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Cart #wumpleisthegame-2 | 2023-03-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A short arcade game thingy that kinda was a mash of Pacman and adventures of Lolo. Made for ToyBoxJam 3.

One day at work a mother comes in and says she's lost all 40 of her kids and 'requests' help. Dodge toasters, Snakes, and more and make your way back home.

Made by SmellyFishstiks
Pathfinding help from Luchak

Made for Toy box jam 3 (https://itch.io/jam/toy-box-jam-3)



  • released


  • Fixed stacked comment blocks crashing the game
  • Fixed crash occurring when actor tried to find a path and returned a #path of 0
  • Fixed Rescue ship not being centered when flying away
  • Fixed Wayback-Final having a time limit and thus a ghost that could force you to reset your score if it ate grifert

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So I was moving my levels around and part of the old section remained after being moved?
Thinking it was a weird byproduct of it not being on screen with the sprites in the way I tried again and nope :?
And I just tried again now and only a 16x1 chunk on the bottom was left...

Sorry for bugging you with bugs again @zep ;\


Hey @zep not to bug you too much with bugs I keep finding but in latest version when I put "ノ" in a error msg and tried to copy it to clipboard (On Mac so cmd+c) it failed and just replaced my clipboard with \0 or empty or whatever (correction: kept clipboard the same. did not over write it with a terminal or whatever it's called.),

I assume this isn't supposed to happen? wonder if it's a issue with ノ being utf8 or whatever.

Anyways thanks if you read this, sorry to bug you... for like the 3rd time with bugs

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Sneezy Scribble

Cart #sneezyscribble-0 | 2022-01-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hey I was making my game, (Some of the special chars are from/for that.)
And decided to share the font.

This was my first time ever drawing the hiragana and katakana so.. they maybe aren't great but ya.

This cart just pastes the font's data into your clipboard to be poked like @zep's cart.

Probably will keep tweaking it as I use it more but for now here it is. feel free to use it if you want!


Cart #kirbys_big_bean_blast-0 | 2021-12-04 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A Cover of the Beginner's room theme from Super star that was later remixed in Air ride.
Used Name registered's (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zB6T_WgGqI) piano tutorial as reference.
Had fun making this, Hope you enjoy.
(Oh ya and lastly please credit me if you end up using this or whatever. Thanks!)


This problem has happened to me multiple times now where I'm doing music in the sfx editor, (and the pattern editor maybe?)
And I hit cmd+r.
Pico-8 crashes immediately and I've checked my backups folder to find this time nothing was saved...
I'm not sure if it's because I don't have any code and I just made a cart to do music in, and it doesn't happen all of the time when you run, but when it does happen it crashes and you lose everything :(

I'm not sure how to recreate it but if you could find it please squash this bug/crash, thanks.

I'm on mac, version 0.1.12c


Cover of world 4 I made from Super Mario Bros 3.
Not perfect but like how compact and the juice that buzz adds.

1 comment

Hey I made a galaxy map thingy where you can look at a galaxy and read-up on aliens I guess.
not much to it but here

Cart #galaxymapthing-0 | 2020-12-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Hi! @zep I was wondering if we could have more ways to make the pico-8 code editor more customizable.
I think it would be really nice if the color-highlighting syntax stuff was changeable for what color it would display it as. so if I don't want numbers to be blue I could make them green etc.

this also goes for the background color which is changeable already but it would be nice to have some more options with that. (I really like the dark green background.)

Other options to change color syntax would be nice like function calls() being a different color from vars as well.. (maybe some other stuff too I'm not thinking about..)

Anyways it would be nice if you could make the code editor more customized to how you like to code, and having all of this be some numbers in the config file would be awesome!

For example if the function call stuff by default was still lightgray it would be nice to change that to be different. so even stuff that's the same by default could be changed if people didn't want it that way.

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so I was messing with a little tweetcart esc thing;

::♪:: if(t>=256)t=1u+=1
goto ♪

and when I put the "if" next to the "::♪::" it turns gray like it's part of the "::♪::".
and then when I put a ";" before with a space or without it gives me a error even if the "if" is pink..?

Is this a bug? I'm on 0.2.1B

I feel like if it doesn't like the if touching the label it should like it if there's a simicolin touching between them.. IDK..

