One short demo piece from an upcoming pico8 text adventure with fighting fantasy style combat, that allows both pad and keyboard input.
(L,R,U,D): Change cmd/item
Z: select.
X: return.
Enter: Menu
To change to keyboard input select "keys on" in menu.
Use (R,U,D) arrow keys to submit commands! Not Enter as normal.
Backspace and Left arrow keys to delete!
Keyboard input is restricted to one or two word, (CMD)-(ITEM) style input. Using the following cmds and shortcuts in ( ) :
use -item-
get -item-
examine -item-
talk -NPC-
give -NPC-
(n)orth, go north
Tomy Tron 0.1
De-make/Conversion of Tomy's Tron game.
This version still needs a little work, but its playable.
3 levels:
Light cycles level, make enemy crash into trail.
Discus level, get your discus past Sark.
Tower level, destroy the core.
Hope you have fun with it, i'll be updating it to 1.0 next week. Cheers.
1-2 player beat em up based on the Nes version of Bad Dudes with a bit of Mighty Final Fight mixed in. Made in 2 weeks for the metagamejam.
Added hit sprites.
Added 1 music track (More to come)
Fiddled with sfx a bit
Improved Ron-Bots dmg and shot animation.
Fixed another 2 player bug when 1st player dies.
Fixed tag-in bug after dying.
Fixed continue bug where level auto clears after continuing
Fixed stuck continue msg.
Fixed Negative health bar on enemies.
Fixed 2 player bug when 1st player dies.
Fixed 2 player Ron-Bot AI bug.
Added a short invunerablitly to enemies after falling.
Added stop/go staggering to stop people running through the level.(Beta)