Picotron allows us to resize the map layers, which is awesome. However, I have never once wanted to resize each layer individually; if I'm resizing the map, I usually want to make each layer the same size. It's weird too that layers will just be centered if they're a different size than the other layers. It feels like there's no real use case for having differently sized layers.
Also, I often want to simply stretch the map in one direction instead of adding more size on both ends either vertically or horizontally. Like maybe I want the map to be taller but the bottom is good where it's at. I don't always know how much size to add either, so sometimes I'll estimate wrong, slide the whole map to align it correctly, and then need to take a few tiles off again and I'm forced to slide the map once again.
Request 1: A toggle button to lock all the layers' size when resizing them. Resizing one will resize the rest. The toggle is on by default.
Request 2: Clicking and dragging on the edge of a layer will resize it in that direction. For instance, if you click on the top of the map and drag upwards, it will add additional height to the top of the map (without adding to the bottom).
P.S. I wouldn't mind if Picotron was just changed so that the whole map is sized as one instead of individual layers. But some people might not appreciate having a feature taken away, even if it's one not commonly used.
Madeline is climbing Mount Celeste again, but this time she's brought a stepstool to help her reach new heights.
Featuring difficult stool-based tech, new sprites, remixed music, 23 levels, and a secret ending!
Arrow keys - Move
C/Z - Jump
X/V - Dash
Down+X to pick up a stool, and X to throw it.
Hold Down while throwing to place the stool gently instead.
- Original game by Maddy Thorson & Noel Berry
- Music is a remix of "First Steps" by Lena Raine
- Token sprite taken from newleste.p8
- Stool mechanic is inspired by True North by Meep
- Based on Evercore and Smoothleste
This thing has been in development for way too long. A large portion of it was procrastination, as I ran out of level ideas and I'd set the goal to have at least 24 levels. I think it turned out pretty cool though, and I can't wait to see what the speedrunners do to it :)
Disclaimer: While this demake does contain an introduction level for each new element, I would highly recommend you play the original game before this! Because the demake is a lot shorter than the original, the difficulty ramps up faster than it probably should.
Arrows - Move
X/V - Undo
C/Z - Idle
R - Restart level
T - Title screen
There are 4 "worlds" containing 8 levels each, adding up to 32 levels in total.
Save Data
Your progress will be saved automatically. It will keep track of which levels you've unlocked, which one you were currently on, and your time. You can clear your save data from the pause menu.
I made this tool for myself, for reordering levels to fix difficulty curves. But I thought I'd share it in case anyone else finds it useful.
How it works:
- Press X to select a room, and then X again to swap the two rooms
- Press C to preview a room
- Maps are imported/exported manually using
. Cry about it :(
Note: Mapshuffle cannot import/export maps in the web player. You must download the cart and use it in immediate mode.
- Back up your project in case something goes wrong.
- Download mapshuffle.p8 and place the cart in the same folder as your project.
- Open your project, type the following line into the terminal, and hit enter:
--- CONTROLS ---
Arrow keys to walk
C to jump
X to grapple (in goblin mode)
X to float (in ghost mode)
--- STORY ---
You are a greedy goblin looking for some gold in a dungeon. Unfortunately, the Evil Spirit of the Dungeon™ has cursed all of the gold so that whoever steals it becomes a ghost. There is a catch though: if you bring the gold back to the chest at the beginning of the level, you become alive again somehow!
Use your goblin grappling hook and ghostly floating abilities to make your way to the gold and back!
--- MAKING OF ---
This game was made by two people (ooooggll and Ummmm_ok) way back in October, for a game jam in a game design class. The jam lasted roughly 3 weeks I think. As a result, some features in the game might feel incomplete as we had to get it done by the deadline.
Here's a couple of tweetcarts I've made. Nothing too crazy (compared to the other insane tweetcarts I've seen here).
I was messing around with spirals and found some interesting patterns. Every once in a while, the arms of the spiral align and they even count down (6 arms, then 5 arms, then 4...). If you enable line mode, it creates shapes with the corresponding amount of sides (hexagon, pentagon...)
X to toggle line mode
C to stop spinning
Up/Down to speed up and slow down
Right/Left to step forward or back (most useful when it's fully stopped)
Use a Time Crystal to travel between the past (purple timeline) and present (green timeline). Your actions in the past affect the present, but not the other way around.
If you collect a berry in the past, it's vanished in the future.
If you collect a berry in the future, then get it in the past, the one you already got disappears from your total because it was never there for you to grab in the first place.
Length: 17 levels
Total Berries: 4
Made in 6 days for the 12 Days of Christmas Jam
Welcome to the Laboratory!
You are a test subject in an experiment involving the effect of puzzles on the feline brain.
Procedure 1: All boxes need to be relocated to their designated sensors.
Procedure 2: Portals have been placed for your convenience. Use them wisely.
