I made a small demo of a function I have been working on. It is called rspr and can draw sprites with any rotation.
It has the following signature:
rspr(sx,sy,sw,sh,a,dx,dy,dw,dh) -- sx,sy,sw,sh - pos,dimensions in spritesheet -- a - angle -- dx,dy,dw,dh - pos,dimensions on screen |
It takes the angle in the same format as sin and cos and draws the sprite rotated around dx,dy.
You can scale the drawn sprite with dw,dh and it can draw sprites of any size.
However, large values for dw and dh cause some serious performance losses, so you should avoid scaling up sprites to unreasonable sizes.
Due to this slowdown, I would really like to have this function implemented natively in pico-8. What do you think, @zep?

When loading a file via #include, pico-8 crashes when running the program from the command line, like "run".
The code loaded is tested and used correctly and does not cause the crash. Also, running via Ctrl+R works and behaves as expected.
#include multi.lua m=multi(0,17) m:draw(10,10) -- this works when run with ctrl+r -- it crashes when running with "run" |
local multi = {} multi.__index = multi setmetatable(multi,{ __call=function(cls,...) return cls.new(...) end } ) local function getxy(index) local y = flr(index / 16) local x = index - y * 16 return x,y end function multi.new(tl,br) local self = setmetatable({}, multi) local tx,ty = getxy(tl) local bx,by = getxy(br) local w = bx - tx + 1 local h = by - ty + 1 self.tx = tx self.ty = ty self.bx = bx self.by = by self.w = w self.h = h return self end local function getindex(x,y) return x + y * 16 end function multi:draw(x,y) for u=0,self.w - 1 do for v=0,self.h - 1 do local index = getindex(self.tx + u, self.ty + v) spr(index, x + u * 8, y + v * 8) end end end |
It also would be great, if the folder for includes was the same folder as the cartridges (AppData).