The idea behind PICO-8 is pretty amazing in that you can make the games in the same environment you play them in. The pico-8 webpage itself says, and I quote: "Create a whole game or program in one sitting without needing to leave the cosy development environment"... except if you wanna look at the docs, then you gotta do awkward switching between a text editor and the pico-8 environment. Thus, I think the documentation should be embedded into the IDE. On a second note, trying to find any particular function in the docs is not a fun experience. For example, if I want to know what arguments "print" takes, I have to search the readme file for "print" (of course), but there's a ton of references to the function before the actual documentation for it, which means I have to go over all of them before I find the actual line which explains what the function should be called as. It could be nice to have the usual thing for function documentation in the IDE -- you type the name of the function in your code, hit F1, and it shows the reference for this particular function. I know that pico-8 is still in alpha, but I feel like this is one feature that is a must-have for comfortable development.

A basic blackjack/twenty-one game against the computer.
The game is turn-based. Each turn, you may either take a card ("hit") or do nothing ("stand"). The dealer will do the same. To win, your points must be below or equal to 21 and above that of the dealer. You also win in the event the dealer gets over 21 points. Face cards (KQJ) are all valued at 10. Ace is valued at either 1 or 11, whichever gives you the most advantage.
- Fixed a bug where scoring 21 caused you to lose (misunderstanding of the rules on my side).
- Updated the scoring algorithm for aces: the points for them are now counted after all the other cards you have, so they can be valued at 11 or 1 as is fit best, and change accordingly (i.e. if you have an ace and a 5, you have 16 points, but if you draw a 6 afterwards the ace will be down-valued to 1 leaving you with 12 points). This new algorithm represents the choices of reasonable players closer without you actually having to decide what the aces should be valued at.