Procedure 3: Portals are not always stationary; they can also exist on boxes.
Arrow Keys - Move
C - Select
X - Undo
Enter - Pause Menu
- Coding, art, levels:
ooooggll - Ideas and moral support:
So there I was, spamming the C key, wall jumping from left to right 100 times a second, when I thought, "wouldn't madeline get tired after all that? I, for one, can't do 2304809 wall jumps in a row." So I added stamina. It goes down if you jump, dash, or wall jump.
This mod simply adds input lag to Celeste. I'd recommend 10 frames of lag, but you can modify it from the title screen to make it harder or easier. I challenge you to beat it on 60+ frames of lag >:)
A few months ago I thought it would be funny to try to remake Celeste completely from memory. That means the physics, the sprites, the levels, the music, etc. I did get stuck a few times and have to reference Celeste briefly but most of it was made by me. Anyways I never finished the project so here it is as an April Fool's thing I guess.
Also, it only goes up to 2400m.
Made in like 40 minutes for some reason. Actually made throughout one day when I was bored in school but I ended up losing the cart (as per my last post) and remaking it as fast as possible.
You can stand on the little dots inside the ground (for beatability purposes).
P.S. I generally don't like naming mods ___este but I had to.
I was making a game on pico-8-edu.com and when I saved it, everything appeared to work normally. But when I tried to open that cart again on the education edition, it said it couldn't fetch the cart. Luckily I had the cart open in another tab so I saved it as a .p8.png this time. The image wouldn't open either. I renamed the .p8 to a .txt and it showed as an empty txt file. It also says both the .p8 and the .p8.png are 0 bytes. I need to restart my chromebook tomorrow so how can I save my cart (obviously without leaving the tab open)? I really don't want to lose the game, I've put a lot of hard work into it.
Some usernames have spaces in them and thus are impossible to @ (Alex K. for example). I thought while creating an account it didn't even let you add spaces anyways so I don't know how they got those usernames. Not sure exactly how it could be fixed but it's annoying trying to reply to somebody who is literally impossible to reply to.
This is probably a huge request, but it would be super useful for me.
Nowadays, most of my Pico-8ing takes place on pico-8-edu.com on a school-issued chromebook. Which means it's bad. It randomly decides to sign me out, reload tabs, and/or clear my downloads folder. So I have to backup all my projects to Github daily or I risk losing my project. My friend @Ummmm_ok lost progress on like 3 games he'd been working on when his tabs reloaded and hadn't backed up in a while (he has the same situation as me).
It would be extremely nice (in my opinion) if the education edition worked a bit more like Scratch, where the projects are linked to an account and saved in the cloud. That way, it wouldn't be as much work to back it up all the time.
Perhaps there would just be a button in the top right corner with your username and profile picture. When you click it, it gives you a list of all carts saved on your account. Then you can click one to load it. It would autosave like every 30 seconds or so, or alternatively you'd have to manually save like it is currently.
I just discovered that you can use W for next sprite and Q for previous sprite in the map editor. I think it would be really neat if instead, you could use WASD to move the sprite selection around. It would be super helpful to avoid moving the mouse back and forth, click to select a tile, place a single one, switch tiles again. As far as I know, ASD don't have any current uses so it would work pretty nicely.
The fifth parameter of clip() controls whether to make the previous clip smaller, or replace it. For instance...
cls() clip(16, 16, 16, 16) -- small box in upper left clip(64, 64, 32, 16) -- wide box in middle-ish rectfill(0, 0, 127, 127, 12) -- fill clipped region with blue |
This only fills the second region, since the first one was replaced with the second. But if I put true as the fifth parameter, like this:
clip(16, 16, 16, 16, true) clip(64, 64, 32, 16, true) rectfill(0, 0, 127, 127, 12) |
This draws nothing, since the second clip didn't intersect with the first, and therefore canceled it out. So my question is, can I add on to the clipped region rather than subtracting from it or replacing it? Like maybe...
clip(16, 16, 16, 16, "add") clip(64, 64, 32, 16, "add") rectfill(0, 0, 127, 127, 12) -- fill both regions with blue |
If there isn't an equivalent of this already, then this is a suggestion. True and false could still be accepted as arguments for backwards compatibility, but additionally, "replace", "intersect", and "add" could be accepted. Possibly 0, 1, and 2 also.
So according to the wiki, if you poke(0x5f2d, 0x4), it turns on pointer lock mode, and then you can use stat(38) and stat(39) to read X and Y mouse movement. This isn't working for me, though. Both stat()s just return 0 no matter what. I'm not sure if you have to poke(0x5f2d, 0x1) first too, but either way it's not changing anything.
Here's a little demo cart to demonstrate:
I haven't seen anybody else use it, so is it even possible? The only thing saying it's possible is the wiki.