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A Dream's Command
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Cart #spirit_solstice-9 | 2022-01-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

You can also play it on itch.io here!

Arrows: Move
X: Toggle Lantern
Z/X: Advance Text

You can also skip dialogue from the pause menu.

It's the Winter Solstice and you've been tasked with inviting the local nature spirits to join the celebration. Use your lantern to navigate three different areas of the forest in this mini seasonal adventure!

This was made over November and December 2021 for the 2021 PICO-8 Advent Calendar. This ended up being my first time really exploring the extended PICO-8 color palette.

This version of the game is expanded from the original one released through the Advent Calendar on December 21, 2021 with a whole third area and some extra bits of polish.

And if you'd like to follow my work, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_

UPDATE 1/1/2021: More Polish & Quality of Life Tweaks!

  • Hints now display if you're struggling in the Deer section.
  • The lantern can now be aimed regardless of whether you can move.
  • Re-tuning in the Wolf section.
  • Extra visual flair in the Deer and Wolf area endings.
  • Minor punctuation fixes.

UPDATE 1/2/2021: Better Hints & Nicer Wolves!

Some folks are still struggling with the Deer section, so I've improved the hint system!
There are now more, smaller hints given more often and they can be repeated from the pause menu at any time in the area.
The Wolf section was also a bit needlessly difficult so I've retuned it further.

UPDATE 1/29/2021: tiny bugfix

Fixed an issue where you could walk out of bounds in the Eagle's room.
This is belated but since no other issues have come up I'm just pushing this now.

P#103282 2021-12-31 21:30 ( Edited 2022-01-29 15:36)

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So it turns out that fancy new flail you picked up in this dungeon is mega cursed and now it's trying to kill you. Whoops.

Cart #jusiv_cursedflail-0 | 2021-06-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


  • Walk: Arrows
  • Jump: Z / X / C

This was made in 48 hours for the 2021 GMTK Game Jam. The theme was "Joined Together," so I took inspiration from the trope of cursed weapons being impossible to unequip and ran with it to make a game about trying to dodge a hostile weapon that's tethered to you while tricking it into cooperating so you can progress.

All code, design, and assets are my own work.

You can also download and play this on itch.io!

P#93435 2021-06-13 20:29

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Hey so I just noticed that one of the more recent PICO-8 updates (not sure which) appears to make palettes work inconsistently on text in certain cases.

How to Reproduce:
Play my game Night Fright Flight here on the forums: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=30133.
Try to change the palette through the pause menu, and you'll notice that some of the text (specifically the score and the game over message) doesn't entirely change palette. Most strangely, it applies only partially to outlined text created by calling print repeatedly with different offsets (despite pal() not getting called in the text drawing function at all).
I get the same issue running the game with 0.2.1b on my computer.

Example 1: The partially-purple text outline here should be all green.

Example 2: The orange text with an upper purple shadow here should be white with a red shadow.

If you play it on itch.io, however, it displays as intended (with consistent 3 simultaneously-used colors per palette): https://jusiv.itch.io/night-fright-flight

Timeframe of the Issue:
The PICO-8 forums version was last updated in October 2017, and it displayed correctly back when it was posted.
The itch.io browser version was last updated in April 2018, making this the most recent date I know for certain that the bug didn't exist. Unfortunately I don't have any more recent points of concrete reference to pinpoint it better with.

Has anyone noticed this on other carts?

P#87293 2021-02-06 11:05

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Cart #winterwood-2 | 2021-01-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

You can also play it on itch.io here!

Arrows: Walk
Z/X: Rotate Camera

This is a short but sweet game about trekking through the woods to make a special delivery.

This was made over parts of October and December 2020 for the PICO-8 Advent Calendar 2020. It was a great excuse for me to finally dig into some of the newer PICO-8 features added since my last big project, particularly tline and oval drawing.

Special thanks to thattomhall for playtesting and freds72 for providing me his textured polygon function! (It is used with minor modifications for drawing various elements of the house.)

And if you'd like to follow my work, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_

UPDATE 1/5/2021: By popular request I've added a checkpoint to the lake!
I did increase the difficulty of the end portion a little to compensate, but it should still be less punishing overall.

