feed the ducks

Holy crap, this just BLEW MY MIND! :O
Did NOT expect where it went...and went even further!
I was particularly impressed with the vector artwork, might have to look into that ;o)
Congrats :D

Great duck feeding game, probably among the best of its genre. 12/10, would feed the duck some more.

Absurd but funny, ALSO a bit of surrealism(?)
I just wonder where it goes

This is mind-blowingly good. I spent a solid 5 minutes just feeding that duck before reading the comments and trying to figure out something more. I jsut thought it was a simulation game but omg it is so amazing.

Amazing stuff! I love these kinds of genre breaking experiences where you never know what will be next. Well done!

Just finished the game, that was awesome and hilarious, I about died lol. Great work. edit removed spoilers for others.

awesome corn-throwing physics! surely the best game ever in the duck feeding sub-genre!

Wow! Such a great little game, perfect for Pico-8. I think you have added the perfect control-feel to it and kudos for also having found a way to include your wacky imagination. Looking forward to what you do next!

about the best level design I've seen on this BBS in terms of teaching mechanics! Bravo. A+. Duck Duck.

This was really awesome! Good job. Must have taken so much work, but it definitely paid off! I love pico-8!

I know I said this last night, but just played it through again: Good work!

This game should be uploaded to itch.io or something to give it a wider audience. What an amazing game.

Weird, I swear I commented on this in the past.
Well, it needs to be said.
This is a really fun little romp that keeps handing you new, unexpected things to do, basically turning the world upside-down and poking fun at itself. I like this kind of thing. It's the essence of what won me over in the original Portal.

Wha ? What ? What starts out as a physics experiment in feeding ducks, now it's a MYSTERY to be solved.
Wow ! Apparently 64k was too much memory to work with. :)
. . . 09/11/18
Finally finished this game. Yep, that's trippy alright. Loving the vector art at the end !

Lol, solved it without reading comments. Took me a while to realize you could ride the ducks ;) I love the library that turns into a duck at the end.

Hahahaha what the heck just happened. That was great.
Thanks for thanking me for playing! :D

It was so fun! Thanks for upping this, and thanks to the author.

I played this a few weeks ago but didn't even think to jump on the duck. I'm glad I decided to play it again because I reached the end and it's one of the best pico-8 games I've ever played.
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