Team Pico is of course a team that is made of some friends and myself. Although it is made of several people, I made this game by myself though with some models from Bloxels, but the pizza I made. Sorry that we're called Team Pico, even though we first uploaded a Vox level. We think Voxatron is being overtaken by Pico-8, so we're going to try to upload both, but mostly Vox. Also, some chocolate castle. We have no schedule, but will try to upload on a weekly basis. Bye!
So basically before people critize my blog/bbs name (If there bad, which I assume that they are...,) Ill explain this blog quick as I can and get to this weeks "subject." I don't upload good levels honestly, and Im working on one good level right now, but that is besides the point. I love the game, even if Im not that good a it, and want to the person DigitalMonkey. He is the guy who got me into game in the first place. I MAYBE WILL expand this blog to Pico-8 and Chocolate Castle. Any other games people want in this discussion, just put in the comments. I know not many people will care about this voxatron blog, but I hope people at least consider what I say and think of with these blogs. Now to the point:
I only made this to discuss Lexaloffle games (and maybe other games too,) and I may publish a level along with the posts.
I will read any comments, and Ill eventually run out of ideas, so please put ideas you have in the comments.
Its not assured I will always upload on Wednesdays (Only day I can upload for now) but I may start uploading on Saturdays in the morning or at about 3:00 (This will not feature levels mostly)
So, this blog is about Pico-8. I hope I get feedback on this
Justifo 0.1 WIP will be built by MAJ build team, Justifo Build Team & Dev Team, + More people. All the information for questions will be down below, unless you ask in the comments.
Whats Justifo?
Justifo is a Multiplayer Warfare game. It consists of two teams, and it rotates between maps that you vote on. Teams are split evenly and you can not choose your team unless you have a premium rank. Premium ranks consist of different perks earned. Based on your PC, you can play with a certain amount of people. A leaderboard will be added in the full version, keeping track of kills and deaths. Kills can buy you premium, plus more separate perks within and without premium.
What maps will there be?
We're currently working on two different maps, plus weapons and veichles earned with kills. Our current maps our: Medieval, Graveyard, Galaxy. Underwater, Inside Computer, Desert, and Ants Life. Medieval, Graveyard, & Galaxy our currently our main focuses for V0.1
What weapons/veichles will there be?
GREG BRING CONTROLLERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OK!