P#85778 2020-12-25 21:02 ( Edited 2021-01-05 23:01)

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I decided to make a Tweetcart today and it ended up being a simple little Jack-o-Lantern generator, but I found it entertaining enough to watch that I figured I'd release it here for y'all too!

Cart #jack_o_random-0 | 2020-10-20 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

There's no controls whatsoever, it just periodically generates a new pumpkin. The quality of the expressions varies but overall I'd say they come out remarkably well.

P#83167 2020-10-20 18:59

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Cart #snowman_builder-1 | 2019-12-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

We're decidedly into the snowy part of the year, so here's a little cart to celebrate the winter cheer!
The outside cold you need not fear, for you can decorate a snowman from right here!

Keyboard (Default)
Arrows: Move
Z: Grab/Place
X: Rotate/Cycle Colors

Mouse (Enabled from pause menu)
Left Click: Grab/Place
Right Click: Rotate/Cycle Colors

Switching Control Modes: The cart will automatically switch to Keyboard or Mouse control when you use an arrow key or click, respectively. You can also switch between control modes from the pause menu. The cart will default to Keyboard control.
Moving Pieces: In both Mouse and Keyboard modes, Snowman Builder supports both click-to-grab and drag-and-drop methods for moving and placing items! If you click/press and release the grab button quickly the object will be held until you click again, or if you hold the button down it will be released when you let go instead.
Photo Mode: This hides the UI, making it easy to take a screenshot of your snowman! It does not take a photo on its own, unfortunately.
Music: You can mute and play the music from the pause menu.

I made this little interactive toy for the 2019 PICO-8 Advent Calendar. Check out the full calendar here!

All code and assets are my own work.

And if you'd like to see more stuff that I do, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_

Post your creations below!

P#71268 2019-12-20 21:48 ( Edited 2019-12-21 21:04)

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A tiny 1-button arcade game written in 560 characters.

Cart #sidewind-0 | 2019-05-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

(Also playable on itch.io!)

This was made for the second TweetTweetJam, hosted by @eggnog!

Your thread is constantly moving and turning. Press Z to switch which direction you turn in. Avoid obstacles and the encroaching walls as long as you can!

You have to reset the cart to play again.

P#64429 2019-05-14 21:58 ( Edited 2019-05-14 21:59)

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A PICO-8 demake of FEZ.

by Jusiv
Cart #fuz_v1-1 | 2019-05-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #fuz_mobile_v1-1 | 2019-05-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

You can also find this game on itch.io!

CONTROLS (Original Version)
Left/Right: Walk
Up: Jump
Down: Drop/Interact
Z/X: Rotate the world

CONTROLS (Mobile-Friendly Version)
Left/Right: Walk
Z: Jump
Down: Drop
Up: Interact
Left/Right while holding X: Rotate the world

This is a tiny adventure based directly on FEZ, a game by the Polytron Corporation. It is a fan work, and was not made in collaboration with or endorsed by them.

FUZ features a total of 8 distinct areas. Its visuals, mechanics, and puzzles are all based off those in the original.

I made the music myself, as while FEZ has a phenomenal soundtrack a lot of it does not translate well to PICO-8. I can't claim to be very musically inclined, but I hope it works well enough.

Also, while there is no save system, the game is completable very quickly if you know what to do so getting back to your previous place is not hard.

And if you'd like to follow my work, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_

Thanks for playing, and let me know what you think!

If you'd like to hear more about the process of developing this game, I did a whole write-up here!

P#64346 2019-05-12 19:30 ( Edited 2020-11-27 21:20)

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A tiny anti-stealth puzzle game.

Cart #alarmed-2 | 2019-03-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

GOAL: Have every alarm in the level active at once.

  • Arrows: Move
  • Z: Wait
  • Reset or Skip Levels from the pause menu (Enter)

This was a tiny puzzle game I made in under 24 hours based on themes from WPI's 2019 Cutthroat Game Jam.
(It wasn't an official submission since it was a competitive jam and I was one of the people running it.)

The main theme was "Reverse," and I also chose the subtheme "Hidden [in Plain Sight]." Based on these, I decided to make an anti-stealth game where you try to trigger all of the alarms.

