An implementation of Rocket, from the Pairs Companion. The full rules are in the Pairs Companion, which you can download from Cheapass Games, but short version: there's 1 1, 2 2s, 3 3s, and so on through 10 10s in the deck. Don't get a pair.
The implementation actually works - up and down to change your bet, (X) to confirm, then (X) to hit or (O) to fold. There's some feedback now on what happened, but it's still pretty bare. I need to include actual in-game control notes, of course. And to make the art less hilariously awful. And maybe a nice card draw sound, hm.
New! Map! And mostly working collisions, but only with the horizontal and vertical lines... and sometimes you go right through... but hey, some progress. The AC is still broken here, that's my excuse. It's hard to work on games when you're melting.
It's not titled yet, and certainly doesn't meet the theme yet, but I figured I'd post what progress I've got. My plan is to do something mixing pool and minigolf... apparently something similar existed on the NES under the name of Lunar Pool, but I didn't learn that until after I got started. At the moment, all I have is a cueball you can smack around a bit, though.
Also, since a couple of my short utility functions were first written before the jam, I should probably share those, along with a couple of library-type things I've written since Feel free to use these in however you like... CC0 for a license. Credit, while appreciated, is not required.
button = { left = 0, right = 1, up = 2, down = 3, o = 4, x = 5} do local realcolor = color color = { black = 0, darkblue = 1, purple = 2, darkgreen = 3, brown = 4, darkgrey = 5, grey = 6, white = 7, red = 8, orange = 9, yellow = 10, green = 11, lightblue = 12, lilac = 13, pink = 14, peach = 15 } setmetatable(color, {__call = function (t,n) realcolor(n) end}) end function round(n) if (n >= 0 and n%1 >= 0.5) n+=1 if (n < 0 and n%1 < 0.5) n+=1 return flr(n) end function pop(list) ret=list[#list] list[#list]=nil return ret end |
I based this extremely heavily on someone's Lua highlighter, but there's a few nifty features. It'll only highlight lua code in the lua section, and it displays stuff in the gfx section as pictures.