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Cart #kern_snippet-1 | 2023-01-22 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I was making a tool to help me make the font for my game and I decided to share it.
I think this is pretty much finalized... you put your font in the sprite sheet as normal like @zep's #font_snippet I took some code from,
X to save Z to swap to the adjusting view where you can nudge around each character by selecting with X.
Then when you save it exports it to clipboard as a binary string with characters 0..15 escapecoded out. It also saves it to memory in the top of the sheet so if you do it locally it'll save your progress for later.

I got rid of the extra encoding stuff cause it wasn't really helpful. now ecodes it properly and stuff.
Just paste the string copied to clipboard in your cart and your good to go. (Of course in puny mode)


Hi @SmellyFishstiks:

This is quite similar to what I did HERE:


Although the end results do not require a spritesheet at all to both initiate and activate the font, leaving it free for other things.

Years before I had this:


Yet looking at your code it is clear to see you programmed the latter in smaller code than I did. :)

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