This is more of a proof-of-concept than a full proper game, and could use some more interesting puzzle design and mechanics, but I did what I could in the time I had.

P#63005 2019-03-24 21:57 ( Edited 2019-03-25 02:25)

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A short story-based game.

Cart #aurora_railway_v2-0 | 2019-07-21 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I made this over winter break (December 2018 - January 2019) for WPI's Chill Jam. It's mostly dialogue but there are some gameplay bits throughout.

The jam theme was "chill," which inspired the setting and failstate-free gameplay and also plays into one other detail.


  • Z/X/C: Advance Text and Interact
  • Arrows: Move

You can also get this game from itch.io!

And if you want to follow my work, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_!

- - - CHANGELOG - - -
v1.0 - Initial Release (9/01/2019)
v2.0 - Revision (7/21/2017)

  • Fixed an exploit with Scene Sledding
  • Tweaked Scene Sledding timing and internal requirements
  • The game is now slightly less silent! (in certain places)
P#60650 2019-01-07 03:18 ( Edited 2020-01-07 18:53)

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I don't have a problem with there being a running, searchable list of featured carts, as was added in the new BBS update. However, it is problematic that adding that seems to have removed the option to sort through all carts by the number of stars they've been given. It would be appreciated if we got that feature back in addition to the new one.

P#59727 2018-12-05 21:53 ( Edited 2018-12-06 17:08)

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The 2018 P8 Awards are over!

The winners are announced in the cart and listed below.

Cart #jusiv_p8awards_v02-1 | 2019-02-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


  • Left/Right to change award
  • (O) to reveal winners (hold to slowly cycle through carts)
  • Up/Down to change selected cart
  • (X) to load selected cart
  • Hide All in the pause menu to reset the winner reveals

These are an (unofficial) set of awards, similar to the Steam Awards, designed to celebrate PICO-8 carts.
The community nominated carts over the course of December, and voted on them over the course of January.
CLARIFICATION: For this set of awards, any existing cart could be nominated, no matter how old. As no PICO-8 awards events have been done before, it didn't seem fair to exclude any carts on the basis of age.

(One of them isn't on the BBS, so instead I've provided a popup with its URL.)


#1. "Has to be Nano" Award
This goes to a cart that defies what you though PICO-8 could do.


Alone in Pico by @NuSan
Attack on the Death Star by @freds72
Brutal Pico Race by @dhostin
Comanche 1/2 by @electricgryphon
Dank Tomb by @krajzeg
Happy Challah Days! by @MBoffin
Hungry Harry 3D by @paloblancogames
Minima by @Feneric
Molecules by @matthias
Rock for Metal by @jobe
SlipWays by @krajzeg
Tiny Sim by @yellowbaron
Wolfenstein 3D by @hungrybutterfly

#2. "Underrated" Award
This goes to a cart that deserves waaay more stars than it has.


Brutal Pico Race by @dhostin
Bumble Bots by @eriban
Dykie Street by @diyke
Feed the Ducks by @kittenm4ster
Frog King by @pixpnd
GET OUT of this Dungeon by @Insanus
Happy Larry and the Vampire Bat by @dollarone
Kelin's Delivery: Rain by @NeithR
Lil King by @beepyeah
Mai-Chan's Sweet Buns by @Krystman
Pakutto BOY by @Konimiru
Pico Ray Trace by @electricgryphon
Red//Black by @matthias
Rolly by @Davbo
Spook and Thunder by Maltek
Swordfish by @chowyunbrent
Tiny Parkour by @arnodick
Uhura by @felixmreeve
Under Construction by @eevee & glitchedpuppet
Vic's Tower by @Clipper

#3. "Out of the Box" Award
This goes to a cart that stands out for how unique it is.


8 Legs to Love by @bridgs
Alien Harvest by @morningtoast
Allocation by HelpIAmMatthew
Alpine Alpaca by @johanp
Brutal Pico Race by @dhostin
Dykie Street by @diyke
Embrace by @TRASEVOL_DOG
Ennuigi by @joshmillard
Feed the Ducks by @kittenm4ster
Just One Boss by @bridgs
Kelin's Delivery: Rain by @NeithR
Low Mem Sky by @Liquidream
Molecules by @matthias
Orbiter Suite by @kittenm4ster
Saxophight! by @Sibwara
Signed by '89 by @timknauf
Spaceman 8 by @kometbomb
Upward by @matthias

#4. "Ephemeral" Award
This goes to a cart that's brief but nevertheless captivating.


