dandy dungeon but pico-8
has all features of origional (i think!)
arrow keys to move, hold X and point in a direction to fire an arrow.
press Z to eat food and get back to 100% health
hold X then press Z to use a Bomb (will clear most enemies on screen)
has 1.5 levels but supports up to 16
reset with enter
older versions:
My new game - made in pico 8 edu
Bogg's 9 beans have gone missing!
He needs at least 4 to make his casserol!
Now go find them inside the mountain and bring them back to his house!
arrows to move
x to see inventory
-Code by me (toblerone aka rinkachi-rinkitata) -
-Thanks to @thattomhall for who stole the coal? https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=40913 -
Over the past 4/5 months I haven't done much game development in pico 8, but I've started a new project - the sequel to my adventure game
Adventure game v1.0
(embed didn't work)
It's going to use some of my previous code experience to help me make it. It should be released in 2/3 weeks, and I will make another post if there is delays or bugs I need help with.