Jetpack - PICO-8 edition, 30 hot levels and various enemies
Jetman does not know how to jump.
Jetman uses his jetpack if you press C.
Jetman can not have more than 4 lives.
Level restart (if you get stuck and can not die) - press X
That's me playing level 12:

Level 1 to 12 - if you get past level 12, it gets easier ;)
Have fun!

I remember the game this is based on. I used to love playing it on my PC and messing with the level editor for hours.
Thanks for the memories and awesome cartridge!

Aww yeah!
Jetpack was the first game I had on our first PC - this is a fantastic remake!

Thank you! I also played it on my first PC with my brothers and friends. Nice memories :)
If you want to play the original again, it's just one link away, right in your browser, here: Jetpack by Adept Software -

Great arcade action and great level design. I hadn't played the original, but I like the graphics / the look of your version better. Good stuff!

Really great ! I like how the rocket pack doesn't just catapult you to the ceiling but it is a gradual and calculating thing.

You can also download the original from the author's website, plus the hintbook, alternate themes, christmas levels, etc.

Great game, didn't play original. Probably could use infinite lives for me though!
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