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Hi everyone,

I have enhanced the Pico-8 cheat sheet based on the PDF version.
I included more info which I find useful.
This version fits best on a 1080p screen (or closer aspect ratio),
while the pdf version fits best on an A4/letter size paper.

revision: PICO-8 0.1.11g (rev:M)
fixed: shl, shr, for loops, character limit
added: p/enter, folder, mkdir, peek4, poke4, lshr, ceil, shrink code category, coroutine category, indent selection, cartdata category
enhanced: colors for visual clarity, screen coordinate, rearrange layout
removed: dark theme

revision v0.9.7: (PICO-8 version 1.11d)
fix: fullscreen shortcut: alt enter/F11

revision v0.9.6: (PICO-8 version 1.11d)
added: import, export, !=, tostr(), tonum()
modified: sfx(), fullscreen shortcut
enhanced: dark theme, music keyboard layout

revision v0.9.5: (PICO-8 version 1.10c)
Commandline: shutdown, reboot
Sprites: sget, sset
Loops: repeat, while
RAM memory layout and manipulation
Sprite flag: fget, fset
Screen: color
String manipulation: length, sub, cast, concatenation
PICO 8 manual link: https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php?page=manual
Rearranged more important stuff to the side, less important at the center
Made cheat sheet bottom taskbar proof when set as wallpaper
Rearranged Math by category for easier lookup
Changed colors on graphics for better clarity

revision v0.9.4:
added elseif

revision v0.9.3:
pal() to change palette color
palt() to change transparent color

revision v0.9.2:
add url to https://neko250.github.io/pico8-api/

revision v0.9.1:
fixed a typo on table literals

This is how I normally use this cheatsheet:

  1. set as wallpaper
  2. PICO-8 in window mode


Good stuff - thanks for creating this! :D

Very Useful, especially the math stuff!

A big thanks, and it's nice ! :)

Glad that you guys love this. ❤

Someday, someone will make the manual interactive.

Hi LightBWK, if you happen to make another version of this, it would be super helpful to have the memory map in there as well. I seem to always have the manual scrolled to that page.

Awesome doc!


It has been so long, I used to have "cheat sheets" I think may have come with some old compilers (software in boxes was so long ago!). Or maybe from some books? (books in stores at malls was so long ago!)

I've been trying to force feed pico-8.txt to my kids "look at the text, spend some time reading the text" but this is what they really need! I'm going to run it off on A4 and laminate it at Kinkos! hehehe great work and thanks very kindly!

cool. ty!

The cheatsheet is updated again. Yay!

Cool suggestion, which part of that that you think would be nice to add? ram layout or memory manipulation, can only add few more since space is limited

edit: I fit both in for v 0.9.5 :D

Don't print it yet, I'm still adding more stuff today and tomorrow. But making it a desktop wallpaper is highly recommended.


Darker theme option, the brightness of the original was a little distracting for me.
Feel free to rehost, modify, etc.

Ooh, good idea @imprimis
Was thinking the same thing every time I wake my laptop and got blinded!

Perhaps LightBWK could incorporate this/similar dark theme with the next update? :D
(along with refreshing the music "keyboard" to the latest version on API site)

@Liquidream @imprimis
Thanks for the suggestions.

New version is up. Enjoy. :D

@LightBWK: Perfect! Thank you :D

Thanks for this @LightBWK ! It's a thing of beauty.

It should be great to upgrade it for Pico-8 1.11 :)

Yes please, upgrade this for the latest Pico-8!

@JustBurner and @Glutnix
It is updated to 1.11d.
If I missed something, feel free to suggest.

Note: version number isn't PICO-8 version number


I did a thing






Afraid to ask but... where is the download link to that pdf? I'm probably staring right at it.

im also looking for some older reference materials, a sprite and map planner i believe

@LightBWK Thanks!


cheat sheet is 4k res now.
0.1.11G rev:M
added: shrink code part, card data, coroutines and many others

Thanks! I took your version and retyped/redrew it in Photoshop for my Thinkpad X230's native resolution of 1366x768.

