It feels eerily similar.
It even uses the term "Fantasy Game Console". It looks like it has more features than Pico-8, but for less.

you know the picture of the pico-8 console concept at the top of the pico-8 page? well i just realized that the way the controller for it is designed makes it look like it could also be used as a mouse!
discuss other thoughts and opinions here
hello everyone! i'm relatively new to text-based coding, so i got the code for my game out of the pico 8 fanzine! the precise game title is "squashy", and alex mole made it!
arrow keys to move the paddle left and right!
update: got hearts to render! but when you lose a life, all the hearts go away instead of just one...
update: hearts go away, one at a time! turns out putting =- instead of -= makes a huge difference!
if you want, you can play the earlier versions here!