PS: anything after a goto is gray for some reason even with spaces now that I think of it

1 comment

Super Paper Mario Tunes V1

Cart #superpapermariotunes-1 | 2020-09-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



Hi! this is a project I thought of forever ago and finally got around to doing it. (or part of it..)
I wanted to try to make covers from one of my childhood classics; Super Paper Mario.
IDK the songs are super complex but I tried my best to translate them into pico-8. (I'm terrible at music)
I've only done LineLand Road as of Version 1. (I might do more stuff later.)
(here's the original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqW1GFxRGvg)
Hope you enjoy let me know what you think I spent a long time working on this! :D

song listing

1 - LineLand Road

Version log


Uploaded LineLand Road.


Ice reflection demo

Hi this is a simple cart that has a ice reflection effect in 2 functions!
I was going to use this for little ice reflection tiles maybe but I figured I could share it too.
Feel free to use this! :p

Cart #icereflectiondemo-1 | 2020-09-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Delve Feedback help

Cart #delve-0 | 2020-08-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Hi! I was looking back on this project that I wanted to get back to work working on..
But before I do that I wanted to get feedback on what to add,change,etc.
(I allready know somethings like music,horizontaldrill,notcrashingonlvl4,enemies,etc...)
But I wanted feedback regaurdless for things I might miss!

Thanks if you looked at this!

Asking what people think about my game with 0 ideas thrown at the player is probably not the best idea so here's some topics that I would like help with thanks again :) :

  • controls
  • titlescreen / options
  • map generation issues
  • area concepts or misc ideas about gameplay

(some problems I might already know about but please tell me anyways)


was messing around with having â–ˆ and â–’ being written to a file with printh()
But then it wasn't working when I tried to read them...
Then I looked at the chr list and █▒ (48,50) arn't on there and instead 0,2 are 48,50...?
How would I use chr() to give me â–ˆ/â–’? is it possible?


Flag Demo

Cart #flagdemo-1 | 2020-08-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


This is a tiny cart I made to learn Tline. Then I got carried away and made a scene and everthing else...
IDK if you want to look at the code to see how stuff is done feel free! I did some poke shanagains with

 -- 0x33dc (sfx7note1..3)

 for i=0,2 do

if your curious. : p

Hope this is relaxing or what ever!


  • up Down | move flag
  • z | play randomized sounds

Was wondering if someone could help me figure out a poke that I wanted to do.

I was trying to figure out how to edit the first note in sfx7,
So when I hit a button it pokes that address and then plays a diffrent pitch depending on the value I poke.
could someone help point out what address(es) that would be?

Thanks in advance! (I'm newish to peek/poking!)


Squid Defense

Cart #squiddefence-4 | 2022-06-14 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


Hi, This is my game Squid Defense that (originally for V1.) I spent a little over 8 days working on!
I spent forever trying to make sure it was perfect, but it has some bugs and annoying things to it but I hope it's still fun still. : )

(Might update this later, IDK.)


Try to defend the Beachball by shooting various sea creatures with ink! (ink has limited use with quick recharge.)
your ball has 4hp and it heals by 1hp at the end of a wave.

Also watch out for the ever changing tide, it might make you rethink how you need to play!

The # of stars after a map's name show the difficulty of that map, every map has 20 waves see if you can beat them!

[ Continue Reading.. ]


Hi! I was working on a game and I was trying to make it so that for ex:
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 ... would be translated into
01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12 ...

and I was wondering how do you "apend" stuff to a string? I might be doing a doofus play but I forget some stuff about PICO-8 since I took a break from it : o

here's the code snipit I'm trying to figure out so far


 if (#wavestring==1) add(wavestring,"0")

(was wondering if you can use add() to add to a string maybe..


I was wondering what colors were useable for the background and when I went to go look I was sad because darkgreen wasn't useable :| I was wondering if more colors that aren't used for text colors could be background colors! IDK it's not really important but I would love a darkgreen background option.

[EDIT: forgot that the mouse has dark blue when pal swapped img. : o]


Wip Dogo game

Cart #pobopduwu-0 | 2020-06-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This cart is just a demo to show a game I didn't finish.


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