Allocation by HelpIAmMatthew
Bathos by @johanp
Brutal Pico Race by @dhostin
Charge! by @randomhuman
Dykie Street by @diyke
Elias Grey by @Robotinker
Embrace by @TRASEVOL_DOG
Ennuigi by @joshmillard
Feed the Ducks by @kittenm4ster
Fizzlefade Transition Effect by @DrPete
Friendly Dungeon by @guerragames
Frog Home by @JTE
Kelin's Delivery: Rain by @NeithR
Leuko - Bloodstream Janitor by @Talbone
Not A Creature Was Stirring by @kittenm4ster
Orbiter Suite by @kittenm4ster
Signed by '89 by @timknauf
Upward by @matthias

#5. "Vortex" Award
This goes to a cart that keeps pulling you back to it again and again.


Allocation by HelpIAmMatthew
Bruja Bust by @Sadie_Sys
Brutal Pico Race by @dhostin
Cat Bandit by @eggnog
Cave Berries by @oinariman
Celeste by @noel & MattThorson
Christmas Sweater Generator by @jackson_allen
Dank Tomb by @krajzeg
GA TASU by @Konimiru
Lemmtris by @movAX13h
Leuko - Bloodstream Janitor by @Talbone
Mai-Chan's Sweet Buns by @Krystman
Marballs 2 by @lucatron
One Room Dungeon by @TRASEVOL_DOG
PICORACER-2048 by @impbox
Pyeongchang Slalom by @zothynine
SlipWays by @krajzeg
Super Poulet Poulet by @Retsyn
T-Factobot by @ultrabrite
Tomato Worm by @guerragames
Trails by @matthias
Uhura by @felixmreeve
Upward by @matthias
U-turn by @Benjamin Soule

#6. "Beep Boop Banger" Award
This goes to a cart that with outstanding music.

Heavy Karate from Hell by Shnilsen


Cartoon Cat Karaoke by @solar
Cave Berries by @oinariman
Dank Tomb by @krajzeg
Heavy Karate from Hell by Shnilsen
Just One Boss by @bridgs
Low Mem Sky by @Liquidream
Mai-Chan's Sweet Buns by @Krystman
Marballs 2 by @lucatron
Molecules by @matthias
Pico-8 Tunes Volume 1 by @Gruber & @krajzeg
Portal - Still Alive by @Liquidream
Signed by '89 by @timknauf
The Slow and the Curious by @emu
Under Construction by @eevee & glitchedpuppet

#7. "Novella" Award
This goes to a cart that tells an exceptional story.


62.34 abstraction by @daggermoor
8 Legs to Love by @bridgs
Dusk Child by @SophieHoulden
Dykie Street by @diyke
Elias Grey by @Robotinker
Ennuigi by @joshmillard
Forever Lost In The Never Ending Museum of Still Life by @jlalleve
Fulfilment by Harder You Fools
HALLOWE3N by @Liquidream
Happy Challah Days! by @MBoffin
Minima by @Feneric
Red//Black by @matthias
Signed by '89 by @timknauf
Spiritboard by @capnmarcy
Upward by @matthias

#8. "Sparkling" Award
This goes to a cart that positively shines with polish.


Brutal Pico Race by @dhostin
Dank Tomb by @krajzeg
Embrace by @TRASEVOL_DOG
Just One Boss by @bridgs
The Lair by @krajzeg
Low Mem Sky by @Liquidream
Mai-Chan's Sweet Buns by @Krystman
Mistigri by @Benjamin Soule
Molecules by @matthias
Not A Creature Was Stirring by @kittenm4ster
Pico Tennis by @paranoidcactus
Red//Black by @matthias
Super Poulet Poulet by @Retsyn

(Two categories have 3 honorable mentions instead of 2 because they had a tie for 3rd place.)


