways to go before making use of all of this amazing art by @castpixel but here's an update gif:

Good luck and happy jamming! Have a spoooooky weekend! I can't wait to check out all the things I've been seeing previewed!

--- 10/13/2017 ---
Reminder that the #3CJam -- the 3 Color Jam -- is running all month. Feel free to take a week. Or a day. Or even just an hour -- it's all up to you. Just make sure you only use 3 unique colors on-screen (at a time).

Here's some progress on the entry @castpixel and I are working on --

Announcement Cart:

Cart #44802 | 2017-10-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is announcing the October 3-Color Jam!
Co-hosted by Enargy and Castpixel

-- Work as you like any time between 10/1 and 10/30
-- Games must be uploaded by 10/31 (so we can play them on/by Halloween, of course!)

  • Only 3 colors may be used (if you want the palette to be configurable, that's fine -- the hard limit here is: "only 3 colors should ever appear on the player's monitor during any given frame." Yes, exactly what I just said.)
  • Games should be spooky! Spooookkkkyyyy!
    • Spoopy is also fine. Which is sort of like spooky but silly. Just.. it's officially the best month of the best season in the Northern Hemisphere though, so let's celebrate it! Bats, cats, vampires, witches, mummies, goblins, mad scientists, time travel, movie monsters, ghosts, possession, psychics, haunted mansions, cursed treasure, cannnndddyyy, trick or treating, twilight zone marathons, bad young adult horror, corny pulp horror, things in the closet, skeletons -- I will literally break the character on the this post if I'm allowed to continue.. (I really like this month!)
  • There are no time limits aside from the 'due date' of 10/31. If you want to bang out something in a day, go for it. If you want to take a week, go for it. If you want to use your weekends from now until Halloween -- that's also fine. And you're also free to upload your game at any time if you happen to finish early.

~ simple is fine -- you could even just use 2 colors (say, black and red Virtual Boy style?) if you wanted
~ 2 bits per pixel means you can fit a LOT of graphics in a small amount of sprite space
~ Working in teams is ok
~ Submitting more than one cart is okay
~ Text-based games (spooky choose your own adventure game??) are okay
~ Art / scene demo carts are okay
~ Mini-games are fine too
~ Share progress with #3cjam and #pico8
~ If you have questions, post here or shout at me on twitter ( @enargy)

Castpixel and I are working on a 2d adventure game starring a witch for our submission. Here's some of her (awesome!) mockup art to help get your creative juices flowing:

Note that you don't have to use black/white/orange. It can be any 3 colors. Or even just 2 if you want.

Here's an example of a very cool 2 color spooky text based pico8 game using red and black -- Mystery Hunter by Xanthas: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=29162


I'm so tempted to post a 1-color cart with "cls()" as the only code and declare myself the winner in terms of visual and programming efficiency, but instead I'll just say it and get it out of the way so we can move on. ;)

Anyway, sounds like fun! If only I could ever finish something. I look forward to everyone else's entries, though! :)

Just to know, do the entire game have to keep the same 3 colors all long, or are we allowed to select another 3 colors for some other levels, or day/night palette, etc. ? Each screen/level/whatever having of course no more than 3 colors at once.
I ask this without anything in mind, so both are perfect to me! Just thought that needs to be clear.

@Felice sneaksy

@ElGregos Well the exact wording used is that there cant be more than 3 unique colors on screen at any given time.
The intent there is to allow for things like changing the palette as a config setting (say in case someone is color blind, etc) But if you interpreted it differently like say the way that NES Tetris swaps palettes every level... Limitations promote creativity. But the only hard limit I'm asking people to keep is that no matter when someone takes a screenshot of your game, there should only be 3 colors in the screenshot. Ever.
Fwiw we're only planning on ever using black, white, and orange. But if your 3 colors aren't consistent every level/mode.. I wouldn't count that as breaking a rule.

yessss I will do this thing!

great idea 👍🎃

I'm going to do this. Hope everyone has fun!

like the example. looks like kirby 2's animals

Looking forward to seeing everyones creations!

I am in. Let's make something and have fun.

Heck yeah!
Looks like I know how I'm gonna be spending the random week-long break I'm getting this month :P
aaaand probably a good chunk of the rest of my free time too, from the looks of it so far.

I made a Halloween endless runner called Night Fright Flight!

Cart #45564 | 2017-10-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Main Post: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=30133

okay I am done. I did a thing!

here is a number:


Thanks for putting this fun thing on :>

EDIT: I just had to change the number because I found a small audio bug and fixed it!

I made a spooky speedrun platformer

Boo Is Missing!

Cart #45591 | 2017-10-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Main Post is here:

Hi everyone.

I finished a game!


Cart #45613 | 2017-10-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Main post is here:

@enargy- Not sure if I am submitting this right or not for your secret trick. Hope I am. If not get ahold of me here, or of course on twitter @beetleinthebox.

Hope everyone enjoys it.

Here's my entry: skulldude

Cart #45621 | 2017-10-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Still need to work on a few things here and there, but I want to be happily surprised by enargy ;)

i knew i was forgetting something this month

@VgBlade: lol, there's still some hours left :p

Glad to see all the great stuff people have put together :)

just uploaded my entry :)


3D (2.5D?) shmup

oops I just found and fixed an audio bug in my cart so my new cart number is 45656 (I also updated my post above but I'm posting here just in case you already added my number to your secret surprise thing or something :)


Cart #45676 | 2017-10-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Just uploaded mine :)

Cart #45679 | 2017-10-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

i uploaded my entry here! it's just a very mini mini game though.


Here's my entry. However, due to the BBS web player not hiding mouse cursor and right-clicks, I recommend playing it on my itch.io page (LINK)...


Cart #45795 | 2017-11-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


Aww man I wanted to get my entry on before noon today for whatever @enargy has planned, but now im just hoping I can post it before the end of the day! Spooky indeed!

edit: late but I finished!

Ahh whoops, I didn't know I should have re-posted my game submission here. I created a thread but didn't post about it here. Anyway, I didn't complete it but here's a ys-like action-rpg thingy, Wandering Magic.

arrows = move (walk into enemies to attack/chests to open them)
X = magic (if equipped) / confirm
O = open menu / cancel

It's kinda challenging, and I recommend to save often! Also don't forget about Cure potions or buying better equipment. To progress, you'll need to gain money and exp to survive, and buy better gear along the way to clear new obstacles.

I hope to finish this game one day, and polish it a bit better. There's a few minutes of action-RPG gameplay so far though.

@dollarone: Don't worry about being in late!

Surprised is planned for later this week so you're good.

wow how the heck is this page layout so messed up

@kittenm4ster: Isn't it spoookkkkyyyy...??


@enargy: I've fixed a couple of bugs and created a v1.1 release of H A L L O W EƎ N.
If it's not too late for the "surprise", the updated cart number is above. Thanks! :D

Cart #45823 | 2017-11-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Joining the update wagon. This is finally finished finished with all the rooms filled with enemies.

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