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Very much an early work in progress. Wanted to make a super small arcade game, something you might see with vector graphics and a roller ball for controls.

I haven't made games in awhile, been trying to work on larger projects, and that has been pretty daunting. But then I went to Can Can Wonderland, a very cool arcade in St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. I played a bunch of super retro arcade games there, stuff like Atari Football and Anti-Aircraft. I was inspired to try to make a game like that, something with very simple controls and concepts.

up/down/left/right - Move cursor
Z - switch cursor direction between left and right
X - turn closest plane in the direction of the cursor

This is very much a proof of concept. If I go further with this, I imagine that each color plane would have to be directed to a certain edge of the circle, and later levels would have storm areas you have to avoid, and UFOs that are worth bonus points.

Cart #aircontrollerdemo-0 | 2024-03-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

P#145193 2024-03-31 00:53
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Cart #darkscience001music001-1 | 2024-04-09 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A battle theme for my game

Boy, oh boy. Making video games takes a bunch of work.

I’ve decided to release my game as a serial, like a comic book.
I will need to make a couple of enemies, puzzles, sfx, throw it all in a level and move on to the next entry.

Hopefully I can bundle everything in a multi cart, or picotron cart.

removed reverb

P#145159 2024-03-30 19:42 ( Edited 2024-04-09 03:18)
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Cart #screensave1-2 | 2024-03-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

P#145152 2024-03-30 18:11 ( Edited 2024-03-30 18:15)
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Cart #rbndr-1 | 2024-06-26 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

because there can never be enough Celeste mods, just changed the colour palette a bit and put in a self insert main character

edit: fixed Maddy's name

P#145146 2024-03-30 17:53 ( Edited 2024-06-26 17:51)
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Cart #circle_collision_example-0 | 2024-03-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is a simple example on how circle collision works.

All you need from this cartridge is the function:

function circ_col(c1, c2)
  local dx = c1.pos.x - c2.pos.x
  local dy = c1.pos.y - c2.pos.y
  local distance = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
  return distance <= (c1.r + c2.r)

If you want to check if two circles are colliding, you simply pass them as parameters c1 and c2 see an example bellow:

c1 = {
    r = 4 --size the radius would have to be for a 8x8 sprite

c2 = {
    r = 8 --size the radius would have to be for a 8x8 sprite

collides = false

function _update()
   collides = circ_col(c1, c2)

function _draw()

   if collides then 

   --draw the circles here - mind you in most projects you woudn't, usually you would have them invisible and have them
   --at the same position (or slightly offsetted) as your player
   --i would recommend drawing them anyway at the start to see that the are always where they are supposed to be

function circ_col(c1, c2)
  local dx = c1.pos.x - c2.pos.x
  local dy = c1.pos.y - c2.pos.y
  local distance = sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)
  return distance <= (c1.r + c2.r)
P#145104 2024-03-30 10:25
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Cart #rocketdrop-0 | 2024-03-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

You drop rocket on person.

P#145085 2024-03-30 06:31
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Poochie Survivors!

Can you survive to 11:00 minutes in the new 'Help me Balance' update?

  • 4 new Poochies
  • 2 new weapons
  • 2 new items
  • Old weapons have been buffed (maybe too much?)
  • Fetch Stick now targets enemies
  • New results screen
  • Stuff to do at home
  • Make the clock faster
  • Faster performance
  • Bangin' music
  • 1 secret character
  • Take a snooze
  • Bark for fun!

Cart #poochie_survivors-5 | 2024-04-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I'd love some feedback on how easy or difficult you think it is. Balancing the attack powers and enemies has been quite the challenge. <3

Old Updates

- Wash's Game Jelly Submission -

I just finished my very first game jam where I did the coding. This is also my very first complete game!
It took me two weeks to finish.

The balancing didn't get finished so it's a little on the hard side but I'd like to follos with game dev experiment with a bug fix experiment as well.

How it's going.

How it started.

P#145075 2024-03-30 04:21 ( Edited 2024-04-18 16:34)
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Cart #laserbeams-4 | 2024-06-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Lots of enemies!
Lots of bullets!!
Lots of beams!!!

P#145070 2024-03-30 02:58 ( Edited 2024-06-05 21:28)
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Cart #spikes_n_apples-0 | 2024-03-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

A small little game made for fun. Originally a collaboration project with a beginner coder friend who quickly lost interest. Feel free to add critique although please understand this wasn't intended to be particularly good.