Cart nominations ended at 11:59PM Eastern Time on December 31, 2018.
Cart voting ended at 11:59PM Eastern Time on January 31, 2019.
Winners were announced on February 18, 2019. (I had to put it off for a bit to deal with college work.)

P#59600 2018-12-03 06:51 ( Edited 2019-03-01 01:47)

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A turn-less, world-less RPG made in 48 hours.

Cart #jusiv_b2018_v03-0 | 2018-12-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


  • Z/X/C: Advance/Select
  • Left/Right: Change Selected Character
  • Up/Down: Change Selected Action

The abilities aren't well explained beyond their names in-game, so here's a reference:

  • STRIKE: Deal elemental damage to the opponent.
  • SPECIAL: Each character has a completely different Special ability.
    > Powderhound doubles the foe's remaining cooldown time.
    > Rogue deals high non-elemental damage.
    > Clover heals themselves.
  • BOLSTER: Heal the other two characters.

Each character, every enemy, and most attacks have an elemental attribute.
These are as follows: Frost (Blue), Hate (Red), and Zeal (Green)
Frost deals double damage to Hate, Hate deals double damage to Zeal, and Zeal deals double damage to Frost. (It's basically just Water/Fire/Grass.)


  • All actions have a cooldown, during which the user cannot act again.
  • When a character falls, they can be revived by Bolstering them. They will revive with a cooldown dependent on how far below 0 their HP had fallen.
  • If all characters are defeated, the player must reset the cartridge to try again.
  • Some enemies can create elemental shields, which protect them from all damage. They must be hit with a Strike of the attribute which is effective against theirs to be removed.

This is a light linear RPG which consists entirely of dialogue and combat. There are 16 battles in total.

I made this by myself in 48 hours for the B-Term 2018 Game Jam at WPI. I didn't have time to make any audio for it, and some things could use more explanation and polish, but otherwise it is basically complete.

The jam theme was to use three name generators and make a game inspired by the results (one for finding your Werewolf name, one for finding your Skier/Snowboarder name, and one for finding your Leprechaun name). I wound up with Rogue Hound, Powderhound Snowscombe, and Clover McWoozy (respectively). These ended up becoming the names of the three characters and informed their personalities, attributes, and abilities.

I might go through and try to expand or improve this later somehow but we'll see.

And if you'd like to see more of my stuff, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_

P#59592 2018-12-03 00:34 ( Edited 2018-12-03 08:56)

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A simple little arcade game made well within 48 hours.

Cart #56752 | 2018-09-16 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I made this for WPI's A-term 2018 game jam. I didn't have a ton of time to spend on it, but this is what I wound up with.

It was based on this poem.exe tweet:
before this autumn wind
flower face

You play as a flower with a face trying to keep its petals from blowing off by leaning into the unpredictably changing wind.


  • Z/X/C: Start Game / Retry
  • Left/Right: Lean

There's no music but there are sound effects.

And if you want to follow my work, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_

P#56755 2018-09-16 20:06 ( Edited 2018-09-17 04:51)

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A "platformer" without platforms, originally made for the 2018 GMTK Game Jam!

Cart #i_just_wanna_land_v3-2 | 2022-07-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

You play as a bird with a baseball cap on a search to find a new floating island after their first one crumbles. Instead of jumping off platforms, you flap your wings in mid air to propel yourself in the direction you're aiming.

There are four levels in total.


  • Z: Flap
  • Left / Right: Aim

You can also get it on itch.io.
And if you'd like to see more of my work, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_

Update Log:

October 2018 - Version 1

Cart #56073 | 2018-09-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

The original release, made in under 48 hours for the 2018 GMTK Game Jam.

October 2018 - Version 2

Cart #i_just_wanna_land_v2-0 | 2019-04-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

(Featured at WPI's 2019 PAX East booth!)
Added a scoring system, music, and some extra polish. The total development time was still under 48 hours.

June 2022 - Version 3

  • Fixed a bug where your final results always showed at least 3 retries.
  • Refined most hitboxes to better match the shapes of their objects.
  • Added a whole bunch of polish, particularly to death animations.
P#56075 2018-09-02 17:36 ( Edited 2022-07-01 00:28)

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Cart #49637 | 2018-02-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

(The Post-Jam version has the score continually decrease, encouraging frequent sniffing! Aside from that it's identical.)

