Hello, You might have seen my new celeste mod demo, resorte. I have completed all of the features I would like to have, and the only thing left is level design. The problem is my levels are pretty bad. I currently have 4 levels, but they seem bland and the difficulty is wildly different between these four. Does anyone have any tips for designing levels?
Greetings thy humble peasants! I, thy mighty deity, have blessed thee with a demo of my recreation of Celestial Resort from the steam release of Celeste. It has some stuff i guess. It also has a secret pro tip that therapists DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW! Keep in mind that this was made by a middle schooler in like a month with little to no pico-8 code experience prior to this. And I suck at pixel art. Cheers.
Thanks to @StrongSand94191 for the new ending!!?!?!/1!
i reverted it to the old version bc strongsands new ending was bugged. womp womp.
I made another celeste mod :/
I can't stop I need serious professional help
This mod is pretty much real time celester by @AdamMcKibben but instead of customizing the corruption at the beginning, it starts at the default corruption time (120) and every time you collect a strawberry, it changes the corrupt amount by 10 (default in the original is 25)
If you collect no strawberries, it is the exact same as the vanilla game
Thanks to @AdamMcKibben and @noel for real time celester and celeste
a new version of celelste taking into account of @StrongSand94191's list of issues with it!
Includes edited levels for maximum fun and minimum rage!
Take a look at the new and improved 400m!
you're welcome strongsand!
Have you wanted to combine the pain of elliotteste by @StrongSand94191 and the struggle to not get softlocked in real time celester by @AdamMcKibben ?
No? Well that's awkward.
Anyway have fun crying!
also, there's a little secret mechanic. you will know when you find it. it will only be used in levels where it's painfully obvious. there are no levels where it is used, but you can beat the level otherwise.
read the old site text
old version here: