Here's a fun little project. By "fun" I mean "nightmarish" and by "little" I mean "countless hours of headaches".
Let's network a Pico-8 cart.
This operation involves careful controlled management of the game state and manipulating the player controls with a wrapper. If we're using an HTML5 build, we can already manipulate the player inputs with JavaScript trivially enough -- there's an API explicitly for that one purpose. It also doesn't sound too hard to pause the game whenever controls haven't been received, although keeping a frame-perfect lockstep sync might be a hassle in itself.
But the BEST networking would involve allowing the local game to run a few frames ahead of the networked player and carefully revert and re-run those frames whenever changes in input are received, so that the game still runs full speed and remains synchronized with just a little bit of reality-bending when there's latency. This requires a deep, deep control over the entire game state, and the ability to run the game (without rendering) much faster than it's intended to go.
Maybe I'll try it sometime. The license explicitly states I'm allowed to alter and use HTML5 cartridges for any purpose. If I can't hack around that, maybe I can make my own Pico-8 emulator that runs off of the .p8 text format files... although that seemingly falls into the legal grey area of the license a bit, since it would technically require fabricating a 16 color palette and sound waveforms similar enough that they could be considered a derivative work or some such, ... unless I read the same data out of a JavaScript file generated by the HTML5 exporter...? Gah.
That's enough rambling for now. This post is just a reminder for fun things to try whenever I'm bored next.

A partial port of Kid Radd from the classic Seveightgo Entertainment Unit (səu)
The original ROM is hard to come across on the web nowadays. They started mysteriously self-destructing sometime around 2003, and the ones that are still intact seem to have a lot of data missing... Forgive me if this replica isn't exactly how you remember it, I don't have a good reference for most of this.
- Reset Radd's "on ground" property between levels so if you're jumping at fadeout you don't immediately get stuck "landing" when the next level loads.
Alpha 19
- Reset Radd's invulnerability frames between lives. (bug fix)
- Reset momentum after taking damage. (bug fix)
- Made health persistent across levels and saving.
- Made next powerup spawn persistent across saving.
- Re-enabled Radd's wider variety of intermission screen facial expressions and added a new one.
- Radd will have a happy face at the next stage's title card if you cleared the stage without taking damage.
- Radd will have a serious/angry face when respawning for his last life.
- New: Radd will have a surprised/scared face when clearing a stage on your last life with only 1 hit point left.
- Removed the "Sharp Painful Object Land" stage title, it turns out that was just a punchline made up for the webcomic.
- Added label rendering to gs_title (A proper "label screen" hadn't been done since alpha 11.)
- Clear enemies while exiting the stage in level clear state (bug fix)
Alpha 18
- Added proper damage and death states for the player and enemies.
- Added death sprites for enemies
- Compacted SFX into quarter sfx units, and added a few new ones.
- New sfx player function, to manage sound channels and priorities effectively for minimal impact on the music.
- Added unique behaviors for Bogus (underground Bogey)
- Added "powerups" to heal Radd.
- Renamed most of the stages.
Alpha 17
- Added entity-to-entity collision possibilities. (Bogey can now bump into eachother.)
- Simplified tile collision handling for most entities.
- Added the ability to charge and shoot Radd Beams (but they can't interact with enemies yet)
- Split the source code into those newfangled tab-pages.
- Added CPU counter to sprite viewer.
- Lowered music volume further to not compete with sfx.
Alpha 16
- Minor text processing optimizations
- Added scenery for Yellow Brick Road (flowers, clouds)
- New intermission font.
- New Yellow Brick Road end screen.
- More (empty) level slots explorable.
- Implemented compression for the main player sprite bank (which was full) to also hold the intermission font. (This makes the Sprite Test screen really interesting, depending on whether you view it before or after going to a level...)
- Implemented death pit functionality (Object to object collision is still missing.)
Alpha 15
- Added a brief "landing" pause between jumps
- Fixed up map and collision systems to accommodate maps larger than 1024 pixels wide with wraparound.
- Added simplified stage clear sequence.
- Removed menu sfx to make room for stage clear jingle. :( Removing sfx for music is a tradeoff I've been making way too much with this project...
- Re-added background scenery objects to Radical Boardwalk.
- Added a new kind of platform collision for underground.
- Added underground enemies.
Alpha 14
- Finally got the map tiles up again, and now they actually have proper collision!
- Added another string parser for entity animation data.
- Added Radd, Bogey, and jumping physics.
- The engine rewrite finally paid off.
Alpha 13
- Fleshed out a lot more sprite mappings, including Radd's shoot animations, projectiles, alt. enemy colors, ...
- Moved fade colormap data out of the source code into sprite #255
- Clear title screen graphics out of shared sprite memory and put active map tile data there in-game.
Alpha 12
I'm in the middle of an engine rewrite to simplify things and compact the data and stuff.
- Added more sprites and sound effects.
- Added the actual "boss" music. (Listen to it on the sound test menu!)
- Removed Bogey landing sound effect. There's not enough space for it at the moment!
- Moved Sound Test to a new debug stuff menu if you press "right" at the title screen.
- Added a Sprite Test to go with the Sound Test.
- Game is no longer in an even slightly playable state, again. u_u; But it will come out better than before, surely!
Alpha 11
- Added a sound test, including the currently unused tracks that are completed in the game.
- Broke/disabled the limited entity --> tile collision code, I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do this across nonlinear map segments and whatnot...
- Fixed the exceedingly minor death animation bug.
Alpha 10
- Changed pain and death states to kill momentum instead of pausing
- Added damage immunity flashing after pain
- Death animation waits until floor impact (for future where there will be floorless rooms with an alternate death animation)
- New map segment system implemented, getting the level geometry back again and highly optimized in memory.
- New entity --> tile collision code partially implemented (but not even close to fully functional yet). Try watching the first enemy in the game for a while.
- Bug: This build broke the last part of Radd's death animation (woops)
Alpha 9
- Added per sub-sprite flipping and palette remapping, for advanced effects and optimizations.
- Added pain / death / game over for the player.
- Still no level geometry or win condition. I'm getting there...
Alpha 8
- Expanded jumping mechanics to allow better freedom of movement and a tiny delay before jumping.
- Lowered walking speed to make the air movement speed difference feel less conspicuous.
- Added sfx for jumping, landing, and title screen menu
- Lowered music volumes so the music doesn't totally drown out sfx...
- Added a bunch more player sprites in preparation for a fully functional game. (unused)
Alpha 7
- Fixed music bugs relating to title screen (dissonant notes, way too fast song speed)
- Packed in a lot more sprites (unused)
- Rewrote entity animation system to handle multiple connected sprites per frame of animation. (no visual difference to the user, but it made sprite sheet optimizations possible.)
- Temporarily removed complex map geometry.
- Added "underground" song (unused)
- Synchronized enemies
- Added jumping ability.
Alpha 6
- Added title screen, title music, and screen fades.
- Changed background rendering to a dynamic looping scene, in preparation for map crushing.
Alpha 5
- Added non-interactive enemies.
- Changed sky color to light grey.
Alpha 4
- Redid music (I'm getting the hang of this system now...)

This level isn't about fighting. It's about love, romance, and conquest. It's about impressing the other robot. It's about life in 2D, in 3D.
It's about dying repeatedly in a bottomless pit until you figure out how to escape.
There are two ways to win, and hitting the floor of the pits are an instant game over. (Feel free to use the menu's restart room option if you reach such a screen, though.) Yeah, I know this adventure is short and simple (it doesn't even need powerups, I just threw one health pack in there to be nice), and my artistic skills are still rather lacking, but I hope it shows you some new and unexpected tricks and decent gameplay all the same.
I would totally force an orthogonal perspective on most of the rooms in this if I could.

A simple VOB containing an alphabet and some punctuations. Not entirely a monospace font, but fairly compact.