Press O (z) to jump
Press X (x) to eat

A timer is ticking down. Quickly choose whether you will jump over the incoming obstacles or attempt to eat them. Eating a spike will give you a "GAME OVER", but eating a fruit will increase your speed and grant you additional time to extend your streak. Go for the highest score you can before time runs out! (my record is 8100 if you want to try and beat it)

P#145052 2024-03-30 00:02
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Cart #zomutodoka-0 | 2024-03-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

P#145023 2024-03-29 19:35
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Cart #bahuzusefu-0 | 2024-03-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

I tried making somewhat of platformer engine.
As you can see, it is very buggy. If someone could help with the weird wall collision thing then that would be great.

P#145019 2024-03-29 19:16
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Cart #bigman1-0 | 2024-03-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

This is my first PICO-8 game, I hope you like it!

P#144998 2024-03-29 16:14
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When I click Code below any cart on the BBS, the block is just empty and contains no code. Not sure if this is related to the recent styling change. I can't say for sure when this started, but I just noticed it today for the first time.

In case it's browser specific, I'm on Firefox 124.0.1 on Linux.

P#144995 2024-03-29 16:01 ( Edited 2024-03-29 16:02)
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Obviously I can only speak for myself, but I have to say I don't like the site's font having been changed to be universally monospaced. I really hope this was just a CSS accident. 😕

@zep - Was this intentional?

P#144981 2024-03-29 14:25 ( Edited 2024-03-29 14:25)
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Cart #fipemopora-0 | 2024-03-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Rocket Dodge is a game i made to get better at making games. You dodge rockets.

P#144970 2024-03-29 11:32
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Cart #defender_1k-0 | 2024-03-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

1k Defender

1k Defender is a little shmup made with 957 compressed bytes inside PICO-8!

This project was born from a failed submission to 1k jam 2022 and continuing it for the 2023 edition. Since I didn't felt it was eligible for the jam, I never uploaded it to it. A while ago I remembered it, so I spiced it up with a label and some sfx, but only those so it is a tad more enjoyable to play. We got a gameplay loop as well!

You can also check it out the raw one on GistHub:



Shoot the invading forces down to protect your planet. You need to restock on bullets from time to time in the depot (the up icon on the bottom left)


⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️ to move, ❎ to shoot


If you like this work, feel free to browse around my page and maybe check out my Ko-fi blog https://ko-fi.com/achiegamedev, where you can support me with a price of a coffee, to be able to fuel my coding habits and gain more retro games!


Big thanks to Csöndi, Nerdy Teachers and Anonymus for supporting my work over at Ko-fi

P#144960 2024-03-29 09:41
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Cart #awa-0 | 2024-03-29 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

P#144937 2024-03-29 04:07 ( Edited 2024-03-29 04:08)
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Cart #petrarca-6 | 2024-06-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Thanks to Yewbi for assets from https://unbent.itch.io/yewbi-playing-card-set-1

v5 (2024-06-05)

  • add deck pay2win (starts in shop with everything, $42 money)
  • add abandoned deck
  • add glass deck
  • add cards to shop
  • add neptune planet
  • add glass cards
  • add five of kind
  • add captions to cards on hover

v4 (2024-06-05)

  • add jokers (info screen second screen)
  • silver deck with one joker
  • game over after 32000 score (i will try big numbers next time)
  • add switch order of cards by suit/rank in menu (- or enter)
  • add shake and some tips when action is unavailable
  • no duplicate planets in shop
  • money in shop

v3 (2024-06-03)

  • add deck choosing (red, blue, checkered)
  • fix straight with ace and 2 3 4 5
  • show count of cards in info screen by press 🅾️
  • thanks @TonyTheTGR for suggestions
P#144889 2024-03-28 19:47 ( Edited 2024-06-05 23:16)
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Cart #matein2volume1-0 | 2024-03-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

33 mate-in-2 puzzles. White to move. Will release more volumes.

P#144867 2024-03-28 16:50 ( Edited 2024-03-28 17:17)
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Cart #nereus-2 | 2024-03-30 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


A procedurally generated vertical pixel platformer set in the depths of the ocean. Play as a deep sea diver ascending through treacherous environments, collecting as much gold as possible while you climb.

How to Play


Collect and use special powerups.


The game will keep your highest score even if you close the browser.

Post your best results in the comments below!


Nereus was written and designed by Ross McCormick.

The music was composed by Ross McCormick.

The game is written entirely in Pico-8.



  • Initial release


  • Fixed a bug where if you died shortly after collecting gold it would count towards the next game's score.
  • Added the option to skip the start game cutscene.
  • Harder levels are added to the level pool after surviving for 1 minute, rather than 2 minutes, increasing level variety sooner.
  • Player can now push the scroll rate when they encroach the top of the play area.
  • Scrolling speed now increases at twice the previous rate, maxing out once the player has survived 8 minutes.
P#144583 2024-03-28 13:14 ( Edited 2024-03-30 21:58)
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