hey, i found an old project of mine, i think i should probably remake it. (or just fix it up and such, you decide!)
controls: when out of menu: o: jump x: use/place held item (or use currently targeted block) </>: move ^/v: target up/down v: make < and > scroll the hotbar when in chest (the green ones): o: exit (and jump) x: move 1 item </>: change selection v: select from hotbar (hold) take the chest item: collect the chest when in crafting table (the red ones): o: exit (and jump) x: craft 1 item/one of the recipe </>: select ^/v: useless for some reason craft the crafting table item: collect the table [ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=108728#p) |

oh woe is me, my letters are large and my text is readable...
but what if...
introducing the
that's right! you too could have a handy dandy function for drawing
compact text that fits perfectly on the screen, unlike pico-8's 3*5 font,
which is 32 by 12.33333333...
gross! get that recurring fraction out of here! all i need is 32 chars
by 32 chars!
for the low low cost of however many sprites you are willing to sacrifice,
and however many tokens this thing is, you too can have a pleasant print
the fits (screen wise) anywhere!
just take the following stuff (its customisable, so the character set can be
whittled or widened for whatever you're up to.
free of charge, there is another function (made by yours truly) that
allows you away to use spr() on any sprite scale, but if you don't need it
it can be probably squished into there? i don't know.
anyway, i'm done. its the worlds problem now!

Poke values to change the width of various things, such as:
how wide the map is interpreted as
(poking 32 will make each row be split into 4 rows, below each-other)
sprite width+height
(pretend that PICO-8 has built in ?? sprites)
(so you can have 512 addressable sprites at 48,
but the map editor can only have the first 256, due to data reasons)
like fillp(), these would effect the editor.
These would just effect how data is read, not give you more or less (besides leftovers in the sprite memory)
Of course, this would be limited, but you could have one continuous line of map tiles, with no Y axis, or a 8 wide pillar, or anything in between.
Thanks for your time!
with devkit, storing data in multicarts, and all that, would it make sense for the PICO-8 editor to be rebuilt in PICO-8 itself, as an open source program? if this was done then people could make their own tweaks after copying it, adding whatever useful tweaks they want to the built in thing? its like the ultimate in customisablity, and we'd see all of these cool variants of the tools. plus it would make PICO-8 feel more self contained as people wouldn't resort to external editors. (Want an editor feature? make it yourself! wouldn't that be cool?)
could totally work here.
i personally see the editor as a built in thing as opposed to some external development thing.
so, thoughts?

welcome to the museum!
we need people to create:
16x16 artworks (preferably with descriptions),
characters (one default 8x8 sprite, one shadowed sprite),
sign texts (use | for newline),
and self contained (preferably) one function programs that:
-avoid camera and clip
-use a 64*64 area
-use only arrow keys (or no keys)
-use a return with a 1-2 line display text (|=newline) (include your credits)
-and no (or maybe 1-3) sprites

have you ever wanted to do z ordering, but without careful programming practices?
well i have the product for you!
introducing: the queue() and drawq() functions!
queue(--[[any function (spr, rect, pal, anything)]],{--[[array of parameters]]},--[[order index]])
use this to put things in the queue.
no parameters here! it just bubble sorts --[[oh god]] the functions and calls them in that order,
meaning that --[[for example]], spr calls with the y pos passed as an index, will be stacked like real things, and no more characters standing on each others heads!
run this to clear the queue. this is the var which i used for queues. this is not perfect, but improvements are left as an exercise for the reader. --please post them, as i know i could do better.
anyway, the script:
function queue(f,p,o) add(q,{f,p,o}) end function drawq() --improvements by @packrat! repeat local swp=true for l=1,#q-1 do if q [ [size=16][color=#ffaabb] [ Continue Reading.. ] [/color][/size] ](/bbs/?pid=81298#p) |

it's STRAW-EY!
- the straw you can't ignore!
- not appreciating him would be quite the short straw!
- one straw that doesn't suck! -- by @NaeD
- Straw yourself in for this cinematic-experience! -- by @SmellyFishstiks
- I think it’s ex-STRAW-ordinary!! -- by @NaeD
- This is the last straw. --@chungus_is_gay
- if I see any pore straw puns, i'm gonna straw-ngle myself. --@chungus_is_gay
- there are probably other straw puns please help
he doesn't do anything much yet, but he looks cool i guess.
use any code, or the math func lib i made by myself on tab 3.
thanks to the creator of this thick line func:
