Huh.. now what could this be..?
Göf - @egordorichev
Sprint'a'Gift - @Eiyeron
Dr Santa - timswast
Jigsaw Puzzle Pack pro (Xmas Edition) - kittenm4ster
Gift Blox - szczm_
Tetrismas - markgamed7794
Coal - TheTomster
E<3rth - @Eiyeron
Elf Mountain Rescue - @Brintown
X(mas)treeeeeme Grid Challenge - @enargy
ATAXXMAS - @JWinslow23
A Nice Cream - @Eiyeron
Present Pop - markgamed7794
Frosty Quest - @dollarone
Xmas RPG - @BoneVolt
Yetis.P8 - @enargy
Who Stole the Coal? - @thattomhall
Winterwood - @Jusiv_
Santa 1080 - @zep

I think Dr. Santa is the only PICO-8 game I've seen use only one of the resolution halvers.

i'm gonna be honest this by far the laziest advent calendar i've ever seen,i'm sorry for saying that but it's the truth

It was great fun playing through all of these. I recorded three videos as projects were being released so I've made a playlist with them all collected together. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuFVjk9zeCKKlxCzZxt3VjrEH_Rsg5hCG

i can,t move hand over anythign sicne mosur goes off the game

@jojoretrogame yes, this is bad.
i also can't move the mouse to the game selection.
i can only if i download the cart and run it in Pico-8 in fullscreen.
the game names are in the description.
but they should be linked to the games, so that people can play the games in the web browser.

i linked the carts in this comment (i could not link unlisted carts):
> please reply if i linked to a wrong cart
Dr Santa - timswast
Jigsaw Puzzle Pack pro (Xmas Edition) - kittenm4ster
Gift Blox - szczm_
Tetrismas - markgamed7794
Coal - TheTomster
E<3rth - @Eiyeron
Elf Mountain Rescue - @Brintown
X(mas)treeeeeme Grid Challenge - @enargy
A Nice Cream - @Eiyeron
Present Pop - markgamed7794
Xmas RPG - @BoneVolt
Yetis.P8 - @enargy
Who Stole the Coal? - @thattomhall
Winterwood - @Jusiv_

@Sosasees @jojoretrogame
Hey there! Are you using the mouse or the cursor keys? It's working for me on mobile atm.
But it sounds like trying to use a mouse isn't working well.

Is there going to be an Advent Calendar this year, @enargy ? I can't promise to have ready a holiday game in tribute like I did before - yet I can still be a spectator to the wonderful event.

@dw817, yes, there is. If you want to join, go to the Discord server and look for the announcement in the Game Jams channel. https://discordapp.com/invite/EwQ86eq

Nono ... I can't join this time, @bikibird. I'm too busy working on my own stuff. Thanks for the invite this time though ...
Maybe I'll be there for 2023 Valentine's Day.
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