Wave catalog

I was inspired by the Fill Pattern Catalog, And the annoyance of programming and trying to figure out the best way to input wavetable data for my Toot project. So I realized I wanted to just have preset waves I could download instead.
There's wavetables in both a list of 64 values and formatted pico8 wavetables. (A utility cart is provided if you want to exchange between the two yourself.)
I had 32, And 1kb downloads before but I thought maybe it was overkill/didn't know if it'd be useful and didn't want to compile them. (Let me know if and where they would be.)
Hope this is useful, And if you have any wavetables that you think are distinct enough or any flavors I missed please comment it below Thanks!
(Also thanks to luchak for creating the Wave Designer. excellent for creating waveforms too.)
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