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Hi! I make colorful stuff and video games for a living!
I love Pico-8!!

Find more of my stuff on these cool other platforms:
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Serial expatriate.


Josh Millard, cortex at Metafilter, creative internet person, the NES was my life as a kid and as an adult I can never quite get out of the aesthetic orbit of those formative years. Am really excited about playing with PICO-8; the specific sensibility of constraint in it is just about perfect for how my brain copes with developmental scope.


Old enough to have known the golden age of Amstrad and Amiga ;)
Still own a few Tilt and Joystick magazine (yeah, I am french).
Professional software architect, hobbyist gamedev.

Game & experiments repo: https://github.com/freds72

Twitter account: https://twitter.com/FSouchu


Hi, I make games.


indie game dev makin' nonsense


I make short games because I want you to go play outside!


A guy passionate about computers and making games.


get your chocolate following me