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Cart #punchnstuff-0 | 2024-02-24 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my first full project in pico-8!

This is a little beat 'em up that showcases a weapon-pickup mechanic. You have a punch for an unarmed attack, but when you equip a weapon the stats of your attack change. Find your weapon of choice and use it to beat all 3 levels AND all 3 boss battles! The last level will loop back to the first level so the game can continue infinitely; this allows players to bring their favorite weapon to any and every level for a variety of experiences.

Weapon List


A well balanced attack


Player will consume the potion rather than equip, healing the player in the process


Provides an attack that is difficult to time due to its long fuse, but will pay off with its high damage if you manage to land it


Provides an attack with extra reach above and below the player. In some cases, it can even hit 2 enemies at once


Deals a small amount of damage but from a safe distance. Be careful! The player can hurt themselves by running into their own fireball


High damage for a melee attack, but can only attack at a very narrow point that isn't easy to hit

Boss List


In the desert level, the final boss is a big angry cactus. It can control vines which shoot out the ground and damage the player. The attack has a long start up which leaves the boss vulnerable to attacks.


In the forest level, the final boss is a flying dragon. The dragon flies low to the ground so watch for its shadow to help identify the distance from the player. The dragon attack in a massive cone of flames that spread wider and wider as it travels from the dragon. However, the dragon likes to attack from corners making its movements predictable. Doge the flames to find an opening and land an attack!

Street Robot

In the city level, there is a robot that travels the streets for the final boss. The boss itself does not have an attack, but due to its metal exterior it can safely pass through the hot steam created by the smokestacks. The player must dodge the steam to avoid damage, while constantly looking for openings to approach the robot. The robot and the steam move in unpredictable ways with no pattern, so you better pay attention!

P#141851 2024-02-24 07:48