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Cart #lab_cat-6 | 2024-02-13 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Welcome to the Laboratory!

You are a test subject in an experiment involving the effect of puzzles on the feline brain.

Procedure 1: All boxes need to be relocated to their designated sensors.

Procedure 2: Portals have been placed for your convenience. Use them wisely.

Procedure 3: Portals are not always stationary; they can also exist on boxes.


Arrow Keys - Move
C - Select
X - Undo
Enter - Pause Menu


  • Coding, art, levels:
  • Ideas and moral support:
  • Playtesting
    Aidan Southam
    And more!
  • Sprite help
  • Inspiration
  • Music
  • Label Image Art
  • Guest levels

About Lab Cat

This is probably the longest amount of time I've ever put into making a game (almost 10 months, although I didn't work on it much over the summer), and even before that, I was developing the idea. I'm very passionate about this game, but I think it's finally finished. Also, Lab Cat wouldn't be the same without my amazing friends who made music, art, and pointed out each and every bug they found.

Tokens: 8187/8192
Characters: 49790/65535
Sprites: 254/255
Map: 100%
Sounds: 48/64
Music: 44/64

I hope you enjoy it!

Play it on itch.io instead: https://ooooggll.itch.io/lab-cat
Full walkthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO0UBZiF-RA&t=6s



  • Added persistent save data and a button to clear save data
  • Now level progress, achievements, and settings will be remembered even if the cartridge is stopped


  • Fixed "it's shtuck" achievement not awarding correctly


  • Added a setting to change the move delay to behave more similar to btnp for a better (?) mobile experience
  • Added descriptions to all settings


  • Fixed a bug where barriers' powered state was not restored correctly when undoing
  • Changed the laser box in Level 22 to a wall-mounted laser to prevent an unintended solution


  • Fixed a bug allowing the player to phase through walls when undoing to the starting point
  • Fixed a bug where the menu music continued to play when entering level 1 from the level select menu
P#136390 2023-10-25 21:29 ( Edited 2024-02-13 21:48)


This is great, well done! I'm stuck on level 9, but my feline brain will work it out eventually.

P#136396 2023-10-25 22:19

Great game, trial 15 is very clever.

P#136399 2023-10-25 22:48

First of all great game, and a nice base mechanic of boxes and portals.
SECOND OF ALL, achievements are cool
this is my best time so far:

9/10 game, can not for the life of me get under 10 minutes, let alone 9.

also, if you hold down undo for long enough, and keep it held down, you can go through walls :3
EDIT: image of it: (I'm at the bottom)

P#136402 2023-10-25 23:11 ( Edited 2023-10-25 23:14)

@Dando_ Glad you like it :) My friend noticed that bug directly after release and I'm trying to get it fixed right now.

Edit: Fixed in v1.1!

P#136403 2023-10-25 23:22 ( Edited 2023-10-25 23:34)

It's a very challenging game!
Intelligent level design.

P#136462 2023-10-27 02:09

Some reeeeally nice puzzles in here! Excellent balance!

P#136495 2023-10-27 14:13

Awesome Sokoban implementation!
Is those "return to starting point" mechanic used in puzzles later or added just for fun and atmosphere?

P#136526 2023-10-28 09:58

@maleficmax For the most part, it's pretty easy to return to the starting point, but there are a couple puzzles that make it a bit trickier.

P#136531 2023-10-28 11:56 ( Edited 2023-10-28 19:39)

Fun little game, love the cat theming.

P#136915 2023-11-04 17:32

Fun game. Would recommend. Love the level design and mechanics.

Some of the levels are quite challenging and the theme, etc. is great. It's actually the first pico-8 game i've really got hooked on. I'm finding myself playing it on my Anbernic RG353V the whole time when I have a few minutes here and there to spare.

Things I appreciate too are:

  • The ability to skip on levels to get back to where I was if I quit.
  • The speed run achievement too. It really adds some replayability to the game.

Just finished all levels. Had to skip 26 and go back to it when finished. Overall game was fun. Easy to pick up when you have a few min here and there. Can see influence of Portal here 😁.


P#137343 2023-11-12 23:49 ( Edited 2023-11-12 23:54)

Wow!! I saw a cute cat in the "new" section of splore, and I could not imagine I would find a game soooo good! My kudos, it's genius. Stray meets Portal meets Baba is you meets Superliminal in a retro environment. It should definitely appear on the "Featured" section.

P#137345 2023-11-13 01:15

I love this one.

