CAUTION: Some areas in this game cause a significant flickering effect.
NULL is a surreal adventure game. What you see in the end depends on what you can find on the way.
A 100% playthrough can be completed in 10-15 minutes, if you know where everything is.
This is my third full Pico-8 game (not counting stuff from game jams)! I made it over the course of November and December 2017. All assets and code are my own work.
If you want to see more of my stuff, check out my Twitter: @Jusiv_
- Arrows: Move
- Z/X/C: Interact
- There are two types of things to find. Each area has exactly one of each.
- Some hidden things will only appear once you've reached the end of an area.
- If you get totally stuck, maybe try resting for a minute.
- This won't help you progress, but maybe play this: Messages. It might be significant.
v1.0 - Initial Release - 12/22/2017
v1.1 - Minor Tweaks - 12/22/2017

Quite a strange, different game! The puzzles aren't impossible and shouldn't take too long for most in general (hopefully...). Even the very last area seems really hard at first until you notice the patterns.
So what is that horrid black octopus-like creature? Is that supposed to be your subconscious, self-doubt or something with the disparaging remarks? It sure is a jerk!

All I'll say is that you might want to check out my game Messages, too. I can't promise you'll find a conclusive answer, but it might add a wrinkle to your understanding and could give some more context to the dialogue and text in NULL. Especially if you've found every newspaper.
You can play it here:

Love it! Definitely up there with one of my all time faves, like Knytt and Under Construction.
Missed two newspapers on my second run (one in the second level and one in the final one), but that's alright, I'll replay it eventually for a third time.
/edit: Okay I got all the secrets, it was well worth the replay.

^Yeah, it definitely is, as I've gone through it several times myself :)
Definitely up there with one of my all time faves, like Knytt and Under Construction.
I've only played a fair amount of Pico games released in the last year, so I can't say for sure how it holds up among the others, but likewise I don't know if this is game of the year but it definitely needs to be nominated if there were such a thing in this community.
All I'll say is that you might want to check out my game Messages, too.
HEY! You were able to make a pseudo-sequel to the game after all! Big surprise to see Jade mentioned in there, as I didn't check out the game the first time around.

Hey, thanks so much guys!
It's definitely a relief to hear people think it's worth the effort to track down all the secrets.
Bekey: "Love it! Definitely up there with one of my all time faves, like Knytt and Under Construction."
I haven't played Knytt personally, but Under Construction might just be my favorite PICO-8 game I've played, so getting compared to that is amazing! Thanks so much!
Vectorguy: "I don't know if this is game of the year but it definitely needs to be nominated if there were such a thing in this community."
WOW. I don't know what to say but thanks!
Vectorguy: "HEY! You were able to make a pseudo-sequel to the game after all! Big surprise to see Jade mentioned in there, as I didn't check out the game the first time around."
Yeah! I hadn't actually intended NULL to be related when I first started it, but pretty early on I realized there was enough narrative similarity that I could make them directly related, and I loved that idea so much I just ran with it. Plus, that gave me an excuse to include more secrets and [REDACTED], the black creature (he's called that because his name is always obscured, even in the game's comments). Someday I might do a third game to complete the set, but for now that's just a thought.

It's definitely a relief to hear people think it's worth the effort to track down all the secrets.
It's not even too much of an "effort" either, I don't think. It's cool though :)
Vectorguy: "I don't know if this is game of the year but it definitely needs to be nominated if there were such a thing in this community."
WOW. I don't know what to say but thanks!
You're welcome! I mean it. Not too hard, intriguing and a bit heavy in regards to subject matter, along with having some replay value.
Vectorguy: "HEY! You were able to make a pseudo-sequel to the game after all! Big surprise to see Jade mentioned in there, as I didn't check out the game the first time around."
Yeah! I hadn't actually intended NULL to be related when I first started it, but pretty early on I realized there was enough narrative similarity that I could make them directly related, and I loved that idea so much I just ran with it.
Glad you did :)
Someday I might do a third game to complete the set, but for now that's just a thought.
Well I won't hold you to it then! ;)
Next I need to see what A Very Warm Fire is...

I love this! All of the environments have something unique to and visually appealing to offer--you have a very unique style. Great tone throughout the whole game as well. Thanks for making this!

@bridgs Aw, thanks for playing and for the kind words! I have no idea what I'd say my style is but hey, nice to hear people like it!
@SimonHutchinson Thank you!
@Roysterini Thanks! NULL definitely was inspired by the lack of similar games on here and my desire to make something intriguingly surreal. OFF and Anodyne were probably my biggest inspirations overall, but the PICO-8 cart Under Construction by @eevee and glip ( is another really cool example of the type of thing I wanted to capture (and I believe my favorite cart here).

Nothing short of superb. Uniquely original and interesting gameplay. Puzzles are hard and tricky but not impossible.
Nicely done ! And here is a STAR for you.

I love this so much. the amount of story gone into this game is insane. I assume this person is the same player from the other game but the amount of story you put into this pile of pixels is insane. I can't imagine how well weitten this is and I have barly scratched the surface. I wish you good luck in trying to decifer this puzzle but my confulsion is.
that's my guess it's all an opinion but I absolutly adore this game with a passion for the maount of storyand effort put into it. It's like you're finding your memories and theres no expliset saying what's happening but it's all hinted at between the lines. This game is fantastic and deserves alot of love. Welldone :3

@HouseinTheTrees Belated response but thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed the game to that level and had it resonate!

The open took me a good minute... XP btw what are the white things?

@FireCode125 A little belated but if you're stuck in the grove, rest a minute and you might get an idea.

@Knack Here's hints + solution encoded in Rot13:
- Ovt zbirzragf frrz gb fpner gurz bss
- Fbzrguvat nobhg gurz fhogyl punatrf nf lbh zbir
- Gur fdhnerf ba gur tebhaq frrz fvtavsvpnag
- EBG47: %96 H9:DAD 24E =:<6 2 4@>A2DD E@ E96 4@CC64E DBF2C6] $E2?5 @? E96 4@CC64E DBF2C6 2?5 E96 H9:DAD H:== 24E:G2E6 :E] s@ E92E 7@C 2== c E@ D@=G6 E96 AFKK=6]

great game, but I'm stuck next to robo can. OK NEVER MIND

just flick the levers and then find the ticket and there should be a gate near the top that requires a ticket to open.

Hello!!!! I'm a big fan of your games NULL and Messages, so I attempted to draw my interpretation of the Encounter. I hope it's okay! Great games, I love to theorize about their stories.
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