Vitreous is an arcade shoot-em-up made in PICO-8.
This game was created during a weekend game jam held by Warwick Game Design Society and LevelUp UK. The theme was "arcade", and games made for this jam will be showcased in an arcade to raise money for Special Effect.
The game jam's fundraising page can be found here.
Use the arrow keys and the Z or X keys to control the game.
Travel through all the zones to defeat the three bosses. Each loop through the game will get faster, so good luck. Collect 7 powerup objects to increase your weapon level. If you get hit, your weapon level will decrease by one. If you haven't got an upgrade to your weapon level, you will lose a life and need to restart the current zone. You will get an extra life for every 20,000 points you collect.

Dungeon Solitaire
A deck-building, dungeon-making, rogue-like card game made for the 2019 GMTK jam!
The theme of this jam was "Only one". This game demonstrates that theme by putting players in situations where they are only able to pick one card from a deck that the are continuously building.
How to Play
Building Your Deck
At the title screen, you can push the Z key to start the game. You will then be shown the deck building screen.

At this screen, you will be asked to pick seven cards to make your starting deck of cards. For each set of three cards, use the left and right arrow keys to pick the card, then the Z key to confirm.

Demon Castle is a Castlevania-style game for PICO-8
An evil sorcerer is trying to summon an ancient demon into the world. You are the only one who can travel to the sorcerer’s castle and prevent him from completing the summoning. Best of luck.
At the title screen, use the arrow keys to select your difficulty, then press the Z or X key to start the game.
Use the arrow keys to move, and press up or down to start climbing stairs.
Use the Z key to jump and the X key to attack with your whip.
If you prefer, you can use the C and X keys instead of Z and X.
Heart Crystal

This is my submission for the 2018 Game Maker's Toolkit Jam.
The game's submission page is hosted on
Allocation is a Metroidvania game without a connected world map. Instead, you must create pathways between key points using the rooms that you collect as you explore.
Rooms are divided by difficulty, so you decide how challenging the game will be by creating your own paths to move around the world. The more you explore and add rooms to your collection, the more choice you have when designing your routes.
Creating a Path

Press the up arrow in front of the monitor to access the map system.

Terry the Turtle carries his house on his back, but what makes a house a home? Can Terry help all the lost animals?
This game is entirely controlled using the left, right and down arrow keys.
This game is a submission to Global Game Jam 2019.
Here is the game's jam page:
The Global Game Jam logo was created by @MBoffin on Twitter.

Quest for the Book of Truth
A Zelda-inspired adventure for PICO-8!
How to play
Once the game is started, your character can be moved around the screen using the arrow keys.
The Z key will use the item shown in the top-right of the screen. You will start with a sword, but you will need to find other items in order to complete the game.
Pressing the X key will open a menu which shows the name of your current item. Once you have obtained other items, you can switch which one is being used by pressing the up and down arrows. Press the Z or X key to close the menu and continue playing.