Press buttons to cycle through 4 levels.
Fixed the Best Time bug and tweaked the map/colours a little. Also changed the random camera shake to a map nudge to give more weight to the player.
I'm still new at coding/pico8. This "on rails" racing idea was a good chance to try a new method of collision: this time, I test the pixel color in the direction I'm going (using angle instead of usual DX/DY) and if it's NOT the track colour, the collision returns true.
remixing is welcome.

Play with the buttons and make your own spoooOOOooky spinning thing.
Great screensaver for baby rooms!
Oh and by the way, the music is an augmented 4th, aka a tritone or the "chord of evil" which was literally banned by the church at one time. :)
edit: oops I just realized I uploaded an old version. This one works...

I have the sound muted -- if you want to test with the explosion sound, uncomment line 26.
The magic happens in the MAKE_EXPL function which creates a new explosion in the table (maxed out at 10 explosions). I call EXPLODE() to update all the explosions every frame.
Things I learned from this:
- creating a RN function for a shorthand FLR(RND)
- how to delete the oldest entry in a table
- conditional animations based on count and argument data
- palette cycling
I'm sure there's a better way to create the explosions using a single formula. This is the messy way. Feel free to remix with cleaner code or use this in your project.

I don't want to have this conversation on a cart so it keeps getting bumped.
I think PICO-8 is a fantastic way to learn programming and the bbs should be kid-friendly to promote programming. Can we get a way to flag posts? Either to review for removal, or at least to hide them unless you're logged in? If there are enough flags perhaps it gets automatically removed or hidden from sight.
As someone else mentioned, hosting adult content (as pixelated as it is) may block acces from school networks.

First original project. Automated runner experiment.
0.1 first animation cycle layering sprites and cycling by frame count
0.11 tweaked animation to separate front/rear legs
0.2 learning a lot! now with wobble, controls, scrolling star animation. Next up is a rainbooowwwww. Included the awesome track by synth_fdr
0.3 Well this is some sloppy code but I was having trouble getting the rainbow to work right. I'll clean it up next time.