Cart #49613 | 2018-02-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Sniff flowers! Blow bees away! Don't sniff bees!

This is a game I made in 24 hours for WPI's "Take a Breather" Jam. The theme was "A Good Sniff." All assets and code are my own work.

If you're interested in seeing more of my work, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_


  • Up: Inhale
  • Down: Exhale


  • Sniff flowers to score points. Exhaling first lets you get a longer sniff. The longer the sniff, the more points it's worth!
  • Bees sting you if you try to inhale them, but you can blow them away by exhaling.
  • You run out of breath if you exhale for too long.
P#49614 2018-02-24 17:51 ( Edited 2018-03-15 05:25)

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I've been thinking it would be really cool to have a set of awards that the community can nominate and vote on carts to receive, much like the Steam Awards.

Thus, I present the P8 Awards!

(Use the arrow keys to look at different ones.)

I don't intend these to necessarily be the finalized options, or even to be a thing that we actually do, but I thought I'd at least mock up a "proof of concept" set to see what people think.

For the first set, I think it would make sense to allow any cart to be nominated, but in future ones (if this becomes a thing) it could be restricted to carts from the past year if people want.

So, what do people think of this idea? Feel free to give any suggestions for changes or alternate awards, too!

P#49191 2018-02-11 23:03 ( Edited 2018-02-13 23:47)

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... in a cold, dark forest.

Keep the fire burning, stay warm, and don't get lost.
How long can you survive against the wilds?

Cart #48048 | 2018-01-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I made this over the first week of 2018 for the Winter Break Jam held by Worcester Polytechnic Institute's Game Development Club. The theme for the jam was just the phrase "very warm."

All assets and code are my own work.

And if you want to see more of my stuff, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_


  • Arrows: Move
  • Z/X/C: Start Game

(Walk into something to interact with it.)


  • Initial Release - 1/7/2018
  • v2 - 1/10/2018
    (I say Version 2, but I really just tweaked how shadows and fairy circles are drawn. Nothing major was changed.)

You can also find this game on itch.io: https://jusiv.itch.io/a-very-warm-fire

P#47943 2018-01-07 13:14 ( Edited 2018-11-08 23:39)

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CAUTION: Some areas in this game cause a significant flickering effect.

by Jusiv
Cart #47637 | 2017-12-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

NULL is a surreal adventure game. What you see in the end depends on what you can find on the way.
A 100% playthrough can be completed in 10-15 minutes, if you know where everything is.

This is my third full Pico-8 game (not counting stuff from game jams)! I made it over the course of November and December 2017. All assets and code are my own work.

If you want to see more of my stuff, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_


  • Arrows: Move
  • Z/X/C: Interact


  • There are two types of things to find. Each area has exactly one of each.
  • Some hidden things will only appear once you've reached the end of an area.
  • If you get totally stuck, maybe try resting for a minute.
  • This won't help you progress, but maybe play this: Messages. It might be significant.

v1.0 - Initial Release - 12/22/2017
v1.1 - Minor Tweaks - 12/22/2017

P#47625 2017-12-22 12:26 ( Edited 2018-01-17 22:50)

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The Bug:
I've been noticing lately that the cursor in Pico-8's code editor sometimes will get "stuck." It will suddenly start moving continuously to either the start or end of the current line, and even if I try to move the cursor it will just move itself directly back. Holding down the arrow key opposing the direction it's moving in will make it stay in place, a character away from the start/end of the line. For whatever reason, this never makes the cursor change lines, so it doesn't appear to be something as simple as a single input getting repeated unnecessarily. It also affects the cursor command line.

The Cause:
This bug does not appear to have a consistent cause that I can identify, though I think it most often happens when I'm hitting multiple keys at once.

As far as I'm aware, the only way to restore normal functioning is to closing and re-opening Pico-8.

Have other people have encountered this? Does anyone know of any other solutions to this issue?
(I'm using 0.1.11D, but it happened with earlier versions too.)

P#46507 2017-11-20 08:42 ( Edited 2017-11-20 16:19)

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