by z80jim

My third complete cart and most ambitious.
Wouldn't be possible without Pico-8.
Attempt at 2600 Pitfall. Tried to get graphics and timing as close to original as possible. All 255 screens are here with he exact same layout of ladders, pits, alligators, treasures, and so on.
Hope you like.

This one is an oldie that some may remember. Wasn't the greatest of arcade games but for a time as a youth it was the arcade game I had the most access too.
Tried to make this pretty faithful to the original although I think it is too easy. Per the original there are two alien deployment patterns that alternate on levels. The large yellow UFO's also deploy as in the original. And the point value for the UFO's changes depending on the shot number you are on. Hint: 16th shot for max value.