Here's my world code for my game, that you can check out here!
Just copy the code to your system clipboard, then go into the game press Enter or P to pause the game, and press Load File!
Rate my PICO-8 game I made for Ludum Dare! :D
I've been researching and learning alot from the community here on Lexaloffle, and I really wanted to give back! So here's my Vector Calculation library free of charge! You can use this in any project you like, (I used it in my Ludum Dare 48 submission) although, giving feedback and credit when you use this is appreciated. :) Thank you Lexaloffle for being such an amazing community! I'll also be posting alot of other libraries I've made, so feel free to use them too!
DEEPER is a PICO-8 game made in 48 hours for Ludum Dare 48! Inspired by Downwell, you use your rocket boots to propel you as you go "DEEPER AND DEEPER". This was also my first PICO-8 game to use the libraries I've built up. Including rect overlap, particle systems, screen effects, and vector calculations.
Cursor Keys: Move
Z/X: Shoot and handle menus
This is a little dodging game I worked on for about a month, and forgot to release it! :P But better late than never I guess. So here ya go!
I know this should go without saying but, DONT STEAL OTHER PEOPLES HIGHSCORES ON THE TABLE!
P.S. I am EBO on the highscore table. See if you can beat me! ;)
Cursor Keys: Movement
Highscore Table: lazydevs
Everything else: ME! :D
Update Log:
v1.1: Fixed bug with 32k limit
v1.0: Initial Release
This is a little survival / building / crafting / resource collection game I worked on for a week or two. Hope you like it! :D
How to save your worlds:
Press Enter or P to pause the game, and use the cursor keys to select save.
that will save the map to your computer's clipboard.
Then to load a world, just copy the data to your clipboard,
pause the game, and use the cursor keys to select load!
In Game:
Cursor Keys: Movement
Q: Menu
X: Mine
Y: Place
(You mine and place in the direction you last moved)
Cursor Keys: Move Selection
X: Craft
Q: Exit Menu
Update Log: