Note: This cartridge's settings do not allow embedded playback. A [Play at lexaloffle] link will be included instead.
My first pico-8 game and as well Tiny-TV Jam submission. :D
This is the very known Tetris that everyone remembers back in the days when they had a Game Boy.
It differs a bit from the classic due to certain limitations of the compo such as 10x11 resolution... and time... and reasons.
Highscore is actually implemented but the numbers can be a bit hard to read. (solved in v1.3)
Lastly, the music and gameboy movement can be toggled in pause menu.
changes in v1.3
fixed music a-theme...again (thanks gradualgames)
since compo is long over added a few rules-breaking features:
::: enabled on/off gimmick by default (was off because of rules)
::: added overlay text for score, etc.
You can disable those features by setting them to "false" inside the code near the top.