I've made a little tool (Windows only) that helps saving time and keeping organized when working on bigger pico-8 projects. It might be useful to some of you so I'm sharing it here on my blog. To see what it does and does not do, please read the blog post before downloading.
UPDATE: P8Coder is now open source P8Coder on GitHub
Jetpack - PICO-8 edition, 30 hot levels and various enemies
Jetman does not know how to jump.
Jetman uses his jetpack if you press C.
Jetman can not have more than 4 lives.
Level restart (if you get stuck and can not die) - press X
That's me playing level 12:
Level 1 to 12 - if you get past level 12, it gets easier ;)
Have fun!
Keys: Arrows move brick, C drops it, X restarts level (after confirm)
GFX improved
new levels
new in-game music, 4 songs by pizza
new intro music by movAX13h
extra life items
NOTE: If you have played version 1 (wip) please note that maximum fall height has increased by 1 unit.
Have fun!
Hi zep!
pget seems to use the camera which is kind of strange I think...
This does not do what it looks like it does if camera() is used:
col=pget(x,y) pset(x,y,col) |
Manual correction (if cx and cy are camera position):
col=pget(x-cx,y-cy) pset(x,y,col) |
Is this a known issue or am I misinterpreting something here?
Mouse click handling of the editor is not blocked when in console or run state.
(A click where the editor buttons are, shows the editor)
It's not bad but sometimes confusing :)
Another 'bug' I found yesterday:
print("text",0,-8,7) crashes Pico-8 (Windows) as soon as the programm is stopped (by hitting ESC).
No errors shown.
UPDATE: final version
Goal is to get the Lemming to the small green tree (to the next screen).
He is able to climb 1 block unit.
Since he has no parachute, he dies if the cliff is higher than 2 units.
arrows .. move/rotate block
c .. drop block
x .. restart level (if no chance of winning)
3 Levels for now.