Terra Nova Pinball
Ricochet around an alien world in this Pico-8 pinball table.
Basic Gameplay
Launch the ball onto the table using ⬆️/⬇️ to control the launch power and 🅾️/❎ to release the ball.
Use the flippers (⬅️/➡️ by default, can be configured in the menu) to keep the ball from draining out the bottom of the table, hitting targets and bumpers and completing minigames (see below) to score points.
You have 3 balls to score as many points as you can, and record a new highscore!
If the ball drains within 15s of launching, you get a free relaunch.
Quincunx - a Bean Machine
A Quincunx, otherwise known as a bean machine or Galton board, is a device designed to demonstrate how bell curves appear from combinations of random events, and so why they appear so much in nature.
A physics-based statistics toy
This cart (roughly) simulates marbles bouncing through a grid of pegs and landing in bins at the bottom - for anyone who enjoys watching marbles fall or maybe wants to demonstrate some statistical principles themselves.
The bins have a bell curve overlaid on them that should match the approximate pattern of the balls once they have all fallen, so you can test how consistent the simulation is with the theory.