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Cart #22602 | 2016-06-10 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Japanese calligraphy drawing tool



  • Added mouse input mode (using undocumented mouse feature)


arrows: move brush
z: put brush to paper
x: new paper
left-shift: toggle input mode (mouse/keyboard)

[mouse mode]
mouse: move brush
click: put brush to paper

Older Carts

Cart #11019 | 2015-05-31 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

P#11020 2015-05-31 04:13 ( Edited 2018-09-03 03:26)


I was sceotical about the fact you can draw kanji with 4 directions controls but the nice inertia you added to the brush really make it possible.

P#11021 2015-05-31 05:00 ( Edited 2015-05-31 09:00)

Thanks! It goes well beyond my expectations. I wrote hiragana:

P#11023 2015-05-31 08:38 ( Edited 2015-05-31 12:38)

P#11024 2015-05-31 09:05 ( Edited 2015-05-31 13:07)

Made some splatoon fanart by changing X to switch ink colors :D

P#11029 2015-05-31 19:59 ( Edited 2015-05-31 23:59)

I made an expressive face. It doesn't look like much but it was very fun to do!

P#11478 2015-07-07 11:08 ( Edited 2015-07-07 15:08)
P#11854 2015-07-26 16:50 ( Edited 2015-07-26 20:50)

The art people made with it is probably the best part, I too was impressed at what Shodo can do with 4 arrow keys. 5/5 would make calligraphy with again.

P#11896 2015-07-27 10:19 ( Edited 2015-07-27 14:19)

beautiful!! love the simplicity and elegance of this.

could add some inkpots to the side for changing colours? (autohide when not near or during stroke)

P#12199 2015-08-03 00:25 ( Edited 2015-08-03 04:25)

This is so much fun! Mine... Got a little weird....

Took me a bit of doing to get a W that was vaguely legible but it was worth it as learning the brush physics made the pyramid and eye a lot easier.

P#12476 2015-08-08 13:36 ( Edited 2015-08-08 17:37)
P#12490 2015-08-09 01:19 ( Edited 2015-08-09 05:19)

This is impressive. Being able to reproduce such an organic style of painting in this limited electronic system is really something.

P#15065 2015-10-06 18:49 ( Edited 2015-10-06 22:49)

Impressive, the controls are perfect !

P#15904 2015-10-27 08:34 ( Edited 2015-10-27 12:34)

I discovered this through the pico-zine and after you mentioned the Macintosh MacCalligraphy application I attempted to search for it online but cannot find any information other than one expired ebay posting. I was hoping you could talk about its features as I am very intrigued. This is a very lovely little program.

P#17850 2015-12-16 15:05 ( Edited 2015-12-16 20:05)

Actually, I only have read about the software in a magazine and have no experience using it. So I don't know about its features in detail. Shodo might be rather different from the original Mac Shodo(MacCalligraphy).
By the way, I found a Japanese blog post including a photo of Mac Shodo's box made of paulownia and a screenshot.


P#19037 2016-03-01 10:55 ( Edited 2016-03-01 15:55)

This is incredible! I feel like I can do anything in this!

P#19278 2016-03-17 21:10 ( Edited 2016-03-18 01:10)

This game could use some mouse support!

P#22481 2016-06-07 23:49 ( Edited 2016-06-08 03:49)

This game does not need mouse support. What makes Shodo nice to use is it's inertia, something you can't get with a mouse.

P#22492 2016-06-08 02:25 ( Edited 2016-06-08 06:25)

I'm working on it. Shodo will have both mouse and keyboard input.

P#22511 2016-06-08 09:54 ( Edited 2016-06-08 13:54)

@oinariman, that すし is fantastic!

P#22547 2016-06-09 07:17 ( Edited 2016-06-09 11:17)

@cheapshot Thanks! The key point is to move the pen when it is going to up from paper.

P#22597 2016-06-10 06:55 ( Edited 2016-06-10 10:55)

I tested the mouse support on PocketCHIP. It didn't work well. It seems to cannot detect mouse release (touch up).

P#22650 2016-06-10 23:35 ( Edited 2016-06-11 03:35)

left_shift is working to switch from mouse to pad in the browser, but i don't seem to find out to make it work in the pico-8 standalone, any hint?

P#39752 2017-04-18 02:03 ( Edited 2017-04-18 06:03)

Rediscovered this and it is so charming, thank you for making it. I would love to see more exploration of digital painting like this where the feel and organic imperfection of strokes is leaned into.

P#56051 2018-09-02 12:25 ( Edited 2018-09-02 16:29)

Hmm, nice relaxing cart ... I'm wondering if this is possible to do with a mouse.

P#56052 2018-09-02 12:48 ( Edited 2018-09-02 16:48)

@dw817 if you press left shift it enables mouse mode.

P#56076 2018-09-02 18:06 ( Edited 2018-09-02 22:06)

Thanks, FlowingLily.

It was the LEFT SHIFT I didn't know about. No undo mode ?

P#56092 2018-09-02 23:26 ( Edited 2018-09-03 03:26)

I made these glyphs.

P#65868 2019-07-15 19:02

It has a very nice style but for diagonals I just don't have enough control. Here I am attempting to write be, this took multiple attempts.

Still, it's really fun to play with and the beauty of it is amazing! Really nice work!

P#108016 2022-03-04 06:42 ( Edited 2022-03-04 06:42)


P#112096 2022-05-21 06:56


P#112395 2022-05-27 18:28
P#112424 2022-05-28 23:37

Peace and Love:

P#125886 2023-02-15 11:49 ( Edited 2023-02-15 11:54)

i had to

P#131833 2023-07-11 07:00


P#150706 2024-07-01 23:37

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