Hi all!
I am trying to implement a very small and simple clone of space invaders.
I am thinking how to implement a nice shoot bullet function but I am struggling with picturing a way to shoot bullets in a nice stream that is always steady so that its pace can be increased picking up right power-ups.
I tried, for example, to count maximum number of bullets on screen and shoot only if < than 5 but when the player shoots, clearly, all the bullets are shot almost at the same time.
Then I thought about storing the bullet starting point and comparing it to the next bullet but since my ship goes also forward and back this way is also wrong...
Can you please suggest me some idea to remove this nasty wall? :)
Thanks for your kind help!
In case it can be helpful here's the code so far:

Hi all!
I am working on a small pong clone:
I am unable to solve the paddle movement jerkiness.
It is working perfectly if I move 1px per time but, if I increase paddle speed, it becomes really...
Any suggestions?
Thanks for your time and patience :)

Hi all!
I would like to build walls for a shoot'em'up and I know I can obtain the result with map.
What I do not understand is how to make the drawing dynamic.
For example I have the sprite 0 that contains my wall and I would like PICO-8 to draw walls on the side programmatically.
What would be the best approach to do so?
Thanks for your time and patience.

Hi all!
I have this collision function:
function are_colliding(entity_a,entity_b) -- are entities hitting each others boundary and not the same type? return entity_b.x < entity_a.x + entity_a.w and entity_a.x < entity_b.x + entity_b.w and entity_b.y < entity_a.y + entity_a.h and entity_a.y < entity_b.y + entity_b.h end |
It works almost fine but it is not pixel perfect.
I would like to use it in my games and make it as flexible as possible...
For example an issue I am facing is that in my pong game I can have a round ball or squared ball, depending on theme "classic" or "modern".
This moves the "x" and "y" coordinates of the object I take into account and ruins the collision (here's the game in case it helps problem comprehension - collision is still done there "manually"):
Do you have a suggestion on how to make it as general as possible?
Thanks for your time and patience :)

Hi all!
I've completed a very basic implementation of Pong.
I would like to make it nicer adding a classic mode that looks and plays as close to the original as possible.
To do so I'd need, for starters, to increase my paddles speed but when I do so the paddles end out of the screen.
I cannot understand why, this is the code causing the issue, it is very simple:
-- check if pad goes out of the upper part of the screen if button_up and pad.y > game.upper_bound then pad.y-=1 elseif button_up and pad.y <= game.upper_bound then pad.y=game.upper_bound end -- check if paddle goes out of the bottom parte of the screen if button_down and pad.y + pad.h < game.lower_bound then pad.y+=1 elseif button_down and pad.y + pad.h > game.lower_bound then pad.y=game.lower_bound end |
If instead of using 1 I use 2 or more the paddles get out of bounds (or start shaking).
In case you want to check the complete code you can find it here:

Hi all!
I have almost tears in my eyes thinking that I've almost completed a very basic and lame implementation of Pong.
I'd need to draw a very simple intro screen (with game name and settings).
I would like to make a big image (128x128) that will cover the whole screen.
What is the suggested method for this?
Thanks :)

Hi everyone,
I am writing, for pure fun, a small shoot'em'up.
I would like to do things the "right way".
What tutorials / readings do you suggest to implement main topics:
ship movement / projectile & enemy movement?
I've already implemented a very basic version of movement simply adding to x or y if the player is pressing a button but then I thought...
I need also acceleration in order to enable power ups...
Same problem will be with enemy waves (acceleration, rotation, specular patterns).
How should I proceed?
Is there any book to read or tutorial or article about those topics?
Really thanks :)

Hi everyone!
I would like to be able to use my games from Android browser.
I know that this is possible because I saw a few games doing it.
I am using latest PICO-8 version but, if I export to html, this is not working:
Thanks for your time and help :)

Hi all!
I am putting some time in improving my code and make my tiny game smooth and decently playable.
The result I obtained is really far from this (bugs everywhere, the game is slow and boring, it accelerates and slows down without any apparent reason).
Clearly there is a lot to do and a long path to walk but I'd love if you guys can share any suggestion like changes I need to implement, maths / physics / trigonometry I need to study.
I am sorry if this question is very broad but I'd be incredibly happy to get even the tiniest hint.
This is my current code:
A version of the game can be found online:
Thanks for your time and patience :)

Hello there,
I am playing the music from a function called intro.
This function is run in the update loop.
When the game state is intro then intro is showed and this is the moment I'd like to hear some music.
Problem is that the intro function is called every time the update loop restarts and therefore the music restarts everytime producing a choppy noise.
How can I solve this issue?
My code is available here:
Thanks for your time and help :)

Hi all!
I am building a small pong clone for fun and I have an issue when I press the button to enable pause.
Basically the pause is enabling / disabling itself really fast.
This happens if I use btn() and also if I use btnp()...
The source code is available here:
Can you please help?
Thanks and happy hacking :)