Note: This cartridge's settings do not allow embedded playback. A [Play at lexaloffle] link will be included instead.
--small performance boosts
--added pseudo voxels for map, up to 4 cubes high
Silly little raycast engine, ill probably make a game with this at some point but for now here ya'll go. Feel free to use this for whatever just credit me :)
there is no actual game, for realsies, I just made the murder mystery as clickbait because I'm greedy, there will be a game one day but as of current its just a simple game engine.
Note: This cartridge's settings do not allow embedded playback. A [Play at lexaloffle] link will be included instead.
--added a lot of explanitory comments, look at tab number 5 for info on making sprites
--made floors pixel perfect aswell as much more efficient
--added windows for a spacious, luxurious room feel and to air out the room