I've been playing Pico-8 on handhelds (no keyboard) a lot lately and I think there is a "gap" in that experience.
Once you have exhausted the "new" and "featured" sections, there isn't a good way to find new games to play.
I would love to have a "play random game" option in Splore! Given the FREE, quick, "pick up and play" nature of Pico-8 games, I think it would work quite well. Perhaps even "show me 20 random games", where I could quickly scroll through and see if any cover art catches my eye.

For my game, Witch n Wiz (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=38117#p), I implemented as simple technique for loading a secondary spritesheet at runtime. This allowed me to have a fullscreen title graphic, but not use up any of the sprite sheet memory (needed for game sprites and map data).
The cart at the top of this post is an ultra simple example of it in use. As you can see, you are able to switch between 2 sprite sheets that would each normally take up the entire sprite memory.
Credit for the num2hex function goes to felice (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=30910)
You can still only have 128x128 worth of sprites in memory at a time. So this is really best for things like the title screen, or major switches in gameplay (say switching worlds where you don't need any of the original sprites anymore).

Day 1 of the 2018 Pico-8 Advent Calendar!

Thanks for checking out my entry for our community "Pico-8 Advent Calendar"!
It's a simple "race the clock" arcade game, with the goal of delivering as many presents as possible before sunrise. The entire game only lasts about a minute, with the idea that you will play many times, and try to beat your previous high score.
Design and Code: https://twitter.com/matthughson

Uncompressed Source Code: https://paste.ee/p/5KOG5 (warning: it's pretty gross)

Late last year (2017) I started work on a port of Super Mario Bros [NES] to Pico-8. The goal was to be authentic as possible to the original game, while working within the Pico-8 limitations. Something like Super Mario Bros Deluxe [GBC] (https://www.mariowiki.com/Super_Mario_Bros._Deluxe).
In the end I was able to get 1-1 and 1-2 mostly complete before starting to hit serious memory limits which make it seem near impossible to ship the full game.

Art by: 9tk (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?uid=23566)
Code by: mhughson (https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?uid=15406)
Sound by: gruber music (https://twitter.com/gruber_music)

Testing out my Advanced Micro Platformer Starter Kit's ability to handle 16x16 sprites (vs more common 8x8 used in a lot of pico-8 games).
I have taken my most recent Pico-8 game Kid Bludd, stripped it down to the essentials, and I am releasing it as a kind of Platforming Game Starter Kit.
I removed all logic that isn't game agnostic, so it is hopefully a good starting point for pretty much any platformer.
It's not super complicated, but does a lot of stuff I see many games not doing, which I consider table stakes for a platformer that feel good.

Short demo showing how to do animations with nothing but palette cycling.

On the right is the actual sprite used, with not palette cycling.
On the left is the resulting animation, when cycling through the palette.
A very primitive example of the amazing techniques seen here: http://www.effectgames.com/demos/canvascycle/?sound=0
Disclaimer: I'm not an artist, so it would be great to see an actual pixel artist do something with this. :)
Is it possible to pause or mute music in Pico-8 from script?
I want to halt the music for a short period when the player dies, and resume it when they respawn. Pause or Mute would both work in this case; I just don't want to restart the whole song every time they die.
This is what I currently do:
-- Player Spawns... music(0) --Player dies music(-1) -- Player Spawns... music(0) |