I discovered the Thumby Color recently, a follow up on the original Thumby. After looking at the specs, I couldn't help but wonder if it would be well-suited to playing PICO-8 games. It's got a color screen now, and a 128x128 pixel screen (!), running on a raspberry pi. I'm not super familar with running PICO-8 on anything other than windows, but I'm willing to figure it out if it looks like this could work.
Has anyone else taken a look at doing this? Any idea how hard it would be?
Thumby Color kickstarter page:

Hello again!
Josiah and The Singin' Woods is a relaxing rhythm game.

Press the correct button when it's in the center of the "strike zone" line on the left.
(note: the default for the red "O" buttons is "Z" on your keyboard)
Don't miss the flashing buttons or you'll lose a life!

The game gets a little harder if you're doing well, and goes easy on you if you miss a few notes. The stars in the top right show your current difficulty.
Show me your highest score!

Hello, world!
This is my first cart made with PICO-8, and I'm so happy to share it!
I hope you enjoy this game about staying well-hydrated (and not dying lost and alone in the desert).
Let me know what you think!