Pico Arcade is a game launcher that launches 36 arcade-style games from great cartmakers!

Use left and right arrows to go through the carts.
Press X to launch the cart!
You can get back to the Arcade from the Pause Menu.
Have fun!
MUSIC: Gruber

P.S. If you have other favorite high-quality, arcade-style Pico-8 games, let me know! I can publish another showcase in the future.

Great idea, @thattomhall
I love how you made special icons for each game - really ties it all in nicely.
I can see this being a popular idea! 😁

really great idea!
thanks for including shpm2k :)
those great classic remakes came to my mind:
Invader Overload
Mystic Realm Dizzy
Sewers of d'Oh! <- shameless plug there, sorry ;)

Mistigri is probably my favorite arcade cart on the site.
I'd be flattered if Heat Death made the cut, although I do concede it feels more like a console port of an arcade game.
Maybe Combo Pool!

Launcher updated with those, plus Frogger, for 30 ARCADE GAMES! WOOOO!

One that would be awesome will be if the border was there during gameplay

Actually Minsoft makes really fun arcade feeling games, should check them out

One thing that would be awesome will be if the border was there during gameplay and that it would reproduce your inputs

That would be cool, but since the carts weren’t made for this launcher, impossible. I made all the parts so your inputs while selecting would work but the “test anim” felt more active so I just used it. :)

Thanks for suggesting one of mine Dogerizer, and thanks thattomhall for including Cosmo Boing Deluxe.
I did a remake(ish) of the arcade game Tunnel Hunt as well:
Also, not by me but this is a nice Missile Command style game:

No thank you for making amazing games, Minsoft. What's next?

Actually @thattomhall would it be possible to make another one after where you actually travel around an arcade, but would instead feature Pico-8 classics that would not necessarily be arcade style

Thanks for the compliment! I did start a new game a while back...another one based on an arcade classic. I haven't worked on it for a while so need to get back to it!

Updated with SIX MORE ARCADE GAMES! Thanks for the suggestions folks!

Really didn't expect Tetyis to make the cut, awesome! Really fantastic collection, too!

Thanks much! Hopefully it helps people find these games easier!

This is awesome :)
Feel free to use my Asteroids clone if you think it fits.

@CandyColt_Games Thanks! I used the LOAD command, with “Back to Arcade” parameter after cart name.

hey, have you thought ove putting this on www.itch.io?
it would be very popular there too!

Thanks for the comment. I don’t think carts can LOAD from another site — only works on the BBS. Otherwise I would for sure!

If you ever do any update @thattomhall, I think my game Talos Descent would be a good fit. Very arcade-like, pick up and play, high score chasing, action!
Wave Race Legend as well, maybe?

Thanks @mhughson, definitely want to update it someday in the future when I get a patch of free time!

Celeste classic 2 is out! it would be great to have both games in this collecton:https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=41282

Quite possibly every laser and raster game that @hijongpark has made, @thattomhall. His arcade DEFENDER is the BEST !
Very nice list ! Gold star ... I think someone is going to do something interesting with this ability to call and access other carts - in the future.

Yeah, @dw817, true... maybe I'll update this launcher during TOY BOX JAM 3.... though I will be on vacation....

If you're still taking more suggestions, please add more games by @benjamin_soule, especially Pigments.
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