Shovel Knight Main Theme
Music by @Fettuccini
Art by @SmellyFishstiks
I actually made this a while ago, but just never got around to posting it here on the BBS. Thanks to @SmellyFishstiks for taking the time to make the art for it!
Any recommendations for other Shovel Knight songs to demake? Let me know, and I just might do it :)
Shovel Knight Main Theme
Here's my pico-8 transcription of the main theme from Shovel Knight :)
My pixel art skills aren't the most refined, so if anyone out there would like to take a stab at making a 128x128 title screen for this, I'll gladly use that to post this as a cart instead and credit you.

Thank you PICO-8 community!
This is my very first cart upload here to the BBS! I'm mostly making this post as a thank you to the PICO-8 community for being so informative and welcoming to people who want to learn how to make games. Between the wiki and the forums, I've been able to learn more about how to program in PICO-8 this past month than I could've imagined (this is coming from an absolute newbie).
Here's my first functioning framework for the current project I'm working towards - a rhythm game. I wanted to make this prototype with the intention of being able to easily change the BGM speed and arrow speed independently and still have the audio-visual timing be spot on. I'll likely make a newer version that showcases that functionality. For now, here's a short-and-sweet demo. Enjoy!

Hello! I've recently been trying to learn as much as I can about audio manipulation in PICO-8 lately, and recently found out about the \a control code.
You denote it with \a and can optionally follow it up with i and 0-7 to choose which instrument will be used:
print("\ai5ceg") --plays a c major triad using instrument 5 |
What I'm wanting to do is play a custom SFX instrument using this control code, but from what I've tried so far, it doesn't seem to be possible.
The first thing I tried was putting unique patterns in the first 8 SFX slots and testing with i 8-f (8-15) in the control code to see if any of them play, but it just seems to loop back to the standard waveforms 0-7.
The second thing I tried was toggling SFX Instruments: ON in SFX slot 8 and then specifically have the control code play from SFX slot 8
print("\a8i5ceg") -- c major triad in SFX slot 8 [ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=106685#p) |