Pico-8 Cheat Sheet (1366x768)

Let me know if any of you would like the PSD document.

Edit: Oh and I made it with a space for a right side taskbar in Windows 10.

That must be a lot of work!

Good but SHRINK CODE does not mention,

"Compressed: nnnn/15360."

That's important if you want to save a cart as an image to share it.
. . .

Coroutines are shown but not defined (and there is room to). Same with Special Callbacks.

Yeah it took me the better part of a week. But it’s been really useful! Thanks so much.

Thank you soooo much!

Is there a plain paper white background version? I would like to print it out on some printer paper so I can put it in a folder I can carry around.
Sorry for necro-ing ^^;


It's the perfect time to necro. Since the API has just been expanded with the release of version 0.1.12, the cheat sheet should be updated as well!

this is very useful!

... or use IRFANVIEW to view the cheat-sheet full-screen then ALT-TAB to your P8 frame and create something awesome will ya. That's how I do it.

Good stuff

Can you add the 8 instruments in the bottom right corner?

@Slybo Thanks for the dark version with space for Pico-8 window!! It is a great way to work offline.

I have edited it to move 32 black pixels from the bottom to the top, so that my menu bar doesn’t hide «sprite flags» and «controls».

I've just stumbled upon Pico-8 today, what a great introduction to the bbs this post is.


When/if you great people make a new version of your cheatsheets for the next release or 1.0, I would love to have a new section for the character set! (like a table with the custom glyphs, the keyboard shortcut and the bytes/character code).

(edit) I have edited my file to paste this simple list of characters-glyphs:

(would need different colors, size and heading to be properly integrated!)

Also note this post that also shows the fill patterns corresponding to each glyph: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=73223

(edit) Full character set: https://twitter.com/doc1oo/status/1251889750555811840


here's a version I made a while ago with the button layout tweaked to try to match the mobile overlay and KEYCONFIG:

it's not perfect but I just needed something to show at a little career fair booth I did where I showed some kids what PICO-8 was, and the button layout was bugging me so I changed it :)

can you do a dark mode. it looks ugly when i try to make a darker one


can update version to 0.2.0i,it will be very usefull


Hello everyone, I've wanted to have pico-8 with me wherever that may be, but I didn't want to install anything on which ever PC I happened to be on. So I've gone ahead and set up a VPS running Linux which I can access via a browser using VNC. All I've installed on that server is pico-8 and Chrome.

Yeah it's not really ideal for playing games but its fine while you're tinkering with a game engine. I've made it so I can export games as html and then play them directly via the browser as well, when and if I want to actually play the games properly.

Anyway I wanted a wallpaper that matched the XFCE theme I was using, so slightly edited the version imprimis made a while back.

and just for those interested, this is how it looks as part of my desktop setup

@Slybo that's sooo cool!! definitely going to be a life-saver!!!

@ChrisM - great GitHub cheatsheet page. I also like your website ;) and our names are very similar... thanks for the low contrast version. I personally like using the I3 window manager, you should check it out if your into terminal based stuff but in a GUI. And if you want to go hardcore terminal, check out byobu / screen, a tiling terminal window manager.

Thanks a lot!! It's very useful and easy to understand!

This is great and helped me discover a few commands and hotkeys. Don't forget about oval() and ovalfill(). They are great shapes, too!

Very helpful! Thanks! :) - Oh, would any of those command make it possible to make a "savegame"? - e.g. ESC, save savegame.p8 ? - or wouldn't that contain the player's progress?


Hi @dfilskov. To save your game data take a look at the following commands: CARTDATA() DSET() DGET() and

You can find information on these commands directly HERE:



Thanks! Much appreciated!

I have too little experience to
Implement that into Celeste

... but perhaps I can find out which
"address" or part of the "cart" to DGET
and somehow save that data by manually
typing the commands when I want to save
a game state.


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