P#137362 2023-11-13 11:20

I love this game so much, but i can't save my progress after restart or shutdown the console (on RGB30) does save feature is implemented?

P#138274 2023-12-05 15:16

@azurebit8 Currently, there is no way to save progress in the game. I'll look into that for a future update. For now, though, you can use the "skip level" feature to return to the level you were on.

P#138279 2023-12-05 16:25

@ooooggll, @azurebit8
32 level completion flags, 6 achievements flags, 6 settings flags, and maybe one or two integers to save the speedrun time.
that's 45 or 46 values. Fits nicely in the 64 values of cartdata, dset and dget. No extra trickery needed.
Oh, and instead of a 0/1 completion flag, you could use the number of moves. This way each level would have his built in high(low) score for extra replay-ability.

P#138299 2023-12-05 20:49

the last lvl is literally impossible, I can't pass it LOL 😂

P#140183 2024-01-16 04:33

@laurorual I made a walkthrough for the whole game. I was meaning to release it earlier, but forgot about it. Here it is now: https://youtu.be/QO0UBZiF-RA?si=jsSdVykMd_LNgMyS

P#140184 2024-01-16 04:40

Sokoban! Lovely version!

P#140233 2024-01-16 22:49

Amazing game! fun puzzles, art, and the features, there are not many pico 8 games that have the ability to undo the actions, skip levels, speedrun mode, etc. i got only 4/6 achievements (i couldn't make "speedrun" and "it's stuck") Final review: 10/10

P#140276 2024-01-17 17:48

A very good game, I loved the puzzles, the game is very well designed, congratulations to you

P#140286 2024-01-18 01:50

AMAZING 10/10 had such a fun time i love this sm

P#140287 2024-01-18 02:33

6/6 acheivements! Definitely a great game, had a lot of fun playing it.

@Edwinn For "It's Shtuck" you have to collide with a cube and a toggleable wall at the same time:

"It's Shtuck" Achievement GIF

Also, in case anybody is having trouble with "Potty Break", one of the walls is fake. You can see it more easily if you point the laser cube at it (look for the particle effects):

"Potty Break" Achievement GIF

"Really Big Mistakes", "Bonk", and "My Dearest Friends" are all self-explanatory enough that I don't feel like I need to belabor them here, but that still leaves "Speedrunner", easily the hardest achievement in the game... though not quite as hard as it first seems. Sure, the average completion time per level is just 16.875 seconds, but most levels can be completed in about 10 seconds, and you'll save enough time on those levels that you'll have plenty of time for the more complicated levels. (The trickiest level is the last one, and even that one can be completed in under a minute with a couple of mistakes.) Furthermore, time spent in dialogue does not count toward your total time, letting you mentally solve the puzzle in advance. (Time from an undone move or spent before restarting a level, however, does count, so be careful!)

Of course, it's still hard to beat the game in under 9 minutes, but if you're still having trouble, I prepared some GIFs of the final ten levels (the ones with the alternate music track) done quickly:

Levels 23 & 24

Levels 25 & 26

Levels 27 & 28

Levels 29 & 30

Levels 31 & 32

Good luck!

P#140318 2024-01-19 02:14

So much fun! I loved the pixel art, mechanics, and little bits of story sprinkled in. That last level was hard, but felt so good to figure out. Thanks for the great game!

P#140327 2024-01-19 04:30

Absolutely wonderful game! I enjoyed the mental challenge, especially the last level which was difficult but very satisfying to complete. <3

P#140341 2024-01-19 12:36

Great game, I got really stuck on the last level.

P#140437 2024-01-22 13:43

I played Sokoban in the 90s and now my 6-year old loves this game. Great choice to use a cat as an avatar, makes it approachable for kids. Thanks you! <3

P#141397 2024-02-11 13:31

Awesome game, it took me two hours to beat it haha the last level was very challenging

P#141412 2024-02-11 22:56

Love this game! Last level was very tough!

P#141647 2024-02-19 09:44

Very nice! The rotation mechanic introduces a lot of complexity, really dig it

P#141857 2024-02-24 08:40

This game makes me not hate sokoban-style games.
Well done!

P#142627 2024-03-08 19:22

First game played on the site and really enjoyed it.
Nice job!

P#148807 2024-05-22 13:40

This game is awesome! The way all the elements are introduced is fascinating. I also like the detail of how the dialog is said, as if it was an actual lab. Would definitely recommend playing this; My rating is 9/9 lives!

Also is that Mad World by Gary Jules?

P#150737 2024-07-02 10:23 ( Edited 2024-07-02 10:33)

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